⏺Are you avoiding opportunity without knowing it?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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We all need to take time to live our own lives, but this does not mean you need to go through life alone. What inspired me to talk about this right now?

Well, for the past two hours I have had a very productive chat over Steemit chat with a Whale. This user has well over 100k+ SP. At first we started discussing this new theory I had in my head. The topic was soon turned-over to me asking him for his story..

If you haven't, you need to ask people who are more successful than you what it is they did to achieve their success. Many times more than less, it is very inspiring!
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One of my mentors taught me this. He said a quote by Jim Rohn.. "In the beginning, what you lack in skill, you can make-up in numbers.". I love this quote dearly! It just holds so much true value, as you can use it to create success for anything in life. I will actually make a separate post dedicated to this quote.

For now, you might be wondering what this has to do with finding out people's stories.. Well, it links into the title of this post. If you don't talk to anyone new, do you think you are going to find-out what they did to achieve what they did? Probably not.

It's all about a constant learning process. If you can get into a habit of just talking to as many new people as possible, you can then filter the conversations down, through the Law of Averages, and find the perfect match. There are so many big-fish out there, willing to help those who are ambitious. You just need to prove to them why you deserve their attention!

I was inspired to write this because I had a personal experience related to this exact concept just now. I never knew where the conversation would lead to, but I ended learning a ton of valuable things. Find people who have what it is you want, and engage! Build relationships, and make connections. Networking is powerful.


More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others! I reward decent resteems!

I reward good resteems and comments!

I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve.

I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned! Talk soon guys.

Today is my 34th day on Steemit. Let's go!

My previous motivational post:
Knowledge vs. intelligence.. Why I hated school!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 My first 30 days on Steemit! Over 3000+ posts!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (725+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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That quote hit home for me. I just started a new job and lucky for me I am not a part of the sales force. However, my first two months I had to train with them to understand the sales process and my role in preserving those sales.

Jim Rohn.. "In the beginning, what you lack in skill, you can make-up in numbers.".

It truly is a numbers game until you pick up the skill then it is a matter of skill. :D See what I did there, a little bit of hard work and skill is all one needs. Once that opportunity arrives, you won't call it luck, you will call it it's about time! I love to pick successful peoples brain. I hope to find a whale that will take the time to chat with me too someone day. I hope your idea becomes a reality.

Oh Very well said. Haha, I see what you did there ;)

Love it. It's literally all a numbers-game. Yes! It should always be just a 'it's about time' situation. That's the best hey!

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comment. Talk soon.

You are very welcome, great writing makes it easy to comment, so keep it up!

You really paid attention. I apprecaite that! Thanks for your awesome opinion. Here's a comment-boost :)

Stay in touch. Talk again soon!

WOw, thank you so much no one has done that for me before.

Only my pleasure :) Hope to see you with your great attitude again!

Talk again soon.

ill be watching for ya.. Until we met again!

You have an important lesson in your blog. The lesson of continuous learning. the lesson of faith in yourself and lesson of hard work. I am highly inspired by this article. I wish you get all the sucess by following these lessons actively in your life. @enazwahsdarb

I agree, continuous learning is definitely something that will be able to make drastic changes to a person's life.

It really makes me happy when I am able to read responses like this. Thank you for your kind words. If my content is able to inspire those around me, then goal achieved!

Thanks for stopping by, and leaving your comment. Talk again soon.

Well I am not stopping by my friend @enazwahsdard. I am here to stay. I'd like to read other posts by you and get something of value from each of them. I am actually just like you. Always trying to inspire people about life philosophies and some psychologies. I always get this positive feeling when people appreciate my content and my wisdom. I am not here on Steemit for upvotes. I am here to providing value just like you. I want to make people better so that they can teach others. :)
I am sure I would learn a lot of things from you. Thanks for the appreciation brother. You got yourself a follower and lifetime supporter :)

That's such a great trait! You are going to succeed here. You're right haha, you sound exactly the way I feel! It's nice to know it wasn't just a stop-by!

I gave you a follow! I'm trying to post 2 of these per day. Talk again soon, brother!

Thanks for paying attention brother. Here's a small comment-boost :) Talk soon.

Law of Averages - Love it. Keep On Steem'n on mah man!

Jim Rohn is indeed a Beauty - He shares many great words about sowing seeds!

Amen to that brother! I like these comments far better :) Keep these coming :D

Keep on sowing to keep on reaping :D Love Jim!

This post says a lot and I agree on everything the importance of connections and to medt people who has experience and how they got were they are today.
I think we need to be reminded of that.
what you lack in skill, you can make-up in numbers. This was a great quote :0)
So short but means the world says all.
Thank u for sharing ur personal experience.
Ur awsome ♡ talk soon
Upvoted resteemed

Hey Sara :) I see you also appreciate my favorite quote?

Yeah I agree with you. I think with personal development in general, we need to be reminded about things on a regular basis. Thanks for your kindness. You are awesome!!

Talk soon my friend. #DeathNote #InsideJoke ;)

Yes that quote was a moving one and just said it all :0) yes ur right and lucky to have friends who can remind us...lol Ur truly remarcleble
Ur welcome as always. Im always here u know
Whenever u need me too ♡
Talk soon.....Yeah #DeathNote #insidejoke just love that...

Thanks my friend! Thought you might like those two hashtags at the end there :P

Guess who just saw 1 episode on Death Note?
Now I understand the desth note is a book.
Really interesting anime and a little dark.
Light just might have his head a little to much over the water, wanting to be a God....lol
Ryok is a cool caractor and it will be cool seing the rest. Best message Light wants to make a change in the world enough is enough.
Things cant just go on as it is. Soo true
I wish we could find a Love Note that makes the world heals by love.
Mabye super woman can enter the anime world...hahaha
Talk soon

OMG.. Is this what you type just from the first episode?? :D

'Oh don't worry, Zane, there are only 36 more episodes' :D :D

LOL, just kidding, it's so cool that you started watching it!

OMG I gues I did......lol was it to heavy for u dear? Should I write my name in the deathnote
Zane? Lol thx only 36 to go.
Then prepare ut self for 36 coments about every episode...hahahaha
#enoying #sara # lol

Yeah 'Zane' haha, I was quoting something you could say lol!

Ur welcome♡ Yes I really did...lol
It has kind of being a thing....hahaha
#DeathNote #insidejoke #ManKing
Talk soon

Check my new post and just say what u think....when u have time my friend
No rush :0)

Sure thing! Going right now to see it.

so true, thanks for sharing this :) behind every successful person is a story i believe, which will give u inspiration to not give up even if u are being defeated, because no one is successful from the start . i just made ur sentence a new quote that i love, *We all need to take time to live our own lives, but this does not mean you need to go through life alone. *

Wow, I never looked at it that way to be a quote.. But that really turned-out nicely! Thanks :) Also, yes. You are just so right about that.

Thanks for engaging :) I gave you a follow! Where is your profile picture by the way? Trust we will talk again soon.

ure welcome :) thanks for the follow, and i hope we do talk soon.
i forgot to put it up , ops will upload it thanks for reminding me :) .

Much better now that you have your profile picture up. Awesome.

I must honestly say for somebody as young as you, you are wise beyond your years - I think I have just found my new inspirational writer on Steemit - keep up the good work - resteeming. PS send some whales in my direction hahahaaha, just kidding. I love your posts. Resteeming

These kind of compliments make all of my words worth the effort! I really appreciate that. That is my ultimate goal. To be able to have people see me for the person I truly am. Our physical capsules honestly mean nothing. Purely ego-driven.

It's what's in our mental capacity that is worth the most. Thank you for that. You are awesome. By the way, where's your profile picture? :)

Talk again soon! I will be posting my next post in about 5 hours. Get ready!

I can see a profile picture on my side - you know me breaking Steemit will not even be funny since I really do not have an idea what is going on here - I am having fun and can post and read and for me that is enough

Hahaha I think it's just a glitch in the system.. Don't stress :)

I don't think you can break Steemit lol! But that was rather hilarious :D

O you would be suprised at what I can do with technology (without knowing it) hahahaha

Yeah it's fixed now :) Sweet, talk soon!

New follower here Thanks to @saffisara She suggested to check you out and follow and I'm glad the I took her advice. You write posts with a lot of value and motivation. This inspires me to do what it takes to make my dream a reality. I plan to start a guiding and interpretative services business but need a way to market my ideas and reach an accepting audience. Steemit seems to be a great venue to do just that although it's difficult to have the reach needed as minnow.

Ah Sara is so sweet! Thanks @saffisara :) You're such a Lady-Boss!

Thanks for checking it out man! I appreciate that you enjoyed it. Steemit has the potential to definitely do that for you! Maybe the reach is slightly lower right now, but remember it's just the beginning :) We will have so many new members soon, if you can make a name for yourself, you can get incredible, genuine reach!

Go for it. Thanks for this. Talk soon!

It's true what they say, also if we are dedicated to always know new entity will have new things to learn, are each one a different head! "and skills is true when my church make decorating (I'm not very good in that area) I'm collaborating cleaning or cooking!"! lol thanks for your post!

Hey @milagros! It's been a while hey.

Thanks for coming and checking things out once again! Good to see you here :) How have you been?

If you haven't yet, go see my previous post, you might enjoy it! Talk soon my friend.

As always. it is a pleasure to read you.

Thank you brother! Nice to see you here again! How you doing?

Nice post buddy! Keep motivating the people for the right cause! Upvoted

Thank you for that! I appreciate this. I absolutely cannot wait for the near-future!! Things are going to be amazing. Hope you're excited :D

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