SnOwregon 2019 ~ THE PLEASURE - Post I ~ Whispy NightSnows: Staying Out WAY Too Late Running Around Town Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty ~ Original Photography And Some Discussion ~

in #snowregon2019-pleasure15 years ago (edited)

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The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All

The YIN and YANG of Snow -- The Pleasure To The Pain

Upon our last 'look into' the coverage of SnOwregon 2019, or "snowmageddon", we'd just spent the entire night and a couple of days, working very hard moving TONS of snow from tarp and structure buildings. Can I get a hearty Yee haa here? Which is why those posts were called "THE PAIN. " And believe you me, it WAS painful.

Proof Of Painful Posts:

[SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I]
[SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II]

But, as that one saying from someone somewhere or another goes: "Along with life's Pain, springs forth MUCH needed Pleasure." And within this massive pile of snow we recently received from above, there was a LOT of visual pleasure, to go along with all that pain. And these next Posts are the end result.

That Pleasure Part

One of the most enjoyable aspects of a snowstorm is wandering about IN the snow, usually at night, watching the way our world transforms from normal beautiful to amazingly gorgeous, simply by adding a deep layer of white fluff to every surface and object around you. And sadly, I was WAY too busy the first night of our large arctic blast, to spend any time wandering around photographing this lovely new version of our world. But no worries, for those that worry. I made up for this 'loss' in the next few days. By staying up WAY too late the FOLLOWING nights, taking oodles and oodles and more oodles of photos. And what became of all these snaps of this bold, new, colorful world? Well, peruse on, and you shall see for yourself.

It's All In The Light

There is nothing quite like the play of the ever-present, normally annoying city lights on clean, freshly fallen snow. The colorful images surround us EVERYWHERE. Just ripe for the taking. You only have to be nutty enough to drive around in the chill mayhem after most folks are in bed, and hang out the window in the raging blow and snow to capture all this beauty on digital film.

This multiple-post series follows the next 3 nights AFTER the storm, including another 3+ inches of snowfall on top of our initial 11 inches, and what I saw of it while bopping about in the Subaru at all hours. Enjoy the results, if you please. I know I sure had a boat-load of fun chasing down and capturing all these images!

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On To That Pleasure

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Early morning calm, before the storm

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A local doctor's office--I don't think the doctor was 'in'

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A young lad was stuck in his pickup at the stop sign. He was a bit distraught, "If I could get moving, I would either turn right, and go to work, or turn left, and go home." I waited, stomping about in the snow, while he phoned his boss. Then I pushed his truck as he gunned it out of the snow bank. He turned left.

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No night-birds on the wires. But they're still up (the wires, I'm sure the birds were in bed)

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More snow, coming down in huge flakes- It's was GORGEOUS out there in the yellow light.

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I had a BLAST driving all over the city, photographing the snows. You could stop anywhere, in the middle of the street, and shoot away to your heart's content. No one was around to care.

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More shots out the car window. If I stood outside, my camera got completely SOAKED in no time. My Lumix isn't exactly waterproof.

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I wonder if our fair city owns any snowplows?

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The snow really muffles sound. There was absolute silence across the city. You could hear a pin drop. OK, maybe not. Plus you'd never FIND it again anyway.

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Some other brave person goof-ball, messing around in the snow on four wheels.

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More snow coming down, and more PLEASURE photos coming soon, to a Post near you.

~ Finto (Temporatudinale') ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing SnOwregon 2019: The PLEASURE, Part I. If you have any thoughts about winter storms, photographing in the dark DURING these storms, how light plays upon snow, how WE play upon snow, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 03/21/2019 @ 14:24

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 128

More Stinky the Cat Classics from Catfacts of Yesteryear

Lefting Reflex - BW Challenge II Day 7 VirtualReality - Copy.PNG

Author's Note:
All photos are a bit grainy. They were shot with the highest ISO (3200) on my small Lumix camera, while hanging out the window of the car, during the storm. All were handheld, without a tripod. So, there is a bit of color shift and odd things going on, which I feel adds to the effect. Thankyouverymuch. -dds


Splendid snow photos! It is quite wonderful how the normally obnoxious lights enhance each of the scenes. I like the framing effect you used, too. Nicely done!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the photos and framing. I spend a bit of time on them, but consider a lot of this as an art project as well as just a blog. Hope your weather has improved a bit up yonder. DId the 'blast' hit you, or did it miss? Nice to see and photograph, a real pain to drive in and have things get squished and frozen. Have a nice night.

All of our snow has melted. We have lots of precipitation in the forecast for this coming week, but most of it says rain/snow mix. I'm hopeful that warmer sunny days will be on the way very soon.

I have to say the snow looks better when it is your snow LOL!!!

Oh wow you are a brave one alright! Going out in the storm like that takes a fair amount of guts. I was afraid we were going to read of you being stranded like Ernest Shackleton's Endurance! I love how the trees were coated and that was sweetly illuminated by the light! Very, very cool shots!

No Shackleton yet, but the post series is young! ( : OK, maybe nothing THAT exciting happened...but it sure was fun and a bit of a less-than-real brave man's adventure. The Subaru knows what it's doing out there, so that helps. Stay tuned, I have many more photos coming out soon. I kinda went bonkers ( : ( :
But I've been 'off' this weekend, so back to Steemitville now.
Love your comment how the fact it's 'my snow' is better. Think we all believe that way when push comes to shove, or frozen water falls from the sky. Is your weather improving there? Hope so. Cheerstoya

Lovely, I really enjoyed these. I've done a similar thing here, driven round late at night, no one else around, just taking it all in. The snow seems to obliterate the ugliness and emphasise the beauty.

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Thanks, glad you enjoyed my night out. There's more to come, so stay tuned. It IS a lot of fun, messing about in all that glorious beauty at night, isn't it? I rather prefer walking around, which I do nearby, but to really get out, you have to drive. And as you say, it's SO much fun to do. In that safety of no one to run into you. I DID get stuck once, but got out. Kind of adds to the excitement. Thanks for stopping in to chat and view and all. Much appreciated. Cheers

One of the great things about steem is the chance to drop in and see others' lives around the globe.

I think that is the best part of Steemit. Friends from all over the planet. I've made some really nice friends on here I've never met. (Yet)...


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Nice! Well, the photos. Our snow is finally melting in MN, and I'm not sad to see ti go. Looks like things are still pretty white and fluffy out your way!

Thanks, they were fun to take, bombing about all night long for several days, and there is a pile more to put out. I may have 'overtook' a bit. Nah, though that is the somewhat advantageous disadvantage of digital. Gotta love it. As for our snow, it's all gone now. It got up to 70 one day. WEIRD weather, that's for sure. Cheers

WOW! Really wonderful snowy night! You were very brave guy who went out late in the night, wandered around the city that was covering with thick snow and recorded the snowy night-beauty for us here.

The snow is very gorgeous, especially while it’s coming down from the sky…. I love all of your photos and very happy to see them. Great shot!

You were very lucky guy to experience it by your own eyes!

Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to seeing more PLEASURE photos with much interest. ;)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed my romp out in the white stuff. Wish you could see it sometime, it is a lot of fun and beauty. But can be rather chilly. More PLEASURE photos coming soon, so stay tuned. I need to catch up on here too, I've been off of Steemit this weekend. Have a nice day, and keep smiling.

You’re welcome! And thanks for your kind wish for me. Yeah! I do really hope to see the wonderful snow by my own eyes one day, I would surely enjoy taking a lot of photos and playing snow balls as well…. It would be very much fun for me.

Have a great weekend, GFF! ;)

Im jealous! The winter down here we only saw a couple flakes, once, I think..Lol Looks like you had loads of fun! Nice photos BTW!

I would mail you some of ours, but it all melted. Though it is nice to see and mess about in, it can be a pain for driving. I bet Tx is a REAL hoot when it does happen. I have family down in Waco, but they don't get much either either. It's fun for awhile, but only a short one. Hope all is well down yonder, and say hello to ENH for me. Cheers

Lol, no worries. I bet. All is well down here, I will tell ENH you said hello. We are finally getting moved into our new (but old) house and should be back to posting soon. Take care!

Congrats on the new (old) house. It's always fun to get a new place, offset by the joyous endeavour(not) of moving. Yikes, can't even fathom it right now. Too much "great stuff" to haul around.
Thanks for passing on my hello. I look forward to you both coming back. So many of my friends have gone away on here. Kind of sad. Getting to know folks from all over on the world on the Interbox and is fun and makes life go round. I hope many of the Steemit folks come back. But it IS a bit of a long winded grind sometimes. Especially after a couple of years or more. Takes a lot of time and effort. Whinge whinge whinge. But it's worth it for sure. Take care as well, cheerstoyaboth

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Sorry, I didn't saw this before! I've been running like crazy nowadays... hehe
I like the way the trees look, I think that's the equivalent of grey hair in humans. Mamma Spring will dye their "hair" green again soon enough. Talking about hairy things, how is cousin It handling so much snow?

Quite alright, I don't seem to be able to keep up on here worth beans. [Large Sigh Here] I'm way behind in posts most of the time. Plus I run my voting down to pretty sad, so have to wait.
Ha haaa, I enjoyed your analogy there....Mamma Spring and her green dye . Very witty indeed.
Cousin What's-It fared very well in the snow. Still just sitting there, being a springly bush of excellent repute. I'm going to do a whole post on 'it' some day. But don't hold your breath. As that one song goes, "All You'll Get Is Blue" ( :
Cheers to a day with some sun, but not TOO much, so you can do the fit thing without boiling over.

Boiling... yeah... that's what I do everyday in this island! heheheh

Just don't boil your brain, doing the running, sit-up-ing, weight lifting, and other 'ings' of fitness fun. Our warmth is returning slowly, but not quite like yours. My brain would probably give up.

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