Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - What a beauty!

in #rocks7 years ago

Lights Off

I was really taken by surprise. This one came out exceptionally well! Every single rock has its own unique look.



Here's a closer look:


While I feel there is not enough detail, this more or less gets the job done. I'd like to get some serious zoom action on these rocks when I can upgrade my equipment. I am literally working with whatever I can get my hands on for now.

Lights On


When you think you take enough pictures, there's still a possibility that you'll only get one good one.

CameraSamsung S8 Active
LocationSuperior, WI

I've been doing some further research on photography so sooner than later I am hoping to have more details on lens settings I used to capture the image. For now I don't much bother because none of my equipment are DSLR. When it comes to providing settings, it's almost useless when talking about a regular digital camera or a cell phone camera, as the aperture in those lenses will never provide the quality one would typically seek in a professional camera. However; this is not always the case. A good picture depends mostly on the photographer and their knowledge of a camera. I plan to follow up with this in a later post. For now, I've got a boat load of research regarding different subjects to do.

In the mean time, enjoy the beautiful agates I share with you.

I share my rock and agate photo's exclusive with the Steemit community! Feel free to share your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by! God Bless!


Previous Rock Posts

Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Little Rock (Not the City)
Horseshoe Agate Lights Off | Lights On
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Another Looks Like Lava and an extra!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Tiny Little Agate

Older than 7 days

good for viewing, not for voting!
Lake Superior Rocks & Gems - Quartz Agate? - This one is Not Red!
Looks Like Lava It is
Dime Sized Agate Lights Off | Lights On
Agate of the Day
Glowing Smokey Quartz
Fossilized Shell
White Agate
Yellow Agate

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