How does Reason (todays monetary system) takes advantage over Instinct and Emotion

in #psychology8 years ago

For better understanding it is important to know the REI theory. REI theory is first formula which easy explains numerous human situations and behaviours and has its very own working principle of ways to desired outcome - no matter if it goes for happiness, true love, self confidence, courage or any other psychological related issue. Topics can be found here.

As already mentioned before, people are grouping together. Each individual mind prefers to hang out with a mind that consist of the same thinking processor. This is why groups are created and why there are so many different types of skills. Yet in a world without any challenges, coming from the surroundings (if we remove all of the society rules), we will be able to see the path, every individual chooses in his life. Because every character is enjoying what he is doing, tasks are born; those “modern” tasks are nowadays called jobs. Some of us are still chasing for the work, which suits us the best. Instincts will probably reject office work – they will probably lean towards work that is more physical, which leads us to the work statistics of the sexes: Because there is approximately 75% women, who think with Instincts, they are not convinced by jobs like politicians, directors, public jobs (police, judge, etc.), pilots, firefighters etc. Those jobs of course prioritize Emotions and Reasons mechanisms that Instincts does not sense. In reality, Instinct actually does sense it but on a minimum level, which is also the main reason, why those mechanisms do not impress women nor represent any kind of interest in such jobs. Furthermore, this is the answer to the “why are there only a few women in the politics”. The ones that have prioritized Instinct (mainly women) believe, that the people, who mostly think with the Reason, are unscrupulous and people, thinking with Emotion, careless. One Instinct presents fear to the other Instinct; this is why women do not want to see men, which they like, close to another woman. The Instincts connect a lot more situations and this enables them (the Instincts) to create possibilities – possibilities of danger, fear or care in most cases. The Emotion, that is not aware of the danger in situations, where the Instinct is aware of the danger, calls this Instinct cowardly. The Reason told Instinct that it is shy, where she does not want to make or do something, which is very obvious and straight forward for the Reason. Still, something is common for all of them – it is always the others, who behaves strange. However, if we would know how different people think, we would not take this as something strange but rather accept them. This all is the glory of the REI theory.

Of course, in those times, we comprehend only one world, and that is the world, we live in. This is a huge mistake. Every single person lives and has his own perception of the world. Because we assume easily (by own character) what others think, we definitely can make more false than right claims. Moreover, there are two things, we must take into account! One aspect are the attributes between characters and the other aspect are the attributes of the Reason, Emotion and Instinct. In [psi] book there is no clear sight to see the inter characteristic attributes, but are regularly being used as the way of reading.

The Emotions, which are mainly men (approximately 75%), are describing everything with pictures. This is why they are verbally saturated. They are in the center of their world and they describe things, which have a connection to them. Yet the Instincts are entirely opposite to the Emotions; Instincts know a lot about others and are rarely talking about things concerning them. The Emotions ignore the rules of Reasons – racers on the highway for example. And if Reason pushes them into the corner, they can become criminals, robbers or something similar. At this point, I can mention that the prisons are full of Emotions. Also, there is a very easy way to separate Emotions and Instincts. While you can differ them easily in some ways, you also can differ them with asking them if they are gullible. The Instincts think about themselves as too much gullible, while Emotions are actually gullible. The Emotions also like to compete with other Emotions (mano-a-mano) if it goes for an Instinct (girl) or for anything else, which can prove that one is better as the other. May I add here the fact, that the Instinct (girl), accepting his own world and house, will recognize those proving and thus avoid those type of men (as they represent a bad future life). The Emotion will also overlook and overhear the attributes, put in words the Instincts way, because he has his own created image of them. The Instincts are those people who pay attention, when you are telling them something whereas the Emotions are the opposite. They do like to look away, to do something else between the conversations. Moreover, the Instincts can criticize, whereas the Emotions pay a lot less attention to the things. The main reason that there is such a low number of women in the worlds’ leading organization is also that, that Emotion subordinates other people as he is always more worthy as others (this is also why women suffer), and creates a hierarchical society - this is one of Emotions mechanism. Where the Instincts values are hardly overruled, there were as well times in the history, when Instinct ruled: for example at the time of Adolf Hitler. It is also known, that the Instincts rules for a short term, but still can be devastating because of the intimidation, which is his value. In the time of Reasons values, there is also many individuals, who are forced to do the opposite from what they want to do. Because women can earn more than men can, some men (that are Emotions), can be frustrated. Because rules of Reasons convince Emotions and Instincts into the value of money, those two see money as the main shortage. Everywhere you can hear that the money is highly needed and without it, you cannot do a lot. Furthermore, Instincts are the ones, connecting money with health, friendship, satisfaction and other values; which are actually only false believes - the Reason is here using more and more mechanisms to connect money with more and more various things, to overrule and to erase the values of Instincts and Emotions. Nowadays, this can be seen in men, who are homosexuals and women, who want to become men or want to be successful in masculine jobs – in other words, feminists. Of course, in the primary society there also was the same characteristic division between women and men as it is today. The only difference was that the women, who wanted to do men jobs, actually have done that and this is why there was a much lower amount of frustration. Women, who were thinking with the help of Emotions, were successful in men jobs and their motive of thinking was being less worthy as men. This results in competing with men. At the other side, the men who think through the way of Instinct have been dealing with jobs like cooking, caring for children or others in the society. Because Instinct is not competitive mind, they do not run for women but seek for safety and family. For the Emotions, money represents the opportunity to stand out (visually), to have more than others and it enables them to be in the centre of events. Women, staying in the locals after 2 am, are definitely Emotions ;) While we live in the high capitalism society (Reason values), there is a higher pressure on Instincts and Emotions. Neither for the first (Instincts) nor for the second (Emotions) is this a natural state. If we look at highways and roads, we see how people behave. There are many signs and rules, that should be obeyed by Instincts and Emotions. For example: if we remove them (remove Reason rules), the rule, who is faster and better will dominate at the end. The Instinct would probably stay away from the highways as he is nor a driver nor he believes about himself and his driving skills, yet Emotion masters the spatial perception and orders to muscles, therefore he would rule the roads.

If we look at sports, we see plenty of Emotions. But why are there such enormous amounts of money in sports branches? The answer is, Reason is ruling over the sport industry. It is clear that Messi is paid really well, not because he is Reason (actually he is Emotion), but because he provides plenty of money to the ones, leading the sport industry. He found himself in sports because of the three main Emotion motives: the first is recognition, the second motoric abilities and the third is competition. Still, even in sports impacts of Reason values can be seen. More and more strict, new rules are found in various sports every year. The playing fields have the exact number of centimetres in width and length. Moreover, the games length is accurate to the very second and the player must be in the right position and has to do the right move in the right time to follow the correct tactics. It is as if the Reason is dominating the playfulness of Emotions. The Emotion does improvise and that is his way how his world works. Music, art and fashion is nowadays strongly connected to earning money. While those people are Emotions and those branches enable them to be exposed and the possibility to show their abilities, the Reason sees the opportunity to earn at their expense. One of the institutions where Reason has made opportunities for earning money with the help of Emotion are also Casinos and gambling. Because Emotion easy develops addiction, this is great opportunity for Reason to earn some money.

Let us see how Reason takes advantage over Instincts. The Instincts for example are very hard working people – their motive is to work without any challenge. They do not have direct motives for money, yet because of the law, they are forced into working and attending school, even though they would rather like to run on grass and play with the animals. They can carry for animals and will probably become veterinarians. The Reason masters time and this is where Instincts pulls the short one: While people, who are really hardworking and work throughout the best time of the day, Reason is in his office, planning on how the Bank can be opened. While the Bank is the main foundation of Reasons, is opened much less time and at the same time Instincts are working, they have all the rights to change the working time. On the other hand, Instincts, who work at factories, have not those privileges. At the end of the day, the Instincts remains only short period of open time and high fees on the bank. To continue with Reasons, one of its best mechanisms is advertisement. As the Instinct believes everything, what is said on the TV and the Emotion is gullible, this is the perfect way to sell various medicines to the Instinct. On the other side, beauty and fashion products convince the Emotion fast, which means, Emotion is convinced by everything that enables him to be better, more beautiful and exposed. One of the perfect institutions which cross the line of thinking by Instincts are also Insurance Companies. Because Instinct is willing to pay a high price for have a calm sleep, Reason has set him here the trap to earn more money. Because Reason can easy move the border for Instincts motive, he is always benefiting in this game.

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