From a minnow to the minnows. Challenges almost anyone can enter, and why they are worth your time!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

No matter if you're new to steemit or you have been here for a while. Challenges/contests are a great way to try to earn some SBD's while interacting with the community. Helping with making friends/followers, and establishing meaningful connections within the Steemit network!


You have the potential to both make money, and gain followers. Just by competing in a challenge!

There are even many steemit challenges that anyone and everyone can enter..

Below I have compiled a good (although not complete) list of the challenges/contests that are easy to compete in and available currently, or are running now and will be available to enter again in the near future!

Regularly held challenges
so easy, most everyone can enter them!


Memechallenge : hosted by @fibra59

Currently on the 22nd challenge. All you have to do is download the meme image from the memechallenge post. Upload it into a meme generator. Write whatever clever words you think other would enjoy, and post it following the guidelines in the post the image came from. You may have up to 3 entries in this competition!

** Other meme challenges are hosted by @themanualbot and @jphenderson

colorchallenge : Hosted by @kalemandra

A photo challenge that has a very easy entrance point. Each day has a color. Take photos (even on your phone camera) involving these colors throughout the week and post them on the correct day. (MondayRed , TuesdayOrange, WednesdayYellow , ThursdayGreen , FridaySkyblue , SaturdayIndigo , SundayPurple) and follow the guidelines for posting to be entered. This is a great way to add some color to Steemit, and to give every user a challenge they can get easily join!

black and white photo challenge : hosted by @daveks

On a phone camera, black and white is easy! So anyone can enter this. Take an old image of yours and turn it into black and white, or go out and take a new one! The current theme is Landscapes. So find a nice landscape that looks good in black and white, follow the rules in the black and white photo challenge post, and share your best black & white pictures with the rest of steemit!

fiftywords challenge : Ran by @literature-trail

Each week has a new theme, you take the theme and write your best, most intriguing story in 50 words only! No more, no less. this weeks theme is over and a new one will be selected soon. Only one entry is allowed per contestant each week. Regardless it's still a fun one to take part in. Some of the stories are fun to read too! So check it out and see what rules apply in the fiftywords challenge link! Share your 50 word story!

asksteem challenge : set up and hosted by @awesomianist

It is a somewhat regular game, where he asks a question for Steemians, and they answer in his comments below! Best answers will be upvote and discussed. A nice place to meet people on Steem, learn about them and have some nice conversations! For he most part, just participating in his post, will get you a portion of the post payout. Hes an awesome guy so go and answer a question for him and say hi. You could only make Steem for doing it!

he's also running the steem comment of the day on behalf of @acidyo which can be found here

Steemit photochallenge: hosted by @jamtaylor

Currently on its 43rd challenge, it is one of the oldest. Most well established challenges on Steemit. Although it might not be as easy as the colorchallenge or B & W challenge. It is still easily possible to take a nice enough picture with your camera phone to make other Steemians take notice! The current theme for this challenge is food. Click the challenge title to learn more about the rules and current theme

Slightly irregularly scheduled, but still fun and easy to enter challenges/contests


STEEM-POCALYPSE SURVIVAL GAME : Presented by @papa-pepper

Contest runs until all players are killed off and only one remains, or some similar outcome. Last season teams were formed, and both teams were killed. Yet the two tops teams being the last to die, were awarded a large amount of SBD's for having a good time while being in a choose your own post apocalyptic adventure story! I was in this round, but my quick trigger finger and lack of trust in shadowy figures in alleys. Got me killed. I will do better next season! Hopefully even more people will join in on the fun next round!

Steemit Knockout Series : Hosted by @scrooger

This is a fun contest I also entered that will hopefully continue after it's first series is over. There is still a day or two of knockout action left. Where us entrants wait for a comment from him in the comments of the challenge, we reply with the required word to that comment before whoever we have been matched up again, until there is only one! I don't expect to win, but I am having fun regardless! Thanks for hosting this @scrooger

Follow the writer : Is a new challenge by @beordo

In this challenge you pick one of his writing prompts and write a story based on the prompt. The winning story will then be continued next week, and the winning continuation will be selected! It should make for an interesting story by the time all is said and done. I am debating throwing my ink in the ring but I haven't yet.

There are many other contests, challenges and giveaways. I even host one of my own right now (the postartchallenge). But mine is for the artist/design inclined. So here is a list of subjects and the names of people who are probably hosting a contest or challenge about them.

ART/PHOTOGRAPHY/DESIGN: @drpuffnstuff , joewantsfreedom , @artquest-trail , @aksinya , @Art-Trail , @kalemandra , @everlove , @sethlinson , @jonny-clearwater (pixel art challenge, is my personal favorite to look through!)

POETRY/WRITING: @verbal-d, @marialin , @jphenderson, @papa-pepper

SPORTS: @nepd , @ats-david , @sportsncoffee , @deanliu , @wetthebeak

Any many others on lots of different subjects! @herpetologyguy , @gregm , @cheaky , @fingersik , @challenge-trail , @vocalists-trail , @luzcypher


#Steemgigs also has jobs you can do for Steem Backed Dollars, or offer yourself for hire for SBD's. There are charity events you can take part in to make some extra SBD's. It's a great community looking to disrupt things like Fiverr, while working together to make Steemit as great as it can be. Doing a lot of good in the world with the help of Steemit. A post explaining all this in greater detail is here

@thatsweeneyguy works on a current list of Steemians for hire, and jobs available. That list is here

**Also if you are new here look into the whaleshares and the #minnowsunite tag for opportunities to get help if you are a newer Steemit user! School up minnows! And @sykochica has made very thorough guides to help you learn the ins and outs of curating, posting, voting, and etc!

Resteem this for all the good information (and hard work haha). Upvote and comment below if you have something to say. A comment or a concern. Anything as long as it's something! Check out my other posts and follow along if we might get along. Take care and stay safe everyone!

UPDATES: Contest not in original post sorry i missed them guys

Crypto contest from @maarnio

Free steem from @amala

Daily resolution from @steemit-health

Miss Steemit contest from @ronahi (Separate Mr. Steemit contest as well)

A daily contest where upvoting is the only requirement @stormriderstudio !

Help @thatsweeneyguy decide what crypto to invest in for his kids future!

@johnniecwants to know about Tabby's star dust, ice, giant ringed plant, alien infrastructure, comets, asteroids, or what?CONTEST

@aguayojoshua has a technological horror, writing contest going on right now

@deveerei has a pun challenge

@thatmemeguy has a rap song challenge for the rappers of steemit

@happyme is starting a Zombie Adventure Game. Go check it out and enter if there is still room!

And don't forget @aggroed , @theprophet0 and @joseph are always having contests or challenges of some sort. I won a magnet from theprohpet0 the other day. I will be showing it to you all soon!!

Woot Woot,


Great list @drpuffnstuff

Thanks for sharing. And here are my favourite daily contests:

Crypto contest from @maarnio
Free steem from @amala
Daily resolution from @steemit-health

Thanks :)

Hi @drpuffnstuff, great challenges, I participated in some of them. I had an idea to create my own, would be kind enough to share it ?

ya, I will add it in for you. Im going to update the post today and add all the ones from the comments.. Thanks for sharing, hope your competitions goes good!

Thanks @drpuffnstuff, I will not forget your support.

Can't forget all the sweet contests hosted by @aggroed , @theprophet0 and @joseph to send lucky minnows to Portugal for SteemFest!

Yes, you're right. It that all part of the minnow support project so I can get it right? And I won a magnet from theprophet0 .. I'm excited to get it

that's awesome! how did you win the magnet?

From a contest in one of his old posts

That's quite a list you've compiled there @drpuffnstuff!

#AskSteemit is a personal section im running to get people to participate in a community and spur great discussions (as you've said).

I'm also running Comment Of the Day on behalf of @acidyo, whereby anyone can nominate great comments to be rewarded beyond upvotes. (winner gets a nice looking badge)

I can't edit this post anymore. I could make a new one I guess..

You could make it a weekly update!

What a great resource! You must have done a lot of searching to find all of these.
Thanks for the work and including me. I actually have 2 contests running. The Zombies contest is just starting, but my 100% SBD Giveaway is about to begin its 4th week. The 3rd week ends Wednesday, so still 1 day left to enter.

Hi, I run daily competitions. Nice and simple, upvote and I pick 1 upvoter and they get all of the liquid steem/sbd from the post. I've had 2 payouts so far and have 7 competitions running currently, the most recent one with a prize of over $55. Very minnow friendly.

Flame-left.jpg My Competitions Flame-right.jpg

Competition #3
Competition #4
Competition #5
Competition #6
Competition #7
Competition #8
Competition #9

edit your comment and throw in the link, I will upvote so it towards the top and edit in a mention later!

Much appreciated sir :)

Thanks for the mention, man! btw, I also run a weekly contest that literally anyone can enter. Just suggest a cryptocurrency for me to put into my sons' savings, and watch it grow!

Great post. There is a steemgig going on right now for donations to the food bank. Minnows should check it out.

Now you're talking. I should put you on the payroll as an onboarding specialist at except... I only launched it in invite only beta testing today, so it's a dead zone at the moment. LOL - fun post, resteemed it for ya!

hey, lemme know if I can help!

At the moment, spreading the word to contest owners is the major push! Loading up that Database!

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