SnOwregon 2019 ~ THE PLEASURE - Post VI ~ Industrial Magic and Light ~ Staying Out WAY Too Late Running Around Town Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty ~ Original Photography And Some Discussion ~

in #snowregon2019-pleasure65 years ago (edited)

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And On We Go, Into The Night

The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All ~ The Pleasure - Part VI

Even MORE Images Of Driving Around In The Recent Snows

In our last entry into SnOwregon 2019, we were bopping around the far and wide countryside, capturing all the wondrous images of the beautiful NightSnows, many of them out by the local airport. And now? We're headed back toward town, into the heavy duty working sections of our fair city. Those tucked-away nooks and crannies of heavy industry, that constantly chug away behind the scenes of everyday life, night and day, day and night. All the while keeping our town moving and shaking. I suppose you could call it the mechanical 'meat and potatoes' of the urban lot.

Usually this area is teeming with activity, in many cases, all night long without stopping. Let's head out and take a look, to see what's going on when a foot or more of snow dumps itself on the area. So, WITH further ado, I give you: The Industrial Side of SnOwregon, 2019. Peruse and enjoy...

Previous PAIN and PLEASURE Posts:

Goin Out The Country ~ Part II
Goin Out The Country ~ Part I
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part II
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part I
Whispy NightSnows
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II

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The PLEASURE Of The Drive Continues

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Mount YardWaste ChipPile

Though this looks like a mountain range, in reality it's a local wood chip processing plant, re-configuring old, discarded lumber and yard waste into new barcomulch for the lawn. Actually, this is the sorting yard. They grind up the wood in a huge, really cool machine, located around the corner and down the block. I couldn't get near that part, it was locked up for the night. Imagine that.

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Canary Yellow--Three Ninety Eight A Gallon At Kmart

Some sort of chip-processing machine. I wonder why most heavy duty machinery is painted the same color of yellow? Is it a rule in some book somewhere? Does it make them easier to see on the road? Is yellow paint the cheapest? Something ELSE to ponder, and keep me up late at night...

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Thanks Be I'm Not A Dog

When you pass by this place during a normal, hot day, it smells INCREDIBLY strong. A sickly pleasant, pungent odor of fresh-cut cedar. So strong, I almost 'swoon' when I bicycle by. I'm not sure if this is because I'm a Forester, or it does that to everyone else as well. I really SHOULD to a survey. There was no smell at all this night. Probably due to the deep snow cover. Sadly, no swooning for me.

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I've Been Photo-ing On The Railroad

I stopped on the overpass, to see what the railroad people were up to in the middle of the night. It seemed quieter than usual. Maybe all the engineers and brakemen and everyone else it takes to build and run a train, were at home in their beds by this time. Or the trains were all stuck in the snow. I'm doubting that scenario. As those air conditioner folks advertise on the TV, "It's Hard To Stop A Trane". Now if they could only learn to spell it correctly.

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Aerial R.R. Photo No. 2

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Cue The Whoo-OOOOH-oooh oooh Music - A Tear In The Time-Space Continuum

This one reminds me of something Kirk would stare at from his big, square, uncomfortable-looking Barcalounger® in space, after shouting "put it on screen, Mr. Spock." I kept expecting an oddly shaped, green-headed being to appear in the haze at any moment. None did.

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They Look So Peaceful At Night-Just Don't Light A Match

These are enormous fuel storage tanks. I've always wondered how large the fireball would be, if these things ever 'go up'. I hope I never find out. We don't live all that far from here. Would definitely put a damper on your day. BTW-Those are Subaru brake lights in the snow, at photo-left. (Not a match).

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Little Boxes, Little Boxes, All The Same...

The local vehicle junk yard in the middle of the night. I wander and dig around out there with my tools now and then, to find cheap parts for my truck. It looks uncharacteristically peaceful and almost serenely artistic in the NightSnows.

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No Rest For The Weary...Or Second-Hand Auto Parts Guys

Someone was out there with a big flashlight, taking parts off cars in the middle of the night. My first thought was: "Ooh, I've discovered a vehicular scofflaw. Maybe I can get a reward, in old, used parts for my Toyota". But I've since discovered they do this a LOT. This company mails parts all over the world, so I think 'pulling' must go on all the time. Even in the middle of the night, after a major snowstorm. Yee haa!


~ Finto ~ (Temporaritudinale')

Stay tuned, there's MORE, folks

Thanks for stopping in and viewing some more images of SnOwregon 2019: The PLEASURE, Part VI. If you have any thoughts about driving around taking photos in a snowstorm, the Industrial side of things in said events, staying up till the wee hours to TAKE these photos, the dynamics of putting a train together in all sorts of weather, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 04/18/2019 @ 14:54

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 137

AA 3-27-2018 Tree Tuesday Lions Tigers &Bears Oh My LOSTAPHOBIA REUSED for Industrial Nightsnows  Kittybunintheoven.PNG

Author's Note:
Many photos are a bit grainy. They were shot with the highest ISO (3200) on my small Lumix camera, while hanging out the car window, during the storm. All photos were handheld, without a tripod. So, there is a bit of color shift and odd things going on, which I feel adds to the effect. Thankyouverymuch. -dds


I so like and swoon over the smell of cut cedar that I researches and purchased some cologne that actually smells of it! Its called Norne by Slumerhouse. I love it. Not cheap mind you so I bought a decant of it. Pure dark, damp forest, mmmm!

That last shot of pulling part in the yard is a classic!!!

Now THAT would be a good cologne. The smell of the forest. I went over and watched your 'review' video. Classic OGP stuff. Nothing could be better than smelling like a dank, dark forest. At least in my book.
Those guys were out there in the yard pulling for a long time. It was kind of like watching ants messing around in your kitchen cupboard or something of similar ilk. The fun stuff life is made of. Hope you have a good weekend, Mon. Cheerio(s)

I was telling my Subaru loving daughter about your night-time snow photo shoot. She said that when it snows here at night the Subie network comes alive with everyone asking 'who is out here'?

More fantastic snow photos!

Love them!!! Kmart? Pfffffhaaaa!

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Amazing photos of wonderful snow covering the industrial area! Yeah! It’s a magic place, as you stated in the title, I absolutely agree.

The wood chip processing plant looks like mountain range covering with snow indeed. Really incredible!

The railroad looks great with the snow and light. Um! You were so lucky that there is no oddly shaped with green-headed appeared while you stayed there. Ha ha! ;D

It’s amazing to see a lot of cars covering with snow… They look like little boxes indeed. Um! You had good eyes to see that guy among those cars.

Good story and great photos! ;)

Pretty amazing industrial landscapes. DD:) Art gallery quality if you ask me. Bravo:)

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This explains a lot about Stinky the Cat. When we wrestle around, she gets all nutty-looking in the eyes, plops onto her back, and then does Bunny Death Kicks with her back legs. She really gets them going. I think she has watched rabbits in the yard do this, and has made a decision to be nice to me, and not scratch me up with her deadly front claws. She does the Bunny kick to say, "You are annoying the stuffing out of me, but I still love you, so will only use this tactic in order to show major dis-pleasure, yet minimize the damage to your human bean outer integument."
I have to admit, I DO appreciate the kitty thought. Even though I'm not sure what that integu word means.

Rain Is wetter than before 6-10-2019 BIGGER.PNG

This explains a lot about Stinky the Cat. When we wrestle around, she gets all nutty-looking in the eyes, plops onto her back, and then does Bunny Death Kicks with her back legs. She really gets them going. I think she has watched rabbits in the yard do this, and has made a decision to be nice to me, and not scratch me up with her deadly front claws. She does the Bunny kick to say, "You are annoying the stuffing out of me, but I still love you, so will only use this tactic in order to show major dis-pleasure, yet minimize the damage to your human bean outer integument."
I have to admit, I DO appreciate the kitty thought. Even though I'm not sure what that integu word means.

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