SnOwregon 2019 ~ THE PLEASURE - Post IV ~ Going Out The Country ~ Staying Out WAY Too Late Running Around Town (& Beyond) Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty ~ Original Photography And Some Discussion ~

in #snowregon2019-pleasure45 years ago (edited)

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The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All ~ Part IV

A Brand-Spanking-New Batch Of Frozen, Visual Victual's

"We're Ba-aack". With more imagery from driving all around town a short while ago, photographing the beautiful NightSnow's of the city, in SnOwregon 2019. We're now moving on to the countryside of our fair city, and the things that popped up, under, around and through this thick, white blanket of joy. So, WITH further ado, here goes SOMETHING. Enjoy...

Previous PAIN and PLEASURE Posts:

Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part II
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part I
Whispy NightSnows
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II

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The PLEASURE Of The Drive Continues

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Sometime In The Middle Of The Night

Braving the slippery roads and drifting snow, I plowed the Subaru out into the country, just to see what I could see. And, as my brother used to say, "Who woulda' thunked it?"...More Snow! The lights of the city beyond really lit up the horizon, and out here, all was as quiet as could be. No traffic, no noise of any kind. Even the tires on the snowy road were silent. With the white stuff still coming down, it promised to be a fun and exciting night of photography.

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"Night Of The Living-Dead Douglas Fir"

Even way out here, they chop up the trees to "make them fit" with the modern conveniences of life. I guess it IS better than just cutting them down altogether. But they still look to me like giant, evergreen Pac-Man monsters on steroids, moving slowly across the landscape, munching our wires, poles, and anything else that gets in their way. Remind me of those classic B&W, cheesoid horror movies I see on ME TV, late Saturday nights. The snow makes them even MORE macabre-cool looking in the dark.

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Scenes like this make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Safely ensconced in the warm house, watching the weather batter the countryside out and beyond. Warm and snug in your little house. Or in this case, your standard Twodor Ranch.

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The lonely road of the all-night photographer

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Some sort of outbuilding on a farm, all buttoned-up for the night. Think everyone except me was in bed this night. Apparently country folk don't wander around in the snow at all hours, like we city folks do. Probably because they have to get up really early, to milk the cows, buck hay, slop some chickens, and other such chores. Or like Abe Lincoln, they're just used to going to bed when it gets dark. "But it's SNOWING out here, people!! You're SUPPOSED to wander around all night long!"
It's probably good I don't have any cows.

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This windmill looks a bit sad and droopy in the NightSnows

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One good reason to not go driving off the beaten path. There IS no path, where it's not beaten. Plus there's no one out and about to help get you UN-stuck, if you go steering-ly awry. And I KNOW I didn't bring enough Powerbars® and water to stay alive till the spring melt. So I stayed on the path more (or less) taken.

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It's SO Peaceful Out Here

Quiet solitude, with the big-city in the background (and red taillights in the fore).

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Cold-lit Snow

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5:07 AM

Heading out toward the airport, to see what I can see. It sure LOOKS busy, on yonder far horizon.

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There's a plane out there. Somewhere. Air travel in the snowy climes? In this part of the world, you often have to wander across the tarmac to your plane, hauling your carry-on luggage as you go. Those little wheels don't work so good in a foot of snow. Wouldn't THAT be a fun way to start your trip to Aruba?!

Stay tuned, there's more to come from this side of the country.



~ Finto ~ (Temporaritudinale')

Thanks for stopping in and viewing more images of SnOwregon 2019: The PLEASURE, Part IV-The Countryside. If you have any thoughts about continued driving and photo taking in a snowstorm, the avoidance of getting stuck while out, staying up ALL night to do it, a better survival super-food than bagged cookies or Powerbars®, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 04/05/2019 @ 12:58

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 132

Shoe Shots Sundance Cats 9 months1 - Copy USED Again SnOwregon Country I.PNG

Shoe Shots Sundance Cats 9 months2 - Copy USED Again SnOwregon Country I.PNG

Author's Note:
Many photos are a bit grainy. They were shot with the highest ISO (3200) on my small Lumix camera, while hanging out the car window, during the storm. All photos were handheld, without a tripod. So, there is a bit of color shift and odd things going on, which I feel adds to the effect. Thankyouverymuch. -dds


Wait... This is now 7days old! That means I have not been over to see what you have been up to all week! This group of photos is quite wonderful, of course and now I can start to get caught up on the rest of the week. I'm feeling a bit of a slacker here!

Ha haa, no worries, I've got slacker down to a fine art. It's hard to keep up on here, that's for sure. I sometimes only have time to vote, and a quick perusal of posts. Not ideal for sure. And forget finding hundreds of new people. Just isn't enough time in a day. Though it sure is fun. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

All is well... We had one 70°day before getting hit with another winter blast. The daffodils have buds and if we ever see the sun again they will be blooming. Spring is on the horizon in Southern WI. Joy abounds!

I'm enjoying this posts so much!! The lights and the snow goes perfecty together! ❤

So glad you are enjoying my nights out in the snow. The light and snow do go together well, don't they. I'm glad you like it, because more is on the way ( :

WOW! The snowy land in the countryside is even more beautiful and peaceful. Yeah! I do really love this!

The lights in the far distance in most of the photos are really gorgeous. And everything that’s covered with snow is really wonderful, especially, the trees and the ground. Ha ha! The giant trees look really like “Pac-Man monsters” indeed. Good imagination!

Great photos! I like them all. Thanks so much for sharing. These can calm me down from the “TERRIBLE HOT” weather here…. ;D

Looking forward to seeing more photos soon. Have a beautiful day, GFF! ;))

I'm glad my snow photos can help cool you off with your sweltering weather. The snow is now gone, replaced by rain, but I'll keep it alive in visual form. Have a nice Sunday and stay cool ( :

Oh! It’s very sad for me that the snow is now gone! Although, I think, you would be, of course, very happy for this! Ha ha! ;D

I believe in you that you can keep it alive in visual form and that’s what I’m waiting for…. ;)

Many thanks for your kind wishes! I’ll try to stay cool, I promise. Have a wonderful night, GFF! ;))

I voted this yesterday but your comment I was leaving got sidetracked by a nap in my chair. At least I had the presence of mind to make sure that I fixed that today!

The night shots really show how much light glow the cities throw off! I like the contrast of the Cold Lit Snow shot. I can't believe the even have the airport operating in all of that!

Quite the fun adventure and I think you are best sticking to the beaten path. It will be a big hassle to get someone at 4am to pull you out lol!

Don't you just hate when that happens? OK, maybe not. A good nap is hard to pass up ( :
It is amazing how lit up it is with the snow. I guess it goes to show how lit up the night sky is, when you get a chance to reflect it all over the place. No WONDER they have a hard time seeing the stars now.
Luckily I didn't have to wake any farmers to give me a pull with their tractor at all hours. Might have seen the business end of the skattergun if I'd rang the doorbell at that time. Can't say as I'd blame them for it.
Cheers on a nice Sunday in April.

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Thanks a lot for the re-steem and vote, I really appreciate it. And thanks for the work you do to make Steemit the best site in the world. Cheers on a Sunday.

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