Curiosity #32 What Happens during a Heart attack?

in #science7 years ago

 Welcome my dear Steemian friends to a new episode of Curiosity! A series in which we will answer some of the questions that makes us all curious.  

About 7 million people suffer from Heart attack all over the world and 15 % of them die. And the cardiovascular disease which causes heart attacks and strokes is the leading killer. According to the AHA or American heart association , a heart attack can occurs when the blood supply cannot reach heart due to narrowing of arteries.

So ,  What Actually Causes Heart Attack?

Heart is an extraordinary organ that can still function outside the body until adequate supply of oxygen is provided. Also it works restlessly to pump blood through out the body. Like all muscles in the  body the heart needs oxygen too. And during a heart attack there is not enough supply of oxygen. 

Coronary artery is the artery which supplies the oxygenated blood to the heart. Fatty deposits or Plaques develops  over the wall of this artery due to various reason all over the years. This plaques and deposits grows and becomes much larger as we age. Eventually , at the last stage , the plaques are turned into blockages. 

If a Plaque is ruptures or cracked , the blood immediately forms a clot around that ruptured part and the partially blocked artery is now completely blocked. Blood flow is cut off to the cardiac muscles and the cells start to die within minutes causing Heart attack or in medical terms "Myocardial Infraction". 

Now, What Really happens during a Heart attack?

As, explained above, the plaques develops on the wall of coronary artery and when they are ruptures the blood forms clot around them forming a complete blockage. Because of this your heart starves for oxygen rich blood.

After this, The nervous system immediately sends signal to the brain about what going on. You will start sweating immediately and you heart beat will speed up very fast making you feel nauseous and weak. 

As the nervous system sends signal to the spinal cord, the body parts starts to ache. You will feel very bad chest pain at first and the pain slowly radiates towards your neck, jaw, ears, arms , wrists, shoulder, back and your abdomen. The pain experienced crushing or squeezing like pain which can last from several minutes to several hours.

Eventually, your heart tissues dies if the medical treatment is not provided. If the heart stops completely, your brain is also going to die in just between 3 to 7 minutes. 

Even if the Proper medical treatment is provided immediately, the heart will show progressive healing but the damaged tissues will never work properly, resulting in permanent slowing down of blood flow.

Here are some Tips to Prevent heart attack:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Quit Smoking
  • Avoid Alcohol Consumption
  • Optimize vitamin D level
  • Free yourself From Stress.

Thats it for this Episode Guys. Hope you all  Liked this episode. Follow me to find out whats in the next episode. 

Thank you

Stay Curious.

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what a useful article , thanks for sharing it with us

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