DEK Macro Photography: Is This a Bee?

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Bees' antennae are usually shorter and bent midway at almost 90 degrees. This little fellow here looks like a typical bee, but has butterfly (or rather moth-like) antennae. Let me poke around the Internet for a bit and see what I can find!

Taken @ 105mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 400. You can click for a bigger, more detailed image!

Well, it took me a good half-an-hour, but I've identified this bee as belonging to the Colletes genus, Colletidae family, most likely being a Colletes hederae - a so called "plasterer" bee, their name deriving from the fact that they live in the ground and line their homes with a polyester like substance.

Taken @ 105mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 560. You can click for a bigger, more detailed image!

Although I've not found any of their ground entrances, I did find this excellent image on Wikipeida (labeled CC BY-SA 3.0 for commercial reuse), which I believe is of a different species (Colletes cunicularius):


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Beautifully pictured, greetings from Belgium


Thank you! Your flower photos are great too - followed you!

Impressive and such clear pictures :D

Thank you! With macro photography, images can always be better, but wind, insect movement and available light are limiting factors.

yes it is!
and very very cute!

Haha, indeed :) Followed you - these gates are truly impressive and so was the exhibitionist puppet :D


Nice close ups !

Nice one! There are so many species of bees, hard to keep apart, especially the solitary bees.

I ran into some digging bees a while ago as well, see here.

Whoa, nice photos! I've seen these fly around, we call them "earth / ground bees" and they are what I'd refer to as the heavy duty version of the honey bee :D

Didn't know there was a variety of species with extra eyes?

All wasps and bees have three little extra eyes, as far as I know.

They are not proper focussing eyes, but they can detect differences in light and warn for danger from above.

Yes, I expected that they'd detect movement by change in light, but I wasn't aware that all bees have them? That's quite interesting, thank you!

Nice, there are so many more bee and wasp species than can be imagined!

Literally thousands!

Wild looking with those antennae. I can see why that might throw off the ID. Thanks for sharing a new species I've never seen/heard of.

You may refer to me as Cyber Darwin :) Wait, no, it should be Cyber Carl von Linné, since he's the founder of modern taxonomy.

I defer my ??'s taxonomic to Linne' the imagist.

Cool little bugger.

Nice that he wanted to pose for you !

I've deleted the naughty scenes :)

Beautiful, focus on Point, its really hard To take macro outside with All the factors you mention , wind at the top of the challenge :p

Much appreciated! :)

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