The Disturbers of Happiness

in #life7 years ago

Thomas Jefferson mentions happiness several times in the Declaration of Independence.

He equated happiness to freedom. He was right. What is happiness without freedom? What is freedom without happiness?

He called the English the disturbers of our harmony. They suppressed freedoms, therefore making life unbalanced, stressful, and unhappy.

Sometimes others are preventing us from happiness, but in reality it takes two. Situations are never only "their" fault. If you muzzle Ego you can see and admit that you are at least 50% at fault for everything in your life. If your boss is making your life hell for instance- hey, you can get a different job. Jefferson removed himself from an entire country's control to take responsibility for his own happiness.

Self talk is one of my biggest Disturber of Happiness. The inner dialog in my head that analyzes everything. Thinks of each and every scenario to an issue in depth. Then focuses on that scenario which seems most plausible.

I lack patience. I know that is something I must fix, and I can definitely say I have a hell of a lot more patience that I did a few years ago! But I know that if I developed more patience, that inner dialog would not analyze everything so much because I would be patient enough to wait for the correct answers.

Happiness is our birthright.

Your happiness is your responsibility.

What is your biggest Disturber of Happiness? What is preventing you from your Harmonious and Happy Life?

Images via Pexel and Pixabay

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Know what makes me happy? If @originalworks would show up and like this post.

What a coincidence... That would make me smile :D

You are a juicy, ripe peach in my Steemit fruit bowl, AndyG :D

I have my moments.

I believe that this is something we all do. We ruminate on everything, which in turn takes us out of the present moment. At least you recognize that all of this stems from your internal dialogue (your ego). Self awareness is the first step toward dissolving the ego. Maybe from here you can make space between your thoughts. Recognize the ego and watch it. See where it goes without judgement. Maybe eventually the space will become greater and greater until finally the thoughts will cease altogether.
Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

I work on muzzling my Ego every confrontation. It is dangerous for any interpersonal relationship, and many other areas of life. Recognizing it is the first step :)

Thank you!

Me too. But sometimes I find that the harder I try the louder it speaks lol. Sounds like you might be better at silencing it than I am :)

Lol! I don't know about that, but all I can say is I try ;)

My disturber sounds like an arbitrary alter-ego kitten that I should likely address in the very near future. Happiness may very well be the most subjective experience available to us.

Methinks that is a very well thought out plan...


I'm one of the most imptient people in the world and it definitely has a negative effect on my happiness. I'm impatient about getting away from corporate America for sure. I'm impatient with traffic, people, and all kinds if things.

I have many things I should be thankful for but my patience gets in the way. Thanks for the perspective.

One of the things I have my clients do daily is a moment of gratefulness.

While you're brushing your teeth is a great time because it's super easy to get in the habit as you've got nothing else going on.

While you are brushing, list the things in your life you are thankful for. In your head, for those two minutes each morning, think about all your blessings in life.

It really helps set your day on a positive note- you will see a difference in your perspective and momentum of your day :)

That's a great idea! I love multitasking because I have so little free time. I think I will try this before I head off to work today.

Sweet! Glad to be an inspiration!

Absolutely right! we our self are responsible for the amount of happiness we have in our life, thanks for sharing this!

Yes, we are <3

Thank you :)

My biggest Disturber of Happiness is my idleness. I think I'm the opposite of you @arbitrarykitten. I am sometimes too patient and I will wait and wait until I later regret my inaction.
Great post as usual!

Ah, yes... Procrastination is a sneaky, soft soled, tiptoeing killer of dreams!

I am with you on the patience... which I still lack. Do you find it easier to sit and consciously let things unfold naturally now rather than earlier in life? I certainly do. Issues tend to resolve themselves more smoothly WITHOUT my handholding. Hmmm
Following and upvoted.
Keep up the great work

Um... well... I like to say I try...

lol, yea, I notice if I wait it does usually resolve itself pretty well. Therin lies the problem as I still struggle cuz I am the Queen of wanting it NOW! LOL!

Haha yes, well then I am the King ;) I am sure that some great ancient philosopher has waxed eloquently on this many moons ago. But the truth of it is that we need to act on our patience. Wait... let things unfold in a natural course of events. As a teacher, I have been told to be a 'guild on the side' rather than a 'sage on a stage.' Sit back and provide input and advice on matters as needed..... I bet is sounds like I have it all figured out ;) haha
Thanks again for the great post. Food for thought for sure.
Good night my Queen

Well said, and good advice.

Thank you!

Without freedoms, people are artificial

Sheeple as I like to refer to them...

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