Curiosity #20 Why does February only have 28 days?

in #science7 years ago

Well I will try to keep it as simple as possible but believe me its a very complicated story.

Hey there all the steemians out there, Hope you are all doing great. Have you ever wondered why does February have only 28 days. Well the time has come to know the truth. Lets get right into it.

So Why does February have only 28 days?

To answer this we have to all the way back to  8th century BCE. At that time Romans used the calendar of ROMULUS. There was something wrong with the calendar. The calendar started in March and Ended in December. January and February dint even exist at that time. To clarify Winter didn't even exist in the calendar , in winter the Romans would just say "Ah, Its not any month". There would be a month-less winter. The truth is they didn't even care. 

Then in 713 BCE,  King Numa Pompilius found that calendar system that they were using had got severe defects. So he lined up the calendar with 12 lunar cycles. Which gave the span of about 355 days. Which made him introduce new months "January and February" at last making February last month of the year. But the calendar was still 10 days short and it was going out of track as the years passed.

I know u are confused. So the Romans started modifying the days of February whenever they felt it necessary. But that was not the solution.

Eventually, Ceaser introduced a new calendar not aligned with the moon but with the sun. Which led to 365 days in the calendar. February kept its 28  days. But Romans had the belief that even number is a bad-luck for them. They started changing the days of another months to odd number but they kept 28 days(even number) in February  because the month was already considered unlucky. It was because Romans honored the dead in February. Hence no days were added to February and left with 28 days.

So here you go , Now you are a-bit more smarter than you already were.

Thank you guys for reading my article. Hope you liked it. Show your support to this channel because there is much more interesting article to come.

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