Why I Quit Steemit, and Why You Should Too

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

When I first registered with Steemit, man was I excited! The promise of riches dangled by the Trending page made my mouth water something fierce.

I could do this. I am a professional writer, I’ve been doing this for years! But there was something about the concept of getting paid to write about anything I want that secretly intrigued.

I moved in to Steemit as soon as I received the final email. I’m the girl that doesn’t check the temp before just diving right in, so I hurriedly scanned the whitepaper and guides, knowing my bookmarks would keep them handy for when I had time to lounge by the pool.

I looked at a couple "how to write a good introduce yourself" posts before I just couldn’t take it. I had to announce my presence at the party.

I was excited to get started on my journey already!

It did ok, as most introduce myself posts do. In between answering the awesome welcomes I received, I read posts and commented on articles that piqued my interest. My second article was a question on something I needed help on here at Steemit and could not find an answer to. Imagine my surprise when I made almost $10 in rewards from it! Who makes money from asking questions?!

That right there was my exclamation point. If I could make $10 just from asking a question, this was the platform for me. Epic Win.

In all seriousness, I was taken aback at how supportive and encouraging the people of Steemit were. The positivity and the feel of this place has no comparisons online. So I decided to publish an article that had been commissioned by a regional newspaper, but later denied after a management switch leaned them too far to the right to publish the piece they had asked for.

The article went on to face a number of rejections. One major news outlet said they loved the piece, but they had a guy covering that topic for an article that was slated to be published in a few days, and that two would be oversaturating. I felt that the delicate subject matter would be well served on the sympathetic, kind and welcoming platform of Steemit.com. So I felt a certain comfort publishing it. And hell being new here, if it wasn’t well received I could always just disappear.

As happens when it’s something important, the butterflies were definitely all riled up. I tentatively pushed the publish button while peering through one eye.

Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I don’t think I even breathed. I waited, tension building with every refresh and second that passed. Not one comment. Not one upvote.

After 22 minutes I decided not to subject myself to the torture anymore and turned my laptop off of the evening. But only after talking myself out of deleting my entire article from the platform.

When I wake up every morning my normal routine is to immediately start a pot of coffee. But that morning I bypassed the coffee and logged into Steemit eager to see the damage that was done. I was sure negativity abounded.

I was pleasantly surprised, and quite honestly a little in shock to see such tremendous support and kind words.

And then I was on a roll. I fully trusted Steemit now. I really could write about anything I wanted! I met some really cool cats and formed friendships. I joined the chatroom and had many laughs. I developed a deeper understanding of the blockchain and the amazing unlimited potential of Steemit.

I took off my shoes and made myself at home.

The editor emailed me three days after I published the article here, telling me his guy’s article was nowhere near as well received as mine, and he wanted me to pull mine from Steemit and he would pay me double his rate- $250 total. I have never been prouder to turn someone down

Remembering how difficult it was to navigate when I first joined, I began offering minnow support. I wrote compelling thought pieces. I wrote steemit navigation articles, making leaning fun. I posted some silly stuff too of course, I wouldn’t be your random cat if I didn’t ;)

I was here all day, every day, commenting and posting and learning. And I did rather well. And it sure felt pretty damn good.

The shiny Steemit newness wore off all too soon. The longer I wrote here the less rewards came. I went from making hundreds per article to pennies.

I started to grow frustrated. I watched everyone else growing, and all of a sudden I was lost in the shuffle. I suddenly felt unwanted and unneeded.

People started leaving comments on my articles “don’t give up”. What? I hadn’t even talked to anyone about giving up! I hadn’t even thought about giving up myself!


Was my frustration showing through the computer? Could they feel it?

But as I did worse and worse I seriously started contemplating throwing in the towel. I mean, the proof that I was no longer wanted was staring me in the face. And I am not one to stick around when my blind date is on his phone- I get up and leave the restaurant in search of a more mutually stimulating arrangement.

I continued to fight for a brief while. But then some bad shit happened in my life and it took a downward spiral. I am not supposed to have emotional stress due to my medical condition, so bad shit is not good.

I always tell my boys when you are angry to take a step back and separate yourselves for a while to come back and revisit it after you have cooled down. That way nothing is said and done in a highly charged emotional state.

So I quit Steemit.

I focused on recovering from the stupid stuff in life and writing outside of the platform.

Had I not taken a step away, my writing would have grown bitter and cold to reflect my attitude. I may have extinguished the flames of relationships I had newly formed here.

I came back with renewed spirits about a week later. The let down I had been feeling had dissipated, and I was no longer holding Steemit responsible. My slow spiral to failure was due to a number of things, and looking back really began with HF19.

I came back with the newly refreshed eyes of who I was when I first joined. The potential and my belief in Steemit had been clouded by my Ego. And since I’ve been back I got involved in two new projects here.

You will succeed if you keep going. I firmly hold fast to the truth that you will get from Steemit exactly what you put into it. Same as in other areas of your life. Everything takes time- nothing great was built in a month. Yes, it takes patience. And I, too, really suck at patience, but it is a necessary evil. Keep STEEMING ever onward and you will rise ever upward.

That is why I quit Steemit for a week when I grew maddeningly frustrated. And why you should too.

  • Link to the article that enabled my full trust in Steemit

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animated-arrow-image-0314 Minnows! You Have More Power Than You Realize

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If you feel this post is undervalued, tips are appreciated
arbitrary-kitten bitshares address- 1QBofdLaCckmiHoY1wXg4KF63zzPw7WRd9

I appreciate your support :)



I was right there commenting on your first post babe. It was an amazing piece and did really well. It was always going to be difficult to keep that kind of level up especially when you'd just arrived.
You're work is great Kitten it always has been so I won't say anything obvious and trite as you may get from those that don't know ya.
Stick around babe you're a great writer and besides you may ge to meet Lord Percival in a future episode of STEEMLORDS. You wouldn't wanna miss that would ya?! ❤️

Ahh... the dangle of the carrot...

I wouldn't miss it for the world ;)

No, you are stuck with me ;)

Ding Dong, M'Lady!

Oh my. Look who it is...

About time for a break myself I think... Just when you think you're getting somewhere with some sort of consistency...you're not. Or I'm not, I should say.

I'll leave it at that before I get too negative, which could be dangerous/fatal on here. :(

I enjoy your content. I totally understand taking a break, and if you are thinking it then it may be the best thing, but please come back, and soon! Steemit is only growing, and there are changes and fixes being implemented as we speak.. Come back refreshed and rejuvenated, and with the same positivity that you had when you first signed on :) I do not want to see you go!!!

Don't worry, I won't be gone permanently. I might even repost old articles in the interim, until I can create captivating content again. Who knows when that will be?

Interesting. I think there is a large group of us who want to quit and leave the platform; but, can't leave the community.

upvoted and followed.

You are correct.

I came in on that huge wave of new users in June. I've noticed a good portion are radio silence now.

There is no community like Steemit- that is an unwavering fact. This ever more disconnected world needs the community of Steemit.

DO NOT QUIT! At least permanently :) This platform will only grow, it's already picked up SO much more momentum in the last couple months- just look at all the new projects that have birthed!

Can you share more about HF19? I will do a search for it as well. Is it tougher now because of it or is it just a matter of patience and being involved?

Steemits Hard Fork from several weeks ago.

My personal views, based upon what I see (and I am here every day) is that Hard Fork is largely to blame.

Because of HF19, the voting was tweaked, so now we have something like ten upvotes per day at full power- don't quote me on this, my numbers may be slightly off.

Because of that, people must choose only a few now on which to full upvote. Now, I am still just as involved as I was, so it definitely wasn't that.

With that being said, I looked at the pasts of some of the top earners here. It takes time. They all started out making pennies for months. My sudden flood out of the gate was unheard of and unusual. Hence my frustration- I did exceptionally well in the very beginning, then settled to where I "should be" being so new. I was under the impression I should only rise.

Patience is key. You gotta put in your time here like everyone else :)

You're speaking truth here. I've been away on an almost 3-week holiday and going to dive back into Steemit in a big way from Monday. The price is very low at the moment but I've just put my money where my mouth is by making another Steem investment at the current price as I'm still confident it's going to go up once the current creases are ironed out.

Two things I believe:
+/-10 upvotes per day at 100% voting power is way, way too few.
The absolute flood of low-effort crap posters either need to change their game, or leave the platform. They do NOTHING but detract from the value of Steemit as a whole.

A future hard fork will hopefully address the above, perhaps by having all of a user's voting power spread across all votes made in a 24 hour period, with the cost and rewards divided by the number of upvotes made per day.

So let's say I have $2.70 per day to vote. If I for one post only in 24 hours, that person gets the full $2.70 attributed to their post at the end of the 24 hour period. If I vote for 10 posts, each gets $0.27 at the end of the day, and so on.

Might not work, but it's something that's come to mind recently while trying to think up solutions.

As for the slew of poor content, well, hopefully those users will simply leave when they grow tired of making $0.01 per post. Let's see.

give you have over 1700 SP, you do realize you can adjust your vote weight down using the vote slider? that way you can vote more than 10 times a day without excessively draining your vote power.

Yep, but I'm not talking about it as simple as that. There's a disincentive somewhere from the impression of how limited/limiting one's number of votes are. And many, I'd say the vast majority, don't have enough SP to see the slider.

true, but as I had described in my other comment below, that's also why I created and released the Minnow Post Vote Slider and Past Payout Monetizer Script a few weeks back, so that anyone down to around 72 SP can also gain access to the vote slider on STEEMIT.com!

the 10 upvotes per day is more of a problem for those who have under 480 SP, since you don't yet have access to the "Post Vote Slider" (not on STEEMIT.com, anyway) to adjust your vote power down so you can vote more each day (if that is your intention). It also gives you more flexibility to upvote comments as well, which is an excellent way to reward people for taking the time to leave thoughtful comments.

It's also partly why I created and released the Minnow Post Vote Slider and Past Payout Monetizer Script a few weeks back, so that anyone down to around 72 SP can also gain access to the vote slider on STEEMIT.com!

also, regarding this...

and he wanted me to pull mine from Steemit and he would pay me double his rate

guess he really doesn't get that there's no way to "pull your article" from the blockchain either! lol

Being that my upvote is worth a penny, I'll have to wait to use your slider, but I will :)

Great creation!

guess he really doesn't get that there's no way to "pull your article" from the blockchain either! lol Right?!

nio, they dont want to quit, thyre just upset at thmselves for not working hard enough

and jeloius
hah most of human nature can be broen down to just people not having enough and wanting moe
anyway u have toi realize if they realy ante dto leavetheyd be gone, but they KNOW its bige rthan themselves, and by staying they get a ticket to succs when steemit gos ful mainstream

its still so early and the few peopel here now do NOT represent the comunity we WILl have which will be biger and better and have more people and a gtreater range of types of personalities!

Anyway its al good, steemit is more perfect tahn any otehr blokchains ocial media! and is the mota dvanced blockchain in many ways as well, and its the most effeicent and its the most yuseful and its the EASIEST system to send and recieve crypto currency

Yes. The deadweight junk posters will eventually move on when they realize they aren't growing here, and the quality posters and hard workers will be the foundation.

I keep reading just looking for what pushed you over the edge. Nice build up. Glad you are sticking around.

Don't give up... Lol

Aw thank you <3 I am a suspense writer in the really real world after all...


Nah, ya'll are stuck with me!

Great post. It's engaging, and honestly quite inspiring! ;)

That makes me feel so good :) I am happy to hear you are inspired <3

Thank you!

I was wondering, what made u quit. U have great writing skills. I was thinking that, if I have that much skill, I would be earning a lot. Ur post began to make my face sad look, after starting talking about ur frustrations. And suddenly, what, it's just for a week. Now I am smiling. In my personal view, winners don't quit and quitters don't win. 😂😂😂

You made me smile :D

Yes, only for a week to regroup and cool off lol!

I like it! I'm not exactly the one to stay and actually read the whole article. I just usually kinda glance through and hardly end up reading them thoroughly. This time I did. You must be in the right track then. And good eye catching title. Keep it up, much Love and Joy!

Dude. You don't even know how happy that makes me! That you read the whole thing gave me the warm fuzzies :D

Thanks! Love and a great bug hug to you my friend!

i think we've all been there. i joined just as the bot wars were heating up- i got totally turned off by all the ugliness and negativity being thrown around then. it took me nearly a year to come back. although i haven't had a post that's paid out more than a couple of dollars, i still plug along. i'm glad you decided to give it another shot as i enjoy your posts

Oh no, I am glad I wasn't here to see that. My biggest turn on about Steemit is the positivity and supportive nature of the community.

I can't stand negativity and ugly. There is far too much of it in the really really world to want to put up with it online.

I am glad you are here too, Tommy. I see only good things for those of us who plug along :)

Thank you so much <3

I needed this Steemit motivation. Thanks!

I am so happy this motivated you!!!

I love your page fyi, you have a new fan :)

don't give up, kitty! :3

Steemit can be very frustrating when you are not a newbie but not yet an established author. And some don't come back at least not after a week.

I didn't, I came back :D

Aw. It is a shame to see so many quality posters leaving ...

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