Curiosity #2 What if there was a black hole in your pocket?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hey there, welcome to our curious article series.  In this series we will try to answer all the question that makes us scratch our heads. So Let's get started.


So, What would happen if a black hole size of  a coin appeared in your pocket?

well , the simple answer is you "die". But there is another side of the story too. If  a black hole that suddenly appeared near you  is "as the mass of the coin" or "is it as big as a coin".

IF the black hole is as the mass of the coin

Suppose a coin weighing 10 grams suddenly collapsed into a black hole. This black hole would have the radius  of 10^-30 meters. By comparison the radius of a hydrogen atom is only 10^-11 meters. So the black hole compared to the hydrogen atom is as small as hydrogen atom compared to the sun. Which is unimaginably small. And a small black hole would have a unimaginably short life time to decay by hawking radiation. It would radiate away  in 10^-23 seconds, which is quite fast. Its 10 grams of mass would be converted to tremendous amount of energy. Which will lead to an explosion roughly 3 times the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. And for sure in this case "You Die".

Now, IF the Black Hole is As big as a Coin

Well, if the black  hole had the diameter of a common coin then it would be considerably more massive. In-fact the black hole as big as a coin will have  billions and billions times the surface gravity than our planet currently does. Its force on you would be so strong that it would rip your individual cell apart. If you stood on the coin sized black hole, your feet will be 100 times closer to the center and the gravity will be 1000 times more stronger on your foot compared to your head. Which would rip you into billions of pieces. And for sure in this case too "You die".

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very curious :) you die :D I wasn't asking :D get your black holes out of my pockets :D

I have a bank account blackhole in my pocket, my credit card Ahah

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