Curiosity #33 What makes Ebola so dangerous?

in #science7 years ago


Welcome my dear Steemian friends to a new episode of Curiosity! A series in which we will answer some of the questions that makes us all curious.   

Ebola attacks the body's first defense system before the immune system can even starts an effective defense reaction against the virus. Although it has only seven genes , it is a very effective killer. Scientist describes the fight between Ebola and humans is more like race, if the immune system manages to defense first, then human wins the race else Ebola does. 

Firstly, What is Ebola? and its History?

Ebola is a serious viral hemorrhagic fever caused by one of the Ebola virus species spread by body fluids only. It can cause disease in humans as well as non-human primates such monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee. Ebola viruses are generally found in African countries. This virus was discovered in 1976 around the Ebola River. Since then , Virus has spread throughout the Africa. Still today, the natural reservoir of the virus is unknown. However, due to various evidences and the nature of the virus , it is said "bats" are more likely to be the reservoir.  There are 5 species of this virus and 4 of them are native to native African animals.

So, what Makes it so Deadly?

Ebola is virus so, It has properties of both living and dead. It has absolutely no ability to do anything by itself and only survives by infecting a healthy cell. Of course to stop this from happening we have our defense guards "the immune system".

When a normal virus attacks, the dendritic cells activates the group of antivirus cells, helper T cells (support cells) and other cells to stop the virus in matter of minutes. But when the viruses like Ebola attacks, it directly attacks over the dendritic cells. dendritic cells are the brain of immune system. It takes over the dendtric cells, shuts it down and reprogrammes it from scratch. This cells now become a virus production factory. Once the cells is completely full, its outer membrane is dissolved and millions of viruses are released in the matter of seconds.


Not only it stops dendritic cells from triggering antivirus cells, but it also sends the signal from dentritic cells to destroy themselves and in matter of minutes most of the antivirus cells dies prematurely. so, finally our immune system is seriously in bad condition while the viruses multiplies.

There are other cells to like Natural killer cells, macrophages , monocytes but Ebola virus attacks these cells too and kills them. When the cells like macrophages and monocytes are attacked, these cells signals the blood vessels to release the fluids. This triggers Neutrophils which in turn releases more body fluid causing internal bleeding.

Ebola viruses also attacks liver, a very easy target for them quickly kills liver cells in turn causing different organs failure. All of the this explained above happens at the same time.

At last the immune system desperately triggers cytokines storm to kill the virus but does a lots of damage to the blood vessels. More fluids are leaked from the bloodstream and blood is leaked from every opening of the body, causing serious dehydration. 

you are left with serious dehydration, body fluids leaking from every opening in the body, there is not enough blood in the body , no immune system is left, multiple organs failure, cells begin to die rapidly making Ebola a deadly virus.Finally ,  Its like alien species taking over human and killing them by every possible ways.

So thats it for this Episode guys , Hope you all enjoyed this one. if you did follow me, upvote and resteem. Thankyou

Stay Curious.

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