I Am Not A Bot

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It is the really real me that upvotes and comments on your post. If you have intrigued me with your compelling rant, or made me spray my computer screen with my just sipped beverage, it is I who will click on that little button.

I am not a bot. I am a real live gal.

I understand why people use bots, and I am in no way arguing or ranting about that- I get it. As a human with work and family and trivial but dreaded chores like laundry -shudder- I totally understand the need and use of bots to help one with their growth on Steemit.

Alas, I am but one Kitten, but I am a Kitten on a mission. A mission toward nurturing my Tribe's growth here on Steemit, growing and bonding with my most excellent friends I am honored to have made here, and bringing my own information- knowledge I feel is helpful and important- to my Community.

I just wanted you to know that even if I cannot read and comment on every single post every single every day, I treasure your contributions more than you know. I followed you because you provide stellar and quality content for the Tribe. Your writing intrigues me because you intrigue me. Your writings are simply an extension into the inner workings of your mind.

What you write is what you think about. What you are into. By reading what you share I am getting to know you on a deeper level. You invite me into your very soul and for that I am truly grateful for you.

This is why I will not use bots to upvote your post. I wish to read your content and engage with you on a personal level.

I am not a bot. That upvote came from the really real me :)

Thank you for being you, and thank you for letting me into a little bit of your life. It truly means a lot ❤

Images via Creative Commons and Giphy

shaded line.jpeg

I appreciate your support :)

If you feel this post is undervalued, tips are appreciated
arbitrary-kitten bitshares address- 1QBofdLaCckmiHoY1wXg4KF63zzPw7WRd9

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upvote resteem follow.gif


I just directed my bot to reply to this post and confirm your claims. Upon further analysis, I have been assured that all kitty missions are truly you...in the most humanistic sense.

Much ❤️

Ok ok, some bots are useful. Namely yours...

Gratzie' dahlin :)

Typos are another clear sign of human involvement. Smart move @arbitrarykitten ;)

So is human error, as I did not intend that, but it played well with the other kids


The core reason I follow you and stopped following some others. Bots are ok but they can be over used and I honestly feel if everyone stopped using them steemit would very much so be better off in terms of spam, flagging bad users and general interaction with steemians that put in the time and effort. Thank you for being you :D

Thank you kindly :)

Yes, that's what I was referring to, the over use. Some days it's overwhelming...

You can't be a bot, your gif game is a 10! ;)

Ha Ha! Epic! Thanks luv!

Great writeup. But I do feel that minnows are not getting that much attention that they should get, that's why they try to post silly spam comments on other's post.

I am sure you are not a bot :P Bot with such a kind heart never exist.

Did you read the new Steemit Whitepaper released today? It's updated, finally.

It clearly states how those who have put the most into Steem have the most influence on posts and minnow growth. With that being said, with so many people joining every day, it's harder to get on an influences radar. But, if you look at people like @papa-pepper - he is doing quite well. But if you look at his posts from just a few months ago, he was making only a few dollars a post. And I noticed this about many of the people doing well here.

Everyone has to put in the time. I know it's frustrating. Believe me. But I know if we keep going we will do well!

And thank you hun, you are so sweet <3 I needed that

That's true, it not always about the money which we make, but I do feel that people start commenting and start the discussion to mingle with each other more. That's when you will be able to know the person more.

So, serious question, what if I use a bot to upvote you? Let's say my max vote is about 10c, but I can send 0.5SBD to @randowhale or @treeplanter or the like to come and give you more reward than I'm able to.

I often do this on posts I feel deserve it, and I have no problem at all when people do it on mine. I had a very in-depth discussion with Steemit witness @dragosroua on this exact topic, which you can read in my feed if you're interested.

As my intention here is genuinely to comment and discuss this with you, I won't spam my link to your wall - that's not what this is about :)

What you are referring to is different- you are still interacting with me. What I meant was the bots which crawl Steemit posts and upvote posts with certain tags.

By going to randowhale, you are still personally involved :)

Which post of yours is the conversation with dragon in?

Ah OK - that wasn't clear, but I got it now :)

The post is here:

Yes, I am also annoyed by the auto-posting bots that make useless comments - but read through that interview. It has a ton of insights into the 'problems', with some proposed solutions.

Very cool, thanks!

Hi, I think the same about bot... moreover, I try not to spam with lot of useless post, but take my time to write just an article a day.
I'm new to steem, and I just have 1sbd in my account. I was lucky one of my posts the other day was up voted by a whale. But my other posts don't get any attention, hope this will change in the future.

Do you think it could be worth spending 1$ to promote or use @randowhale to try and reach more people?


Definitely - although @randowhale is not active 24 hours a day, so check before you send money. Also, the maximum transfer is now 0.5SBD for a random vote from him.

Thanks, I'll try 😺

Oh, good to know... So is randowhale manually operated?

Yes - check that he is online, and if so, send 0.5SBD and the URL to the post you want upvoted. It can be yours, or someone else's that you feel is deserving of a little extra push than your voting power is capable of :)

How do I know if he's online?

Just go to https://steemit.com/@randowhale and look at his latest post headlines.

If you look through the list of the last few there, you will see how he posts a notice when he is up or down (right now he is online).

I think the best thing you can do is keep interacting with peers who tickle you, and keep posting quality content.

Come join the UnMentionables. We're a community focused on friendship and teamwork to help each other succeed on Steemit :)

How do I join the UnMentionables?

Here's the link to our Discord chat room https://discord.gg/TCx82Ay

When you get there, introduce yourself, and take a look around :)

I'm so happy you are not a bot, but I think you may have missed my post from several days ago https://steemit.com/life/@happyme/who-do-you-think-you-are. As one of my followers, it should have shown up in your feed, but I'm not sure if this kind of material interests you. It deals with science and philosophy. I'm guessing that an intelligent woman like you would appreciate this sort of thing, but if I am wrong, please let me know so I don't bug you when I write this sort of material and don't see any sign that you read it.

I see what you did there


I know it's not easy to read everyone's posts that we follow and I don't post a lot of content that is intended to stimulate thought, so when I saw your bot-post, I just couldn't resist asking you to take a look because I can plainly see that you are indeed an intelligent woman. I thought you would enjoy this somewhat different way of looking at life.

lol I really enjoyed it, you are a pretty cool cat ;)

Thanks! Every now and then I write some thought-provoking material. Most of it is usually as a response to other people's posts though. Hopefully you will see some of my other good posts when I get around to actually writing them.

Me too. Never used a curation trail ever.

I operate a curation trail, however I find unique and compelling and quality posts and authors who work hard and deserve the upvote, and I do this by hand. No bots are or will ever be used!

Great post, it seems pretty difficult to gets views on steemit. Ive only been on for 24hrs, but it seems like right when i post stuff i get views within a min. Or so then nothing. Is that because of the bots? and will that change when i get more steem power?

That'll definitely change as you are here longer.

Look at my stats- I have been here 11 weeks today :)

Just post quality content, find likeminded people to follow, and comment and have discussions. You will grow, it's as simple as that.

Join the Unmentionables on Discord Chat https://discord.gg/TCx82Ay We are a community focused on friendship and teamwork, to help each other grow and succeed on Steemit :)

I have joined -technically- a month - actual, real posting - 8 days. It's a blast, and now only really 'finding my groove', but having an excellent time learning the ropes, and meeting some very, very, cool people here.
The positive attitude, is the most striking thing on steemit - even debating with people who vehemently disagree.
It's all very civilized .
Anyone with 'world dominatrix' in there description , gets my attention, and sounds like a natural follower of mine, so now have you on my follow list. Hope to see you on mine!

Correct. The supporting nature of the people here is wonderful. I'm truly happy I discovered this community :)

It takes time to build, like anything really, but the bonds you form here are second to none.

Ok good to know, and thanks for the quick response. I'll check the site right now.

Awesome, can't wait to see you!

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