Positivity vs Negativity on the Steem blockchain (ugh, a motivational post😋)

in #steem6 years ago

So ive been thinking. You know.. that thing you do when not everything is going great around you and you try to make sense of things. I look at it through phases.

  1. Steem is at 8 USD, rivers are flowing with gold and the reward pool is overflowing. "Better get that content out, that one big payout could mean months rent."
  2. Oh its going down... Well gotta work harder! Those are still some nice payouts.
  3. Those 8 USD days turn into a legend you tell your kids about. To quote Han Solo: "Its true, all of it".
  4. Steem is at around 1USD.. Now this is where things get complicated. Doing well at these times is tough for everyone.
    Curies and OCDs dont pack that big punch anymore, whales turn into Orcas and some start to question things. Powerful people that once were flying high, ask themselves, should i have sold when i had the chance? That "Lambo" was a phone call away.

Now all those things you might have waved away when the times were good, start looking mighty bad. When things arent going well, thats when the heavy thinking starts. "If only this would change, if only this wasnt happening, "you there guy! Why are you doing this?"
Ive been guilty of this as well, but maybe because i havent been around during the great times, being "a child of the bear market", i can step back a bit and say: "Maybe, just maybe we should be happy with what we got."

Some might think that its easy for me to say. I dont have tens-hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in Steem, im running nodes and what not. And that is true. But all those that invested so much, even now, pulling all their Steem out will do ok, many of them making a nice profit. But me... and Steemians like me were really banking on this Steem deal to change our lives. Yes it might be naive, but deep down many of us feel that way even if wer not ready to admit it.

In "real life" ive had success, but all that fades in comparison to what every one of us could have achieved here. This isnt a job, not really. Being on Steem is akin to buying Microsoft stocks in the 80s, buying Amazon stocks after the internet bubble.
Those that work had and try to push boundaries, those that dig deep, fight to make it better for others and themselves. Those that embraced the paradigm set before us are the strenght of Steem. Theres a reason i call Steems whitepaper, the "Steem Bible".. It gives us ideals we should strive towards and ill always be of an opinion to the bitter end, that its not Ned and Dan that failed us if Steem goes down.
If it does happen, and i wholeheartedly believe it will not it will be only ourselves to blame, no one else. They gave us Steem to do with it what we wish and some of us resorted to doing some shitty things..

cryptoevvv copy.jpg

Heres a revolutionary idea. We are giving it to you and everyone else. We will help a bit... But the catch is.... In the end all this will thrive or fail based on what you do with it.

So what now? Well i see we have 2 camps.
The first one is the negative, "cup is half empty" camp. "The Steem has no future" camp, there is nothing we can do about it, Steem is a failed project.
And the other "cup is half full".. Yes some crap is happening, things arent going great but that wont demotivate me to push on. Our hard work, our talent, our time might not be worth a fraction of the fatness of whale wallets but thats all some of us have. And we are giving it all we have.

And those that give it all they have i have nothing but the greatest respect for.

So i have to ask the first camp... What is the negativity you hold gain you? Isnt it just a burden? Doesnt being negative and dissapointed just ruin your day? Negative emotions lead to cynicism and frustration in the end.

There are still so many people here, so many amazing people trying to do amazing things. We are all social beings and i for one feel a connection to those i interact with here. Not because we are all children of Gaea (not a hippy :D) or we all are connected like the blue people from Avatar, but rather because wer in this together and if wer all better off, financially, mentally, what ever, i will be better off.

So pop that beer cap, yes the beer might be warm right now, but sit back and be happy you have something to drink.
This ones on me. 🍺 😋

But maybe im just talking nonsense. Id probably be one of those violinists playing on the deck of the Titanic while it sinks, playing till the bitter end....

Ill see you guys later,


Some of my music videos:
On my own: Les Miserables:
AC/DC-Thunderstruck/Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata instrumental
Aretha Franklin: Natural Woman
Steem Original: TO THE MOON
James Arthur: Impossible
Moving on (Original Song)
Frank Sinatra: My Way
Elton John: Can you feel the love tonight (Lion King soundtrack)
Enya: May it be (LOTR soundtrack)
Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (Hoist the colors and Main theme)
I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables
The Minnowsupport Lullaby
Schindlers List Theme
Sam Smith: "Im not the only one"
Meno/Pechichemena: "Wait" cover
Whitney Houston: "I have nothing"
Beyonce: "Listen"
Cee Lo Green: "Forget you"


Great article! Content creators are going through a similar struggle with YouTube. When things get rough, positive people generally roll up their sleeves and say something like: « Oh well, back to work. Let’s find a way to work smarter instead of harder. » I guess the secret is to keep doing what you’re doing while figuring out another way to generate a new income stream. That’s why I’m starting to see Steemit blog posts published through Steempress, a Wordpress plugin that helps you make more money if you have your own website which I’m surprised a lot of Steemians actually do.

Thanks for the pep talk @silentscreamer. I’ll keep on steeming now.

Hehe. Well thank you for such a wonderful comment. You find new income streams and you take complete advantage of them. Thats really the only way to go about this. Keeping on pushing. :D

Thanks for the encouragement. Actually, I’m working on a website where I’ll integrate the @steempress plugin so it’s currently a work in progress.

I love this, thanks @silentscreamer :-) To quote whoever from whatever: "it ain't over 'till the fat lady sings!" And I haven't heard her sing yet ;-)

Im a singer. Are you implying something Zyx? Hmm?.. 😂
Im kidding. Haha.
Well i hope we aint seeing the fat lady sing for a long time.

Well, for me, the glass looks a bit over half full. I didn't come here for the paycheck, I came and stayed because I like the idea of the platform a lot. I'd like to think that when it gets right down to nuts and butts that most people will do the right thing for themselves.

In all honesty, if you are here simply for the money you are in the wrong place. If you are here to help develop and grow what has the opportunity to be a terrific platform then roll up your sleeves and lets get to it.

Thanks for a great post on a subject near and dear to my heart.

You form so many connections here, the communites you are a part of draw you in.
I really want to see where this goes. If it really does have the potential we hope it does. . .
Those that were here only for the money are long gone. Just consider how much a 10$ post today was worth 8 months ago. Those who manage to stick through these times i think will be super happy they did.

Good read!
In my opinion the good takeaway we can have with this current situation is that we can see real steemians who has the passion for what the platform can offer, staying during these tough times. For those that are in it just for money surely has run like a Gazelle away from this platform. Also don't take the things I said too seriously for I`m just a plankton of 1 week old so please be gentle on me. (^_^)

P.S. Also with this case I think that Planktons right now are the new Whales!

Just stay positive. If the days of high Steem price were achieved then we know they are achievable once again.
I like your positive attitude. You came here a week ago and theres nowhere but up for you from this point on. Good luck and great to have you here. 😇

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

You spam this on every post. If its not working for you, why still persist?

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