SnOwregon 2019 ~ THE PLEASURE - Post II ~ Drive n' Around NightSnows: Staying Out WAY Too Late Running Around Town Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty ~ Original Photography And Some Discussion ~

in #snowregon2019-pleasure25 years ago (edited)

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The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All ~ Part II

Wandering About On All-wheel Drive

One aspect of capturing the snowy night views during a winter storm, is getting around IN all this snowy stuff. And though walking IS an option, and a much more pleasurable one at that, driving is sometimes a necessity of this rarefied 'Art Form'. You can cover a whole lot more ground, and see more of your fair city-scape when in the car.

Though this unfortunately means you are now driving around with all the OTHER folks on the road at the same time, which can be a bit dicey in this part of the country. Because deep snow is a rarity here, and most folks have NO clue how to drive in the white stuff. It's bad enough when a half inch gets sprinkled across the road. Add another ten to fifteen inches to the mix, and watch out! Calling it treacherous is an understatement. It's usually best to stay off the roadways during these trying weather times.

But I GOTTA Take Photog's

So...we've decided that taking pictures is what we want to do here. And to accomplish this, you actually have to get out INTO the out-of-doors. Since that's where all this snow IS. Which is why I go out very late at night, when most of the cars in the city are safely parked, and the drivers are all at home in bed. It's much safer for me and the car, with no one else out messing (and crash-banging) about at the same time.

And if you need to stop in the middle of the road, to get out to TAKE those precious photos? Or better (AND worse), shoot out the window of the car? All those other drivers on the road efficiently eliminates this practice during the day. For some reason, excessive horn-honking is common when you stop wherever you are in the thoroughfare, to shoot away out the driver's window.

Just Stay Outa The PlowZone

No, best to do this at night. When no one is watching. Or honking. Which is perfectly fine with me. As the best snow photos are in the dark anyway, with all that cool light reflecting about. You can stop in the middle of the road and shoot away to your heart's content. I can just hear the next question, welling up in Steemitville right about now. "Why don't you simply pull over to shoot?" Good luck with that! Parking at the SIDE of the road is impossible. There IS no 'side of the road'. You're guaranteed to get stuck in a natural or plowing drift, which leads to some very mundane photography over the evening. "Ooh, I love that single shot you took while you were out. The one from ALL angles, ALL night long. Very artsy-fartsy kitsch-tastic".

Long explanation getting longer by the moment: This is the reason I stay up through the wee hours of the morning, driving around, taking photos. Besides a boatload of fun, it's a WHOLE lot safer for me and the car, because I'm the only one out there doing it. Or at least the only one I've ever SEEN out doing it.
So off we go, into the long night...

Previous PAIN and PLEASURE Posts:

Whispy NightSnows
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II

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Onward-To More PLEASURE

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Driving around on day one. Where IS everybody? Oh, that's right, they're smarter than the guy in the Subaru, and stayed home. Which is just fine with me in the Subaru.

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Only about 1 in 47 drivers can safely drive in the snow around here. Makes for more excitement.

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I always stop at the red lights, even though there's no one around. I sometimes see other's just going on through. Some because they can. Others sliding on past the other way because they hit the brakes 10 feet from the light. How's that saying go? -- "I HAD a plan. It's just the catastrophe got ahead of it."

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Whaatamess Avenue, Northwest USA

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A Major Thoroughfare - Snowplows were scarce, and sidewalks were jammed with snow. Walking down the middle of the road was the easiest way to go. There were folks wandering down the middle of the street all night long. I think many were on their way to work, in the middle of the night. I felt bad for them. Why doesn't their boss just say "stay home." Unless you're a sight-see'er, hospital worker, fire-person, photographer, or at some other critical job, there's no reason anyone should be out here.

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Close-in view of previous road-trundlers.

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I think that says Don't Walk under there. But I'm driving anyway, so no worries.

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A Good Kind Of Yellow Snow
Traffic lights relentlessly turn the white world different colors as they change from stop to go and back again, hour after hour, all night long.

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Desolation Wonderland - Out in the country on night two. So gorgeous with the city lights in the background. It was pleasurably quiet as a laryngitical churchmouse out here.

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Good luck getting to work the next morning. Hopefully they have a nice boss and can just watch cartoons in their PJ's all day long tomorrow.

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Jumping ahead a few nights, the rains cleared the streets, and driving returned to some semblance of normal.

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And likewise, in the green glow of 'Go'




~ Finto ~ (Temporaritudinale')

Stay tuned for more, folks

Thanks for stopping in and viewing SnOwregon 2019: The PLEASURE, Part II. If you have any thoughts about winter storms, more photography in the dark DURING these storms, driving around the storm to take photos, parking in the middle of the road at 3 AM, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 03/26/2019 @ 13:34

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 129

More Stinky the Cat Classics from Catfacts of Yesteryear

AAA catnip high -Tree Toss 5.3 Historical Look - Copy  PLEASURE II.PNG

Author's Note:
Many photos are a bit grainy. They were shot with the highest ISO (3200) on my small Lumix camera, while hanging out the car window, during the storm. All photos were handheld, without a tripod. So, there is a bit of color shift and odd things going on, which I feel adds to the effect. Thankyouverymuch. -dds


Another PLEASURE post…. The gorgeous snow with yellow lights create wonderful photos! Well done! You took great photos of them.

I wish I am one among those people who walk among the snow….. That would be really happy moment for me!

Thanks for sharing new sets of photos of beautiful snowy night with us! Apart from the pleasure in my eyes and my mind, these can release me from the HOT weather here as well. ;))

Thanks, so glad you like my NightSnow's pictures. They were fun to take (and took forever to process), and even more fun to put out. There are more coming. I do hope you get to play in snow one day. It is fun, though very cold. But you will warm up fast again in Thailand, that's for sure. I'm glad looking at the snows makes you cool. You should put the computer in the freezer, then stand there and view them with the cold coming out onto your being. Wouldn't THAT make it more real ( :
Have a nice day and night and onward to the weekend.

You’re welcome!

Ha ha! Great idea! I’ll follow your advice right now…..That should make me feel cold, for sure! ;D
You know, apart from watching your snowy photos, (I’m happy to hear that there are more coming), I myself love to open the freezer and stand in front of it for 5-10 minutes / time every day. Um! This can release me from HOT weather…. Ha ha! ;)

Have a wonderful weekend, GFF! ;))

I am quite pleased that you ventured out in the middle of the night to get all these wonderful shots! I think you must be a much more dedicated photographer than I am!

Ha haa, there might be other names beyond dedicated for such late-night endeavoure'. So glad you are enjoying the series, it was fun to take, and now fun to put out. Believe it or not, there's "more to come". Yee haaa I :

I'm glad you were able to find the positive side of that weather and turn it into a thing of beauty! Especially after all the work of shoveling off the roof!

Sometimes you have to find that silver cloud, even if it's buried under a foot of the white stuff. That WAS a lot of work, all that removal, so this is my reward to self, a bunch of posts touting its beauty. Glad you are enjoying the sights from the late-night drive. More to come, as I went pretty much bonkers out there with the camera. Gotta love digital. And this is such a one-time event. Happens so very seldom here. Gotta celebrate the snows. Cheers

I think you might be happy that this is not a regular winter occurrence! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that these photos will be rare and valuable in the future.

Thanks, it's always hit and miss here. Sometimes it's nice all winter (relatively), and others, not so great. As for rare, that would be nice, (though I won't hold my breath on valuable ( :

Hello @ddschteinn, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thanks so much, the support and mention is muchly appreciated. As always, thanks for the work you do on Steemit to support further the art of the Post. Cheers.

Snow and lights are a match made in heaven!! 😀

I agree, they are pretty amazing in combination, aren't they. And maybe that's why we'll still see a bunch more posts of them...O :
I hope you get to mess around in the snow some day, it is fun. Though cold. Maybe it's better to enjoy it on here, and stay warm. Hmmm...

Some snow would be really good now! I'm literally melting in this island! 😅

Hello little cat, I like your bear (or is it a mouse...)

If it's a mouse @ddschteinn does the follow up picture with the cocoa mean it's now eaten the thing? Whoa that went dark quickly ;)

I had similar thoughts ( :
I think of it more as realistic, rather than dark. After all, kitties and meeces don't often mix. (Stinky the Cat once jumped about 10 feet off her 'snack stool' in the kitchen, onto a mouse. Couldn't believe the air-ground she covered to get there. She hated mice for some reason. Must have insulted her at one time or another.) But this little C.K. above is no doubt a mouse lover. As well as cocoa. Such a nice little, non-Stinky-the-Junkyard-Cat cat. Thanks for that, little fuzzball C.K. Cheerio(s) dda, keep it real, or at least the illusion of such

I had similar thoughts ( :
I think of it more as realistic, rather than dark. After all, kitties and meeces don't often mix. (Stinky the Cat once jumped about 10 feet off her 'snack stool' in the kitchen, onto a mouse. Couldn't believe the air-ground she covered to get there. She hated mice for some reason. Must have insulted her at one time or another.) But this little C.K. above is no doubt a mouse lover. As well as cocoa. Such a nice little, non-Stinky-the-Junkyard-Cat cat. Thanks for that, little fuzzball C.K. Cheerio(s) dda, keep it real, or at least the illusion of such

Yeesh @ddschteinn still dealing with snow I see. Sometimes I love the stuff but I have to go into it knowing I want to have snow, going from Spring like England to deep piles of mid western white stuff was really a shock to the system this year.

I'm so glad to see the grass and daffs again!

Actually, it has all melted. I'm just getting the most I can out of it, by putting out a photo extravaganza of the event. With MORE TO COME. Yaaayyy. I ended up being quite fascinated by this whole late at night and light event on snow thingy. As you can tell. It is rather cool. So, onward, to more posts, even if spring has schproinged.
I can only imagine how shocking that would be to come from M.O.E. and the niceties on all sides, back to the snows and such back here. I do hope you get to go back next year. I was so enjoying your discussions of your time 'out there' and over the wide blue sea. It is nice to see grass, daffs and even occasional nutria now and then, now that things have changed. Enjoy your weekend, and keep smilin'. Cheers

Folks sure dont know how to drive in it here either! I always have had a 4 wheel drive, but was hit head on back in 93 by a wheel drive Ford Ranger. I suppose it all goes down to the sufferings we do for our art!

The buried car shot really brought it home!! Greats fun to read, my friend!

Sorry you got smacked back then. Hope you were alright. Don't know how many folks I see going 40 on the ice, "but I got 4WD." Works great for getting OUT of a mess, doesn't do diddly for stopping or steering. Yikes, scary folks. Used to commute on a nasty 2 lane highway for years. I hated it, always felt about 10 inches from certain doom. Which I suppose we were.

Glad you are enjoying the days (nights) out in the snow here. More to come. I had a lot of fun, and now everyone has to view it ( :
Cheers my friend, always fun to chat. (I've been pretty delinquent in that sphere on here lately. Hope to remedy that soon.) Whatitis, your dude-liness

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