[ENG] My steemit pearls week 16

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

The waves of the ocean have withdrawn...

... but before they did I still managed to catch the last four pearls, the four best posts I came across in week 16 here on Steemit.

I do this because I am still a minnow and regard it disadvantageous to resteem a lot in this state but still want to support the global Steemit community. Also my voting power is low.

I am sorry for there will be no upcoming posts in this series. I will explain why in my second post next Monday.

Dive for my last 5 pearls here. Splash!

The posts of this series were always in English, but I considered English Steemit posts as well as German ones.

Let's start!

In his post How to Avoid Being Hacked Through Phishing Attacks? @ilyastarar reminds the community how important account safety is these days. He gives two examples of friends of his who have recently been hacked on Steemit via a phishing attack. They lost their reputation score and their funds. Also their account was used to hack more accounts. He helped the friend who got hacked lately in recovering her account and now tries to help her getting her funds back by utilizing the payout of this post. At the end of his post he emphasizes two important rules for account safety on Steemit. First to not click on external links and second to examine external links and only visit trusted external links.
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The first Steem.Camp in Germany got announced. It is supposed to be an international event that is self-organized and a place to talk creatively about Steemit. It will take place from 22nd - 26th of August 2018 at Freizeitpark "Vulkan" in Nieder-Moos im Vogelsberg near Fulda. The tickets will be limited and soon be available via Discord.
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@winmental is a female paraglider who wants to help self employed but at the same time report about paragliding. She managed to melt both of her passions and wrote about “pilot strategies for businessmen and businesswomen” in an e-book as well as on her website and hosts a podcast.

Since some people struggle with being themselves and are unsure and tend to look on the actions of others and start pretending in the end, she shares some strategies for becoming more authentic.

Almost all of her tips, especially: to write in the first-person-perspective and to not relate everything to oneself are not only strategies for more authenticity but valuable Steemit strategies as well.
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In „Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen in Deutschland - Welche kollektive spirituelle Aufgabe das deutsche Volk zu lösen hat“ @martinmatzat writes about the unconditional basic income (UBI) again. Here I discussed one of his earlier posts: “Was bedeutet bedingungslos?“.

He argues that we will probably face a change of mindset. Also that since material things are becoming less important, spiritual aspects are claiming more and more space in our lives.

In his view the detachment from money is a process and we also need a transition model for a possible new and better society. That could be the UBI, but during his work on his article series on the topic he discovered, that the discussion about the unconditional basic income is merely a way to distract us from our spiritual work.

Since the UBI, barter trades and the ‘gift economy’ don’t offer solutions, a society without money probably can. But this requires a society with a developed mindset and with less of an ego.

We need something in between a non-dogmatic, libertaristic or anarchistic way of thinking and the current government.

@martinmatzat proposes that the way to achieve this goal is somewhat similiar to the way water changes its aggregate states: In order to change from hardened structures to nearly invisible structures we have to take a passage through a more liquid state first, a more flexible structure of our state.

But he doubts that through an UBI the governmental structure would become more flexible. It would only result in a flatter hierarchy.

In his view Rudolf Steiners ‘threefold social order’ solves this dilemma in a better way, because it better includes not only the spiritual development of the human individual but the collective spiritual development as well.
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My Steemit pearls 2018

week 12, 13, 14, 15

My last posts:

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22.04.2018 UTC + 1
finché vita in petto avrò


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