Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - My favorite type of Band

in #rocks7 years ago

Hello Steemit! Another day another Agate to show off! I also woke up this morning to a trendy post! I can't believe it! I am so honored to have my post be appreciated by this wonderful community!

I've also been sponored! Someone sponsored me to receive upvotes from @steembasicincome!

I am so honored, this has not only been my most profitable week, but will definitely be one of my most memorable, as someone actually spent money on me because they enjoyed the work I was doing.

I've taken the initiative to pay it forward x 2 and have sponsored two authors that I feel deserve it and work hard on providing the platform with quality content! @senorcoconut with his awesome adventures and @dirtyhippie with his amazing Lapidary skills and awesome collection of rocks! So shout out to the two of you, you've earned it!

No Shine

Absolutely beautiful find here. I was amazed when I found this one and I still remember the day! I had a lot of good finds that day. This kind of agate would make awesome jewelry or some necklace charms. I've always wanted to learn lapidary skills, and I just recently found out that's what it is called thanks to @dirtyhippie.

Even without oil on its surface, it still shines well. You'll see the difference though!

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I really love the way this one shined. So beautiful! Because of how naturally polished it already was, the oil really made the bands stand out. This is eye candy for me! So will it glow even though it's dark? Scroll to see!

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You can click on the image to view full screen!!

For as dark as this one is, my jaw dropped at how beautifully it glowed. There's not much words that can describe how awesome this looks.

Lights Off

You can click on the image to view full screen!!

Playing with the color balance and other settings, this is probably my favorite shot of this agate.

You can click on the image to view full screen!!


You can click on the image to view full screen!!

CameraSamsung S8 Active 12 MP
LocationSuperior, WI

I love the way this came out. I am so excited to share more as I have had a few ideas on how to clean up my previous posts. As you can see, the list is getting pretty long down there.

Tomorrow I clean it up with a nice post that will showcase all the agates I posted! Along with a new idea I had to incorporate with my rock posts.... a sort of giveaway, and I hope that people participate!

I share my rock and agate photo's exclusive with the Steemit community! Feel free to share your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by! God Bless!


Previous Rock Posts

Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Shines like it's Polished!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Just a Broken Sliver
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Beautiful Bands + A Super Tiny Agate
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Ruby Red

Older than 7 days

good for viewing, not for voting!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - A Whole Small Agate
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - What a beauty!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Little Rock (Not the City)
Horseshoe Agate Lights Off | Lights On
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Another Looks Like Lava and an extra!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Tiny Little Agate
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Quartz Agate? - This one is Not Red!
Looks Like Lava It is
Dime Sized Agate Lights Off | Lights On
Agate of the Day
Glowing Smokey Quartz
Fossilized Shell
White Agate
Yellow Agate


That one's a beauty for sure. That banding is amazingly beautiful. All these agate posts make me want to head to the beach for some beachcombing!!!
Congrats on all of your recognition!

Yeah I want to go find some agates myself but I can't -- The beaches of Lake Superior are frozen solid right now! Looking forward to this summer!

Definitely is a great summer activity. It's always nice to have things to look forward to :)

Oh hey, another steemian from the icy north! How's it going?

I love the rock, by the way. Every time I went up to the north shore, I never quite had the same luck you did. Do you live near Superior, or are you further inland?

A fellow north lander? I am in the City of Superior. What parts are you from? Seems like you might be a little further away from the shore. I guess you could say I frequent the south shore (wisconsin side) more. I am probably less than a mile away from Super Bay. Heading to the shoreline, depending on which part, could take as little as 20 minutes from my house to the shoreline.

Thanks so much for the love I appreciate it brother. You have an amazing talent with your photography. This is one amazing specimen you have found. Hope you are successful on the platform.

No problem you earned it! Thank you! As always I look forward to posting more. May we both have nothing but success!

I look forward to your blogs as well. Thanks again!

Trying not to drool on my computer seeing your
beautiful agate!! Wow very nice stone! 💎
I was just looking @dirtyhippie's rocks and found
yours! Fun mineral hunt tonight from my chair :-))

Thank you! I have many more to share! Maybe I'll start giving them away too.

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