At which profession is individual mind Successful?

in #psychology8 years ago

In this topic I will continue the previous topic, which was a view of how fair educational system would look like through the REI theory. As I mentioned it already, in these days, not all the people have the same educational opportunities. Let us see how that influences on us later on, when we are looking for employment.

The REI theory reveals that the main problem in the modern society is Reasons (values) dominating over Emotion and Instinct. This also has influence on which jobs are more desirable and of course better paid. The Reasons jobs of course. Like this is not bad enough, Reason tries to establish an alternative function of his thinking in jobs that are in domain of Emotion or Instinct, and so transforms those professions into Reason dependent profession as much as it gets. As it is also revealed in the book [psi], all of the problems already begin at the start of education, which in today's form is nothing else as sieve, on which only the ones – who mainly think with Reason – remain. The ones who break through this system (and are not Reasons), have a very incorrect self-belief, which is heavily modified by Reasons model and as such, “suitable for acting” in life in which Reason is dominating.

The most professions of course originate from mixed abilities, but there are also those, who attract an individual by his character:

Let us say the professions of drivers, airline pilots, mechanics, hunters, photographers, painters, designers, (top) athletes, singers, actors, psychologists, police officers, and firefighters are highly Emotions profession; who is in one of those profession, is very likely (but not quite definitely) to have the Emotion mind on the first two places of thinking.
The professions like teacher, professor, librarian, chemist, IT – expert and farmer are typical Reason profession.
You will find the Instinct profession in medicine (typically). Those are veterinarians, chefs, oenologists, tastings, perfumers, comedians (those who write, not act!), creativitsts (partly journalists). Who wants to work with children is probably thinking with Instinct, which also goes for the defectologist or pedagogue. Everything that has something to do with children, animals or ecology in every profession, is Instinct-oriented way.
There are also further professions, which are mixed professions: Reason + Emotion character can be found by lawyers and politicians. Judges, detectives or journalists are mainly thinking with Instinct + Reason. The feature of Instinct + Emotion can be found by priests, and the higher they are on the hierarchical scale, the more Emotion is present. If they stay in a lower hierarchical scale, there are only Emotions or Instincts present. Yet only at the top of the religious hierarchy, we can find the concentration of the 13th characters; between cardinals, you will hardly find anyone who is not the 13th character (R E I equally developed). This way it is also very unlikely for the Pope not to have a 13th character ;) Those characters can be found at the top of all religions, not only in Christianity. Dalai lama is without a doubt a 13th character. At this point, I am warning everyone, that the 13th character by itself means entirely nothing! This is only the basic principle about how the thinking works between minds. The ones, who are 13th character, reach the top in every structure, especially in the structures with very powerful hierarchy and selection such as in scientific functions, constitutions of the state or other functions.
The identifying of the character is more difficult as it looks like, because people cannot distinguish the difference between attributes and the way of thinking, which brought them to those attributes. As mentioned above, we cannot identify our own character.

I have specifically left out the economists, because many individuals decided for those professions out of pragmatic reason. They do not know what they want so they go study economy, because from here many different ways may lay ahead. The study is not significantly difficult and is a collecting location of people, who do not know what to be or become. This is also a good opportunity for many Instincts, because their typical attribute is hard to decide. They go on the way of the lowest risk = economy. However, economy can also be split into many other categories: accounting and finances = Reason, and management and marketing = Emotion.

This is a rough description how every mind (Reason, Emotion, Instinct) chooses his profession. However, I have to highlight that many people in the modern society do not become or do, what they want, and this is the reason for their dissatisfaction. Because Reason is more and more powerful and forces his values to the side of Emotion and Instinct, the people who think through those two are getting more and more frustrated. The world that we live in, is favoring the Reasons values, but that does not mean that every newborn will think the same way. There are two kinds of people on our beautiful planet Earth; the first are the people, who think with Emotion and live with prosperity of nature, and the second ones are those, who think with Instinct and work with animals, nature and environment. We all can see these borders and we have a proof for that sight, therefore we all can change that. Nevertheless, mostly we just oppose those who are in lead. This though does not lead anywhere. We have to commit to good changes, not against something. And the most beautiful way, which allows us to do so, is REI theory.

The one thing that I would like to clear is: when I write "the ones who think with Reason" or "Reason thinking", I mean those people, who have character in which Reason is most developed. They also possess Instinct and Emotion, but those two do not play decisive role in individual thinking. The same goes for Emotion and Instinct. For more details, there is also article, which describes how individuals can think differently regarding REI Theory.

Educational system through REI theory and how can it be equitable for everyone
Read how REI theory addresses individuals behaving
Read how REI theory as first psychological theory eliminates Dyslexia
Read what is the primary mission of REI theory
Read how Instinct, Emotion and Reason were evolved
Read about important attributes of the REI minds
Read description of Theory REI
Read introduction of Theory REI

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