SnOwregon 2019 ~ THE PLEASURE - Post VIII ~ Puffy NightSnows ~ Staying Out WAY Too Late Running Around Town Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty ~ Original Photography And Some Discussion ~

in #snowregonpuffynightsnows5 years ago (edited)

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And On We Plow-Forth, Into The Photographic Night...

The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All ~ Part VIII

The Unbridled Joy of Puffy NightSnows

"I'm Baa-aaaack." With more views from our recent snowpocalypse. And this time? We're looking at the oddly-cool 'puffy' snowforms. For some reason, our Cascade Cement (cleverly disguised as snowfall), piles up in big, domed...for lack of a better descriptor, domes of snow, on bushes and other objects. Though bushes seem to be the preferred base of accumulation.

And these large spheres of white take on a comical look at times. Even looking somehow alive, like sleeping creatures from elsewhere, waiting, beckoning to late-night photographers to venture closer. Closer. Then they unfold and things pop out like a bad, scary movie, creating all SORTS of mayhem for our intrepid, dusk-till-dawn photo snapper, at the least expected moment. OK, maybe not. (I've been reading a lot of @blacklux mental wanderings lately.) But they ARE cool looking. And fun to snap photos of, while bopping around all night long. So, once more, WITH further ado, The Puffy NightSnows of SnOwregon, 2019. Enjoy away...

Previous PAIN and PLEASURE Posts:

Industrial Magic and Light ~ Part II
Industrial Magic and Light ~ Part I
Goin Out The Country ~ Part II
Goin Out The Country ~ Part I
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part II
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part I
Whispy NightSnows
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I

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The PLEASURE Of The Drive Continues

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The Large Domed Orbs Are On The March

As discussed in the intro above, I kept waiting for something to burst forth, from these round 'eggs', like in the scary movie Alien. (I never watched it, TOO scary!) Nothing happened while I was there, but I can't speak for later on, after I'd moved across the neighborhood. We can only hope no one was consumed.

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Something Cold, This Way Comes

Maybe I spoke too soon. Those aren't MY footprints. I think someone, maybe the mail-person, walked up there, and then disappeared. The prints only went ONE way. I cheesed it out of there. Becoming a statistic of the odd is not my cup of tea. I wonder if any correlation-al experiments have been done involving staying up very late, running around in the cold and an overly active imagination. I'm thinking not... like I said, the prints only went ONE direction!

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Excuse Me. Why Are You Laying On The Hood Of My Truck?!

Even vehicles gather our snow in puffy globules of whiteness. The owner of this truck will get nothing but joy going to work the next morning. Maybe they stayed home. I know I would. "Sorry boss, my truck is covered with puffy snow. I won't be in today."
The lumps on this truck remind me of a very cushy, blow-up TV couch. I considered trying it out, but decided this probably wasn't the best idea. The owner might not see the humor. And was no-doubt watching me, since we've established he didn't have to get up early for work the next day.

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Someone Got An Atomic Powered Tree Trimmer For Christmas

Another view of some puffy bushes and an odd looking tree. Glorioski!! Someone sure chopped the dickens out of that poor thing.

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Honey, When Are You Going To Take The Lights Down?

One of the advantages of leaving your Christmas decorations up, way WAY past the holiday. Gives the photo-guy driving around at all hours something cool to photograph. Thank you for not being timely, people. Greatly appreciated by that guy. (I once left my colored revolving light/silver aluminum Christmas tree up in the picture window until the NEXT December. Saved a BUNCH of time and effort 11.95 months later, and the mailman seemed to really enjoy it.)

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Photo Proof SOMEONE Got Eaten

Close up of those bushes from Photo number 3 [↑]. SEE!!

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Even Out In The Country, Things Get Puffy

Fir tree, taken on the way out to the airport. I think our snow here has a curvoid affinity for all things tree and bush. But it IS cool to look at and record.

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The March Of The Globoid Fruit Trees -or- Dr. Seuss Goes On Holiday

Another photo out by the airport. These trees look to be on the march. The one out front is really leaning into the wind. The shadows add a fun detail of added motion to the scene.

Technical Detail-Those spots are snow on the lens, from hanging out the car window during the storm.

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The Worlds Largest Lumpy Holly Tree

This is the largest Holly bush (Ilex opaca?) I've ever seen. I thought it was a small Douglas fir tree at first. A person could make a mondo-load of Christmas wreaths from this thing. And it's even pre-flocked for you. Just don't hang it above the mantel, indoors. This is one intriguing photo of an intriguing tree. And I'm not just saying that because I took the photo either.

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Guardians Of The Yellow Backdoor Galaxy Of SOMEWHERE

Another very colorful Dr. Seuss-looking tree. And a back door to somewhere or another in town, late at night. I was busy, and didn't note what Galaxy I was behind.


~ Finto ~ (Temporaritudinale')

Stay tuned for more, folks

Thanks for stopping in and viewing more images of SnOwregon 2019: The PLEASURE, Part VII. If you have any thoughts about driving around, taking photos in a snowstorm, the CONTINUAL posting of said photos, even after the stuff has melted away to the water cycle, the puffy nature of our snows, colored light and it's effect on our snows, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 04/26/2019 @ 13:30

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 139

4-6-2018 Ants On A Log - Copy SNOWREGON P8 PuffySnows.PNG

Author's Note:
Many photos are a bit grainy. They were shot with the highest ISO (3200) on my small Lumix camera, while hanging out the car window, during the storm. All photos were handheld, without a tripod. So, there is a bit of color shift and odd things going on, which I feel adds to the effect. Thankyouverymuch. -dds


Yikes seemed to have butchered that tree! Oh the poor shrub branches are straining! Yeah probably best to leave a guy's truck alone. Some folks just dont see the humor like us!

Takes a certain kind of mind. Then again, I wouldn't want some guy laying out on MY truck either. So maybe a big Nevermind...( :

Fabulous photos and your descriptions brightened my day! My mother-in-law never took her Christmas tree down. She set it up in the family room down in the lower level of the house and on Christmas Eve she pulled off the sheet that she had covering it so it wouldn't get dusty during the year and plugged in the lights. Voila! Instant Christmas!

Nominated to C-Squared

Ha haa, a mother in law after my own heart. Makes sense to me. Why set the thing up EVERY year? Thanks so much for the nice C-Squared nomination. I appreciate it. As well as that you are enjoying the snowfall extravaganza. I still need to do a couple more. The snowy gift that just keeps on giving. Have a nice day in May.

I'm telling ya, the snowpocalypse its on!! Those are the wombs of the ice demons of the past snow storm waiting to come out and make popsicles the entire human race!!

See, as I said, I've been reading a lot of BLx lately, and you know what is up in the world of creatures that are after us. They're everywhere! ( :
Love the wombs and ice demons, scary stuff. (We're in DEEP trouble if your ideas ever come true from space. DOUBLE Yikes).

Yeah! is a good thing my ideas can't come to life hahaha

Yes, or we'd all be in big trouble ( :

Ha! A little snow won't cut it with the boss, here! Nice shots, but... brrr! It's been an overly snowy year. That holly tree is pretty crazy! It looks like a pillar of cold stuff. I've never seen a holly tree before, so I'll take your word on it being a large one :-)

You need to have a talk with your boss. Then again, if it's school, they don't have much of a sense of humor. They only closed the college I went to once in history, and that was because it was -55 degrees wind chill, blowing sideways, and they couldn't keep the buildings heated. So it has to get bad. I don't miss that mess! I wonder if there are Holly trees there? Probably in the city. Prickly little (or big) things. And that one is pretty big. Hope the defense and all things related went and are going well. Hang in there, almost done. Have a nice day, hope it doesn't include snow...

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Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. Thanks for all you do for Steemit, and supporting creative sorts of things. Cheers

WOW! Very amazing and incredible pictures of oddly-cool “puffy” snow…. I love them all. Really creative idea and great shot! ;)

Thanks, glad you like my 'puffy snows'. They are fun to mess about with. More to come in the department of the end of the snows and such. I hope all is well in your corner of the world, and it's not too hot. Just think 'brrrish' snow ( : Have a nice night.

You’re welcome!

Oh! I’m glad to hear that there are more to come…. Your snowy photos can very much help me to survive among terrible hot weather here!!! Ha ha! ;D

Have a wonderful day, GFF! ;)

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