Curiosity #18 What is Deja vu? How does it happen?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone . Welcome once again to my curious article series.    


Hey everyone . Welcome one again to my curious article series.  

No , that was not dejavu, i wrote that 2 times .. haha

 Yeah ok, i know  that was a bad one , any way lets get into the topic.

You are doing something and suddenly you feel like you have already seen or felt the exact same situation before. This is known as Deja vu.

So, In depth, What is Deja vu?

The ability to remember things from our past and use it for the near future is the greatest we humans posses. As  a psychologist said "remembering is a kind of mental time travel".  Do you sometimes fell like "i have seen this before". yup thats deja vu. Nearly 90% of us experience dejavu, mainly in teenage or 20s but never before age 9. 

So Why does this happen?

Dejavu is just a normal felling,but scientists  have many theories why this happens. We all know our memories are not the exact copies like we experience one and save it in our brains like file in a computer. Remembering is more like reliving the memories. Our brain is constantly scanning our senses to to determine whether the things we are experiencing is familiar or not. And one it is labelled as familiar by our brain a different region in the brain called hippocampus recalls the memory associated with it. which makes us remember the things from our past and we live the experience again in our minds.

If this processes fails to co-operate with each other then even if somethings seems familiar but we fail to recall the memory related to it. Thus , Deja vu happens. 

But Wait, Why cant we feel dejavu always?

We don't even realize , how hard our brain is working behind the scene  to experience new things , save them for future and compare them with past memories until it breaks out. If your senses like hearing , sight and smell are out of sync then one of those stimuli can be flagged as the older memory even if  you are experiencing something new.

Well thats it guys. Hope you liked it .. If you did upvote , comment or resteem 

other works by me

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Curiosity #16 How to know if you are Hacked? 

Curiosity #15 Why do some people go bald?

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Always wanted to know something about Deja Vu but was too lazy to google it xD thanks for the info mate!

thanks mate. feel free to resteem this post ..

I sure will no problem :)

thanks man.. u r the best :) :)

For me Deja Vu is like a restart for the whole system, it's happening very fast, you are noticing only a little shift in time.. Most of the time Deja Vu happens when you tired or stressed out.
If you have a good sleep, proper food, and activity​ outside it should bother you rarely)

yeah . no doubt . you are right

Followed you by the way) keep wonder)

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