[ENG] My steemit pearls week 13

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Just came back from a trip to the ocean...

... and present to you five pearls, the best posts I came across in my week on steemit.

I do this because I am still a minnow and regard it disadvantageous to resteem a lot in this state but still want to support the global steemit community. Also my voting power is low.

If you want to be mentioned in one of my upcoming posts, I recommend commenting so I can become aware of you and your blog!

Dive for my last 5 pearls here. Splash!

The posts of this series are always in English, but I consider English steemit posts as well as German ones.

Let's start!

In her post @monika-homa describes her third step to health which was a diagnosis of food intolerance and going on an elimination diet. She found out, that some products she consumed and didn’t tolerate are “most frequently non-tolerated for humans” such as “eggs, cow’s milk proteins (casein), wheat”.

Although she first wasn’t sure if it’s possible, she managed to switch to alternative recipes such as plant based milk alternatives and “all the remaining symptoms (mainly intestine problems) have stopped!” “after just a few weeks”.

@monika-homa also shares recipes such as almond milk, scrambled tofu and gluten free, sugar free, egg free and milk free pancakes.

@asperger-kids, who by the way has a new profile image, wrote a post wherein she shares her view on the importance of one’s personal values. She points out, that her very own values are important to her, since they are helping her in making decisions. She also gives concrete advice on how to find out about one’s own values.

In her personal research she came across liberty & growth, valuation, success and wealth. She explains how she consciously revalued every group and tried to find out, how these values are influencing her thinking. This eventually also means being confronted with one’s own fears and doubts but is a very important process.

The next post I want to recommend is by @freiheit50. I know him from my previous two meet-ups in Munich and from his comments on my posts, where he already stressed the fact of how important patience and visional thinking is in order to reach one’s personal goals.

The topic of Die langfristigen Aussichten für Steemit und steem
is how important it is to not only look on the short-term development of the steemit blockchain and the cryptocurrency connected with but also on its long-term development.

@freiheit50 points out, that, in his view, it is much better to consequently accumulate the earnings on steemit in order to achieve one’s long-term goal. The hope behind this advice is of course, that the price increases over time.

@kennyskitchen is one of the early members of steemit and shares a lot of valuable information with his followers. He has a series called Kenny's 2 minute Steemit Tips wherein he answers questions he comes across about steemit. I read his introduction post once and was also very impressed about what he does for his community in the US and in Latin America.

In his new post How to buy & sell STEEM/SBD on the market Kenny gives advice on how to buy or sell STEEM step by step. I also recommend reading his recent post How to Use SteemAuto about SteemAuto with the magical functionality of scheduling posts – a very useful technology for all steemians who want to professionalize their activity on steemit.

Again Kenny gives a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up the account and reveals that SteemAuto automatically redeems rewards every 15 minutes, if you turn on the feature in your SteemAuto account.

In What is your ideal societal structure? @celestialcow answers the questions what patriarchy and matriarchy are in her own words, stating that “patriarchy isn't just a system that benefits only men, it clearly is a hierarchical structure that benefits the elite” and that “the sacred balance of life is all about that there are “interchangeable qualities” between two opposite qualities such as men and women, uniting principles.

At the end of her post @celestialcow portrays her ideal future of our world speaking about different social topics such as education and medicine.

Recent posts:

[DE] Die Veggie-Meldung der Woche: KW 13

[DE] Nur ein Traum

[DE - ENG] Breakfast recipe: semolina pudding and compote according to the Traditional Chinese Diet

[DE] Ich helfe euch beim Schreiben

Das Herz der Melancholie

Icon made by https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik from https://www.flaticon.com

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01.04.2018 UTC + 1


i think we have the same first name, dont tell anyone tho... :)

This is funny ^^

Well it's actually starting to become creepy. both vegans, both not drinking coffee, both into the patriarchy and matriarchy stuff. And now the same name? o.o

Also wenn ich hier schon gelobt werde, muss ich auch voten :-)

Du musst natürlich nicht, aber ich danke dir!

Hey danke Liebes, ich fühl mich geehrt <3
Dein Bild unten, mit dem Angebot bei der Korrektur zu helfen, find ich übrigens toll gemacht.

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