Curiosity #19 What is Life?

in #science7 years ago

Did you know  " No part of the cell is alive, its all moved by the laws of universe that makes as alive"

Hey all the steemians out there, watzup? 

Have you ever wondered why are you a living being? what makes you a living being? How are you different from all the dead stuff? Well then you are at the right place for you answers. Lets get right into it.

Life is naturally different from all the dead stuffs out there or is it? One major property of a living being is they avoid the decay by a equilibrium.

But, What is Life?

Every living thing on this planet is made if cells. Cells are the microscopic protein based robot too small to feel anything. But it has the properties of Life. It has a wall that separates it from the surrounding , it maintain its state, it eats stuff to remain alive, it grows and develops, it reacts to the environment and it reproduces. But even though a cell does all this NO PART OF A CELL IS ALIVE.

In a cell one part reacts chemically with other parts forming a new chemical reaction which starts other reaction and the process continues. In a single cell several million chemical reaction takes place in a second forming a complex relationship.

A cell can build several proteins. some simple and some very complex.But, No part is alive , all the parts are moving and working because of the laws of the universe. So is Life all the reaction that and process that takes place?

Eventually every living thing will die, but the goal is to prevent this by reproducing. By this i mean DNA. Life is art of  transferring genetic materials. So is DNA life then? DNA is certainly a very complex molecule but it cant do anything by itself. This is where viruses makes things more complicated or the "mitochondria". They have their own DNA but they are not alive , they are basically dead.  So does this mean living things evolve into dead things  as long as its beneficial for their genetic code? So maybe life is just the information that manages to continue its existence.

But what about Artificial intelligence? this is not a science fiction , its just the matter of time until we get there

So what is life then? Things, process, DNA, information? Well there is something magical about us that makes us special. we are just the product of evolution. Or 

Life is just the  consciousness that we living beings are blessed with.

So thats all guys, Hope you liked it , if you did please let me know in the comments.

Other works by me:

Curiosity #18 What is Deja vu? How does it happen?

Curiosity #17 How do Tornadoes actually form?

Curiosity #16 How to know if you are Hacked? 

Curiosity #15 Why do some people go bald?

Curiosity #14 How much Oil is left in the world? 

Curiosity #13 Where does all the Gold came from?

curiosity #11 What happens when your 're struck by lightining?

curiosity #10 What happens when you Die?

Curiosity #9 How absurdly Rich was Pablo Escobar?

Curiosity #8 How big can Tsunamis get?

Curiosity #7 What lives at the bottom of Mariana Trench?

Curiosity #6 How dangerous is North Korea?

Curiosity #5 Do Black Holes ever die?

Curiosity #4 Have you ever experienced Sleep Paralysis? How to stop it?

Curiosity #3 How does the Sun look from other planets?

Curiosity #2 What if there was a black hole in your pocket?

Curiosity #1 What Happens if you fall into a black hole?


what if is no meaning of life
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I believe the word "life" is very simple to describe what you trying to touch here, life is something we humans feel and see, but I think what makes everything works is much more complicated and multilayered, for centuries​ ​we called it "God", Elon Musk said it could be a "Video Game", but what makes us humans is to desire to explore and eventually we will know the answer)

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