Curiosity #28 What would happen if Sun Suddenly disappeared?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Did you know " One day, after billions of years our sun will turn into a white dwarf.".

Hey there, Welcome to the another Episode of Curiosity. Have you Ever Wondered What would happen to us if the sun suddenly disappeared? Well lets find out the answer.

Most of the Life on Earth depends on Sun's heat to Survive. Also Sun provides warmth food and much more. So What if you wake up and find out there is no sun and the day is dark as hell?  Well the good news is sun cant really disappear , but just imagine what if it did?

So, What would happen if sun suddenly disappeared?

Well , In realty thats not possible , it would not be that instantaneous so no worries. But lets just assume it vanishes one day. 

when the Sun first vanishes from existence , the suns gravity would also vanish completely same as the speed of light, so there would be nothing to hold the earth and other planet in its place. Because of this all the planet would let loose of their orbit and fly tangentially in a straight line in the space. Earth would travel at the speed of 30km/s. We could literally see other planets passing by. Jupiter would Continue to orbiting and reflecting the sun that is no longer into existence for about 30 minutes. We could see Jupiter and other father planets orbiting nothing.

Mass Panic Situation

The people on earth wouldn't even know it because it takes 8 minutes for the light to travel from sun to earth. Then after 8 minutes it would get really really dark. Like the darkest night you will ever seen. Universe would be the only source of visible light.Our Milky-way Galaxy only contributes 1/300th light of the full moon.And the temperature would go down very fast. All the people will have no idea whats going on and all media would not cover the news untill 1 hour. After sometime there will be the situation of mass panic. Everyone would need to gather up and need to work together in that situation. But there would be tremendous amount of fossil fuel, electricity for a while.

Temperature Falls

After First few week the global temperature would drop below zero degree Fahrenheit and below -100 degrees in the first year. Of course many will die but is it possible to survive in this situation. Yes they would but not for long.

Plants Dies

Since there is no Sun, there will be no photosynthesis and all plants would die within first few weeks. This is huge because 99.9% productivity on earth is done by photosynthesis by the help of sun.But Some giant trees would survive for years because of their sugar reserves and slow metabolism. But humans would have to depend upon hunting and preserved food in the stores to survive. 

Oxygen would still take 1000s of years to run out because our atmosphere contains 1 Quintilian kg of oxygen.People would need nuclear energy or geothermal energy to survive. After some months all the food storage would be completely finished and last renaming people would struggle to survive. Probably cannibalism would start.

Water Remains

The ocean's surface would completely Freeze. But the water under neath would not freeze due to the insulation properties of ice. Because of this water will continue to exist deep below the ice for billions of years. Also the extremophiles animals living in the deepest parts of the ocean don't even need sun light to survive. So, these animals would probably survive for millions of years and even evolve and become the dominant species of Earth. Probably Sponge bob would be the dominant species . who knows?

But Jokes apart,Our planet would just be ball of ice  flying through space.Luckily you don't have to worry about anything because it's not gonna happen, not yet.

Thats it for this episode guys, Hope you all liked it. Please Follow and Upvote me If you did.

Stay Curious. 

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Our sun is too small to turn into a black hole! When it dies it will turn into a white dwarf then fade into a black dwarf which is just a cold rock! This is explained here, nice post though :)

I will update the article.. Glad to have u

Thank you for your kind words!

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