Explanation of Depression with REI theory

in #psychology8 years ago

For better understanding it is important to know the REI theory. REI theory is first formula which easy explains numerous human situations and behaviours and has its very own working principle of ways to desired outcome - no matter if it goes for happiness, true love, self confidence, courage or any other psychological related issue. Topics can be found here.

The REI theory claims that depression is the psychological contradiction of being in love; being in love is that fantastical feeling when we meet someone who attracts us. This, of course, is not yet true love but rather having a crush, which I have mentioned before and is a state of mind that fades in 6 to 12 months in most cases. You can read more about how theory REI divides the “being in love” from “true love” in this topic. Someone in depression sees the world from the pessimistic side and for him life has no sense. He minimizes his previous feelings of luck and happiness and actually believes he always had bad feeling, bigger or smaller. Thus, he always remembers those bad feelings and puts them in front of the good ones. Speaking of good feelings, he, as every other human being, also had good feelings yet he ignores or despites those good sides like they never existed.

We must be very careful not to confuse the Instincts pessimistic way of thinking with depression. The Instinct is not aware of the individuals’ pessimistic thinking; for him this is only a necessary precaution, and does not mean that he is actually in depression. On the other hand, the one, being in depression actually feels miserable. The problem is that he lacks the motivation to pull himself out of this condition, and even if someone tries to help him, he alone does not even try to make things right. Instead, he sits tight, because “it does not make any sense”. The hidden background of depression is often addiction, which he is not aware of. This addiction is the only lifeline for the depressed and he chose this lifeline despite his terrible welfare. This loop can continue to a point, where the depressed person totally loses control over his life, which is very bad. The good news is that the REI theory understands and explains depression very good. The reason, why many people are depressed can be very often insignificant or irrelevant, which means that they can overcome it easily if they know how everything is connected. Moreover, the theory reveals, which characters are prone to depression. Those are characters with two minds, developed equally, and with the 13th character.

A very bad depression can develop because of the banal things that we have not accepted in our life. The second mind responds to the same thing with a new rejection until we start to reject ourselves in a vicious circle over and over again. This state goes so far that the minds refuses to cooperate with each other and are always attacking each other from his shaft. This is the worst-case scenario of depression and at this point, something has to be done – if not, it will not get any better by itself. Because we do not know exactly what the reason for our condition is, it is often effective that we change our everyday life. This is of course not easy, because our everyday life was easy that was (routine), and now we have to change those things. The biggest shifts must be made with acceptance of things, which were not acceptable until now and are not directly harmful to us. This often starts some changes and from here on, it is easier to progress. For someone slight progress can already mean changing the environment or changing the group of people, they spend time with. The recreation that is in general social, brings progress. For some of us a very good therapy can also be a pet. As with any conflict in our life, it is good to know the background of the conflict that leads to depression, if we want to solve the main reason for depression successfully. However, unlike from the others, whom we can ask for the conflict motives, we cannot just ask our unconscious minds – Instinct and Emotion – to find out the source of our conflict. The individual person is only aware of his thinking with Reason. It does not matter if we have a minimum developed Reason. Every thought, every picture and every explanation in our mind comes from our Reason. This means: we do not see any special noteworthy reason for the conflict with Reason yet such reason definitely exists, with one or both unconscious minds – Emotion and Instinct. In principle, it is possible to figure out with which unconscious mind the depression is connected, if the individual in depression often connects his thinking with his fears or if he is disappointed with his life. When it comes to feelings of anxiety, fears and similar feelings, it is clear that Instinct is the one, standing in the background of the conflict. However, if an individual perceives his deep disappointment with unfulfilled expectations of life, this background creates Emotion. Of course, we cannot definitely rely on explanations of an individual, because he can easily mistake those feelings between each other. We must know that the individual is helpless because of the fact that it is hard to fight against ourselves. If the minds would know how to solve the conflict, it would never come to depression at all. Because of this, individual needs help. Still, there are also those exceptions, where the individual alone comes to a solution on the way, described above. The conflicts of the depression are not hard-embedded memories or memories from the past, but as mentioned before, banal thing.

Everything depends on where the problem is hidden and everything listed above is only the first step. It is crucial to realize, what is connected to the primary reason to be able to eliminate the depression. At this point, the [psi] book comes into play, which solves the problems in relationship between the minds. It is crucial to read [psi] and follow its instructions. With the help of [psi] many people have overcome depression. However, this does not mean that reading this book is enough, but making conclusions and coming to important realizations with the help of the book can lead to significant progress and elimination of depression. The [psi] book is created in a way, that everyone can be lead to his own source of the problem, no matter what character he is.

In the book, there is an important story (world) that helps the reader to find the right source of his problem. This can be found on the pages from 130 to 143. If you are trying hard enough to think about yourself, you can always find an answer in the fortress. The answer will be coming from Emotion and Instinct and will be converted into a metaphor, which can be deciphered by someone who knows your life very well. The [psi] book communicates with our unconscious minds – Instinct and Emotion. This is not possible with everyone, because some people have hard foundations, which can be overthrown by the book thus frightens them, especially with those people, whose foundations are very distant from naturals. Unfortunately with the most readers [psi] book attract attention of all three minds, which then leads to clarifying relations between them. [psi] book is written in the way, that in every story, the minds can come to a realization, that their way of thinking is not the only one, and the only right one, to a realization that they must respect other ways of thinking and that this is crucial for individual happiness. On the other hand, "Empty" pages (130 – 143) in the book are of a completely differently nature: It is a projection based on individuals’ perception of his world, because throughout the story there is no hint of what represents the interior of the fortress. Therefore, the reader can conclude this only according to his own world while he comes across with what his world hides from others.

As mentioned above, depression is opposite to the state of being in love (have a crush). Both states, being in love and depression, represent a deviation in an opposite way of normal condition between the minds for an individual. The conflicts between the minds are normal everyday condition and this is because every mind tries to enforce his way of life, his own values and his own way of thinking. Yet sometimes this conflict between the minds tightens so much that they refuses to cooperate with one another. This condition is called depression. The people who are always thinking with one mind, actually cannot be depressive. Their leading mind has everything in its hands and it cannot have a conflict with itself. Unfortunately, there does not exist a universal method for curing depression as by dyslexia for instance. Nevertheless, the theory REI explains how it comes to depression and this opens up new possibilities for eliminating the problem. Depression is a condition in which individual experiences major complication between his own minds. It depends on our welfare how all three minds of ours are feeling. On the occurrence of bigger conflict, we lost our will for living, we see no sense, we feel apathy and we cannot feel those wonderful feelings that fulfill our life and give us joy.

Depression is in reality easy reversible disorder, but hard to find the source of the individuals problem.

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