Paleo Easter Buns (gluten and starch free, lowish carb)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #recipes7 years ago

Only a couple of days to Good Friday and my mind has been turning to Hot Cross Buns.

It’s so much easier to buy Gluten free or Paleo baked goods these days, but I was a bit appalled to see that the yummy looking Paleo buns in the health food shop had a whopping 48 grams of carbs per serve.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might remember that I don’t digest carbs well, so I sadly put the bag of buns back on the shelf.

So I guess I’ll be making my home made Easter buns on Friday. These gluten-free, starch-free buns don’t have the texture of hot cross buns, but they’re still a tasty treat for Easter. They can also be made casein-free.

This is an old photo, but I can’t give you a new one till I make them!


• 1 cup ground almonds
• ½ cup coconut flour
• ½ tsp baking soda
• 1 heaped tsp mixed spice
• ½ cup sultanas, raisins or currants
• 2-3 tsp grated orange rind
• 3 eggs
• 75gm melted butter or coconut oil
• 2-3 Tbs honey, coconut nectar or other natural sweetener of your choice
• ½ tsp sea salt
• ½ cup yoghurt OR mashed, cooked pumpkin (prepared earlier) OR finely diced feijoa (I haven’t tested these, but mashed banana or grated apple should work fine too)

Preheat the oven to 175C. Set butter or oil melting over a low heat, and if your honey is solid, add that to the pan as well. Mix together the flours, baking soda and spice in a large bowl. Stir in the dried fruit and rind. Beat together the eggs, melted butter, honey and sea salt in a small food processor.

If you’re using feijoa, chop the ends off, peel them and dice them. If you’re using pumpkin, it needs to be pre-cooked, mashed and cooled.

Add the yoghurt, feijoa or pumpkin to the wet mix and beat. The pumpkin needs to be well mixed in, but the feijoa can be still in tiny pieces.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well. Leave to sit while you grease the muffin tins. If the mix is too wet after sitting, add a little extra flour. Spoon in the mix and cook for 15-20 mins. Serve hot, with butter or ghee if you tolerate it. Makes 8-10 std muffins or about 24 mini ones (which need less cooking time).


I very much admire cooks like @gringalicious, @woman-on the-wing and @rebeccaryan, who do such painstaking, detailed work and whose results are also so beautiful looking. I’m more rough and ready and don’t even bother to put a cross on my Easter buns.

If I was going to, I would probably soften a little creamed coconut (aka coconut butter) and add a little honey to it. Then paint the crosses on top, after they were cooked.

If you want to put in a bit more time, and make a bun that uses yeast, but still has the same flours, here’s another recipe to try, from

Thanks for reading, and if I don’t talk to you before then, enjoy whatever Easter treats you choose, and have a good holiday.

Photo by @kiwideb

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Some of my previous RECIPES AND KITCHEN TIPS:

Choc Blackcurrant Smoothie
Paleo Cottage Pie
Feijoa Pear Smoothie
Grain free, dairy free Pumpkin & Cashew Bread
Tip for storing ginger & tumeric
Grain Free Banana Cashew muffins
Warming winter soup
Breakfast ideas
Healthy Chocolate & Fudge
Jerky with vegetables
Choco-mallow protein bars
Equipment for the real food kitchen
Carrot Almond bread
Grain free Fruit & Nut bar
Vegetable muffins
Finger food for a gathering
Real food ideas for snacks and road trips
Grain free cheese muffins
Best ever (and easiest) Christmas cake
Orange Cranberry Xmas Breakfast Muffins
Festive smoothies for Xmas morning
Crisp & crunchy Xmas cheese stars
Xmas menu ideas
Planning your holiday eating to be a bit more balanced
• For MORE RECIPES and my 15 step Whole Food cooking course, see my recipe website.


Sounds great! Never heard of Hot Cross Buns. In Belgium, it's all chocolates when it's Easter! Quick question, is dairy ok for the paleo diet? Always thought dairy was excluded too. So I haven't been using the paleo tag much since I often use whole grains and sometimes cheese or yogurt. Unfortunately, that is going to change... the measles are still giving me some complications after 1.5 months, and it might have triggered dairy or any other food intolerance... I hope we can figure it out soonish what's wrong... cause my belly hasn't been too happy lately.

Oh darn, that's not good news, Amy.

Butter or ghee is usually considered ok. Some are ok on dairy as long as it's raw & grass fed, and preferably fermented. And some say No to all dairy.

Oh yes, I can imagine Belgium is big on the chocolate, and I'm down with that. Here, for Christians, it's Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday to represent Jesus on the cross. And Chocolate Easter Eggs on Sunday to represent the resurrection. But many don't worry about those technicalities and just enjoy them both for all 4 days of the long weekend. Do you have holidays on the Friday and Monday in Belgium?

Thanks @kiwideb. Can you recommend a good book to read about the paleo diet? I want to broaden my nutritional knowledge and read up on the paleo diet since I don't know too much about it. I might even try it for a while and see what happens... but first I need to figure out why my body is struggling.
IBS-like signals must not be ignored.

Yep they have holidays in Belgium too. But I have been living in Cambodia for the past 2.5 years and here it is a week of festivities too with the Khmer New Year! No chocolate though :-(

Thanks again and enjoy the chocolate and buns!

I'm thinking The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballentyne. It's very comprehensive and has different levels. She's very science based, but also knows how to make it understandable. But first, go back through my nutrition & paleo posts, and check out her website
I also like Chris Kresser

I was looking at your recipe from yesterday. That wrap - I wouldn't be able to digest that. Even when I was still eating grains, something like that would be a lead weight in my gut.

When you've read up a bit, we can chat privately if you like.

Would love too! Once the festivities for the Khmer New Year are over here and I find some time I'll look at the materials you gave me! I was always able to stomach everything, until just recently after the measles... so that was prob my last wrap with blue cheese too. Thanks again!

hot cross buns sort of remind me the the hot cross buns song from when I was so long ago but choco is always good. even the over-price Godiva and Leonidas. :-)

Sorry, I just found this comment. Yes, I remember that song too! Are we showing our age?

Not unless they don't teach this anymore but I won't know. ;-)

Thank you. With the current reshuffle of Steemit's population, I've been seeing the occasional complaint that, 'my feed is full of food.' This, I think, requires some clarification. Most of the food posts are relatively information free. Most are a photo and a few lines about 'it's yummy'. Then I open your post, and what do I find, but a full recipe, real reasons why it's actually healthy to eat, and ways to tailor it to individual taste, amazing. Information dense, nutrient dense, and from the list of ingredients, fully full of flavor. What more does anyone want? Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It's so nice to be appreciated :-) Especially by someone as knowledgeable as yourself. Enjoy!

Nice to see your name in my feed again @kiwideb..... here in sunny SA hot cross buns and easter eggs are also huge.

I'm not sure if you mean they are hugely popular, or they are enormous in size. Either way, with your more robust constitution, you can enjoy some for me. (Good excuse to have twice as many)

Hugely popular was the intended meaning..... Methinks I will do another valueless add post on commercial easter ....{grin}

Oh well, it sounds like something somebody* needs to do. So put your philosophical hat on and climb up on that soapbox, and I'll stand in front and cheer periodically. (*As a side note, with my bad typing, this originally came out as somenody. I thought I'd better correct it, in case you thought I was saying some Noddy...)

That looks delicious and easy to make! Too bad I don't have an oven so I won't be able to try it out. I'm a rough and ready presenter as well, and even though the wonderful presentations are nice, I really feel that the most important thing is the emotion you put into it. Thanks for sharing this, Deb!

Thanks Jed! Your heartfelt and thoughtful comments are always treasured.

Thanks so much for the mention! Your idea is awesome!

Always happy to give you a well-deserved shout out :-)

Very appetizing! Wonderful post!

Thanks Olga!

Nice post. I love Hot cross buns @kiwideb

Me too - especially hot with butter on!

You are right. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Ooh great looking recipe @kiwideb, I am still after more experimenting with coconut flour on its own rather than in conjunction with tapioca starch, so this gives me something to try out... thanks!

I often find coconut flour on its own to be a bit dry and fibrous, which is why I usually pair it with almond flour. But this cranberry muffin recipe I posted at Xmas is all coconut flour and a nice texture, so you might want to compare with that and come up with a combination.

I'm actually going to try a different Easter bun recipe, which I've been inventing in my head, as I haven't got as much almond flour as I thought. It will be based on my Pumpkin Cashew bread recipe, with some aspects of my Xmas Cake. In that I'm going to soak the raisins, sultanas or maybe dried currants in some orange juice, with the spices. Maybe gently heat it, to get them to soak up the orange juice, like with the Xmas cake. Hmm, just thinking that I'll only use the orange juice, so the spices are flavoring the bun, rather than the fruit. That will be better, I think. As you can see, I'm still inventing.

But hopefully by the time you get up Friday morning, I will have posted a new, successful recipe!

Well I look forward to it, as I like the sound of your thoughts there!!! I haven't got any almond flour, so that's something for the shopping list :-)

Did you see the new post? BTW, I use ground almonds and almond flour interchangeably. I think they are slightly different but I just use whichever.

Just logged on, will have a dander over there now and check it out!

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