Accepting and Denial of our World and House

in #psychology8 years ago

With the REI theory, as well as with psychological theory, we certainly can define the nature of an individual. As with every other psychological theory, REI theory is just marvelous at explanations of the human behaviour. Let me remind you that those explanations are very easy to understand, even for people with basic knowledge about REI theory. REI theory is providing very basic knowledge, but still very powerful and direct way of, what we wish to accomplish with an individual. In the first place it is positivistic theory, which has its own formula, that works, if the levels are met. No matter if we decide to become happy, to stop smoking, or any other wish. There is always straight way with the theory, which could bring individual to desired outcome.

To begin with, the main requirement for helping others is to understand the REI theory very good. If we do not, we can still create more contradictions as desired effects. For those, who want to provide others with help of the REI theory in psychiatric assistance, a learnable study will be made in the near future, which will provide basic and advanced knowledge of the theory, written in this article. In this topic I would like to talk about the acceptance and declination of the world and the house of an individual. Here the REI theory concentrates on one individual only; the theory varies/changes with every other individual (the case of one individual is different as the case of the previous individual). Phrase "world" means the perception of an individuals world and phrase "house" is perception about himself. Every individual lives therefore in his own world, and has his own meaning about himself.

The first condition is to understand the functioning and the correlation of all three minds very good (connections - difference between 12+1 character attributes and inter-characteristic attributes). The second condition is to know what of a character (constellation of three minds) one has. As for relationship matters, it is also good to take the character of the partner into account. One thing we clearly can discover with the help of the REI theory is the natural behaviour and beliefs of the individual, which have changed a lot from their primary functions. If we abide by the REI theory, we see that almost 97% of the population is living in a world and houses they themselves do not accept. According to the information we can assume, that they live a life they do not want and therefore forced into something they do not deserve. They believe the world is as everyone else is telling them, and they fear things they should not fear, again, because of others. This brings us to the system, how REI theory defines every individual – accepting or denying your own world and house. But first, let me explain the meaning of this acceptance or denial:

If we have a group of individuals there is only important if it is in those group more people that, accept themselves or more people, that are in denial from their self:

  1. If there is most acceptable people in the group, the group is called acceptable and is very friendly to everyone who joins, between them can be felt companionship, and they indulge one another well being and possession. There is feeling only of slight competition, needed to relax and to present the motoric abilities. There is no enviousness and no bad wishes.
  2. If the group is composed most out of those who are in denial from themselves, the group is harsh to those who wants to join, the members of this group hold possession, compete with each other, are envious to one another and are greedy while comparing herself to another member of the group. Every individual in this group feels like he is alone and in great need to prove themselves to another. I believe everyone recognises our society out of those two options ;)

Once again, said with other words:

  1. There are two important aspects of each group depending on the ratio of people, who accept their worlds and houses and those, who deny those two things: If there is a higher number of people in the group, who accept their own worlds and houses, the group is treated as acceptable and is very friendly to everyone who joins; companionship can be felt between people in this group and they indulge one another’s well-being and possession. There is, however, a feeling of slight competition, which is needed to relax and to present the motoric abilities. There is no enviousness and there are no bad wishes.
  2. If the group is mostly composed of those, who do not accept their own worlds and houses, the group is harsh towards those who want to join. The members of this group hold possession, compete with each other, are envious to one another and are greedy while comparing themselves with other members of the stated group. Every individual in this group feels like he is alone and in great need to prove himself to other’s expectations. All of the group members expect the newcomer to behave and act like the group does, and even the slightest deviation can lead to serious consequences.

I believe everyone can recognise in which group our society can be put in ;)

Let me describe you the view of an individual, who accepts his world and house, through the filter of the REI theory:
Someone who accept his own world and house is happy with his life, he understands the things and actions around him, that are happening for some reason and he accepts them as they are. He does not worry about the “common world” affecting him, and he always thinks with his own head. This phrase, in our slang, represents the acceptance of the world and tells us that we are not disappointed if one of our wishes does not come true due to no expectations. We understand that every wish is an investment in our life and if we have no expectations for the wish to come true in the first place, we have nothing to lose, if the wish will not be granted. The second part of this view refers to the embracing of the house, which means the satisfaction with our own body. We accept ourselves the way we were created, the specific place under the sun meant for us, and most importantly: we are, who we are. Furthermore, the acceptance of our house means that we do not want to exchange our life with someone’s more successful or important life, because our life is, what is ours only and in our hands only. Continuing this part of the theory, we do not create any ideals and habits with the goal to judge and to explain others later on, and we do not compare ourselves with society. This acceptance also means we please ourselves and not others, not because of our society or any other - out of million possible - reasons, nor because of our bad feelings or guilt, nor because we want to be something more than others. Who accepts his own world understands that we all are created equally and there are no “better or worse” individuals. With even a small understanding of the REI theory, we can recognise the advantages and disadvantages of every single mind and according to all thirteen characters, mentioned in the “Development of the mind”, there are no more or less important people; all the people are equal and there is no human with advantages only. The one who accepts his own world can do anything, even what he wishes for, and won't get bad feelings, if others will judge him, because he knows, they will judge his actions from their point of view. Who accepts his own house, accepts other people as they are, he does not compare other people with his own world because he is aware of the fact, that there are differences between human characters (way of thinking). He is a satisfied person and does not worry about, what others think of him. He can always open-mindedly accept others opinion and gives a constructive critique, of course he is not going to be always in agreement with others, but we must understands that the opinion of others can always be different and can only make sense to the author of that opinion. The one, who accepts his own world and house, will never devalue other opinion but will find the description, which he thinks, will correspond with the other ones opinion better. He can experience the true happiness and more importantly, he can experience true love. Accepting our own house means that we feel good when good things happens to others and we indulge those things. The characteristic of the one, who accepts the world and his house, is also not feeling envious, has no need to prove anything or himself to anyone, is not craving for money nor has a desire to have more than others and last but not least, he does not have the mindset of competing with others to prove them he is better. Furthermore, accepting our own world is kindness to animals, unselfish help and most importantly, respect to others and ourselves.

The one who does not accept/denies his own world and/or house, looks through the REI theory like this:
He pleases others and feels the need to prove himself to those people. He feels bad if he does not please a loving person, a close person or parent. He always bothers to please “the entire world” around himself. He thinks that the information, told by the media, is true and in some cases, feels powerless because his thoughts are "what could one individual even change"? The only true life that he accepts is the way of live, dictated by the society. He boasts himself before others and always feels the need to know much about others. He judges them according to his own world - perception, because he does not understand the fact, that someone else can have an entirely different opinion about the same thing. The individual who is not accepting his house, is unsatisfied with his body, he wants to change it and always complains about it. He makes idols about “common world” and does not understand that his view is only his perception of life. He identifies himself with others just to have the feeling of being a part of the society and has his own explanation for every other individual. The one who does not accept his own world, is very greedy, envious or very competitive, because he always compares himself with others. He cannot withstand the feeling if he joins high grade society or if he finds himself between educated people. This condition bears a lot of stress and diseases; moreover, this leads to the so-called “mentally burned” condition, where you wear out by proving yourself to others and try to please them but reject your own wishes. Those individuals do not know what they have to do to feel better, they buy different things in hope, that those things would cheer them up and they seek for reputation, plays nice and kindly, but only while in the society between other humans. He does not understand that even the biggest wins in sports, expensive things or having a great security, fade away in time just like all of those feelings of satisfaction - at the time of having/achieving similar things like the ones, stated above - will fade away like morning mist. Because they do not please themselves and seek for their own real wishes, their will for life is slowly fading away as well. Another wish is created from this feeling – a wish, which can be satisfied only with another sensual enjoyment (food, alcohol, sexuality, reputation,...), or property (money, wealth, accumulation of things, …), but never realises that everything they have to do, to satisfy this wish is to act within themselves. Because of the money they are limited to the material world, which can very fast throw them into depression thus forcing them to seek for a new sources of money. They think the way to happiness or out of depression is to have good car, education and money, a good, cleaned house, pleasing others and making a good name for themselves. He does not know those are only the resources with which his character is being reflected on the outside. The character that does not accept his world and house. The competition with others, the fear to have less than others and greed are typical for this character. This can be any of the thirteen REI constellations. As for someone, who is not accepting his house, others will always be guilty. He equals himself to the common world and does not realise that he alone is responsible for his own perception. He is very sensitive to external effects and has always some comments for almost everything, like sounds from the neighbors, too much heat in the summer, comments about food while eating, acting or actions of others etc. He cannot accept any opinion other than his own and if someone does not quite understand him, he therefore repeats his opinion more times, which can also make him angry. He cannot think about other opinions and if those are too complex for him, he judges them very fast because he "never has time for philosophy". Moreover, he defends himself with counterarguments; the prejudice is his defense, because it does not exist in any other sense other than in his own. He cannot accept his looks yet he does not know he alone is able and can change it because everything is in his hands only. He believes injustice is happening to him all the time, yet he does not notice that he is the only one responsible for his own actions. The one that does not accept his own world buys clothes and corrects his image/looks with make-up, Jewelry, new haircut or visually something different just to stand out from the society. There is quite things that he does in comparison to others, but less those, which are his true wishes.. He drinks alcohol or takes drugs, not because of pleasure or enjoyment, but to run away from his world, since he cannot stand it. The cigarettes are the world to him and this world he can accept as he is more perfect with cigarettes or feels like having himself under control due to smoking (only 2% people smoke because of the satisfaction; everyone else smokes out of psychological reason). He is a man who, with conscious actions, creates only good, yet he can do more bad things instead of good ones because he has two subconscious minds. Those, who do not accept their world, have a struggle changing their habits. They do not realise, that only their perception is their enemy as it contains the mechanisms of self-degradation, thus causing a lot of trouble to his close ones. He always talks about problems in the society and rarely takes distance from those problems in the meaning of global / wider thinking. He perceives life as a train tracks; straight forward, no left or right, full of tunnels and certain rules. Those, who do not accept their own world, see their reality through a very narrow view and reject new senses/opinions due to the possibility of replacing their primary opinion with a new one. They are afraid of people, who accept themselves just because they do not understand them. The one who does not accept his own world can equally admire or hate others, that accept their own world, and does not even think about how positively those individuals could affect him. The people, who do not accept their own house, are prone to conflicts; they always highlight their own achievements and happiness – this is only a state of their Reason yet they never believe in those words. They can feel the emptiness in those words, but will never figure out what this emptiness means - because it is or feeling or any other need in them, they don't know what it means. The theatre is their only stage that you will get and their sets their only way of behaviour. They always find explanations or arguments for everything, anyone and any situation, even for situations, they should accept (the picture under).

Lastly, let me once again finish with the two states, every individual can be in: The acceptance or denial of own world and house. Keep in mind that 97% of people on our planet are people, who do not accept their own world and / or house. This is now a general thinking, but nobody knows, that it is not right. Therefore you're one of the first one, who can achieve this with the help of [psi] book (upcoming post). It is possible that some individuals accept their own world and do not accept their own house and of course, vice versa. Furthermore, it is possible that there are people, who do not accept their own world nor their own house or those, who accept both (those are very rare). This is also one of the reasons biological, chemical, digital, pharmaceutical, etc., revolution progresses and develops as fast as it does nowadays. If you think well, everything we have today was developed in the last 20 or 30 years. This leads us to the REI theory, which is the first theory explaining those fields. However, it can explain a lot more; why we people constantly fight (also wars), which social system is the best one, why is monetary system so powerful in this world … I could proceed with the listing but I will leave this one for another day / topic. If we want to make a better individual and society, those two states of people’s actions, presented above, are the main reason and place to begin. I shall be very clear here: All of the people mix the attributes of those two states firmly. For this reason, we have to be very careful because we cannot judge others through our own perception. It does not mean that, if there are people, who (in most cases) look like they do accept their own world and house, they really do accept those two (vice versa) – The people, who look like they are not accepting their world and house, actually can accept them. However, this is not a question of observation but for every individual to do as much as possible towards changing himself in the way of accepting his own world. The concentration here is only in perception of an individual. There are no two perceptions of the same kind, as it may seem; people want to believe the same, because they believe, they live in the same world, yet they only live in their own perception of the world. Therefore, we can have someone (among many others, who are not accepting their own world nor house), who can perfectly accept his own world and house - the totally does not exist - and he sees the world through a very different view. He cannot be bothered by others just because he thinks with his own head and follows his own wishes / desires to live fulfilled and satisfied. It is important to let you know that every human only experiences his own perception of his world and house. This means that if someone is convinced in something same as society, he gives to this thing more coherent power. Everyone has it's own thinking our society consist of individuals- But because we are so embedded into one “common world”, we believe what others believe. This is the reason, that we change anything in our society so hard or not at all. It is the reason that there is no more solutions to big world problems, as the “economy machine” is self sustaining.

I have used the phrase “he” for a man examples. You must understand, we people are not divided into man and woman but into characters – Thirteen different thinking constellations, which means, that in 25% (approximately) of population, a man thinks like a woman. The same goes for the women. 25% (approximately) of the population, a woman thinks like a man. Since the woman character in nature is more pessimistic, I use the word “he” in my examples throughout this article ;) More about women and men characters in one of the latest topics!

Read how REI theory as first psychological theory eliminates Dyslexia
Read what is the primary mission of REI theory
Read how Instinct, Emotion and Reason were evolved
Read about important attributes of the REI minds
Read description of Theory REI
Read introduction of Theory REI

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