DEK Macro Photography: Taraxacum (Dandelion)

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

A close up image of a Dandelion. This is actually considered the ripe fruit of the Taraxacum family of plants (the two most common ones being the Taraxacum officinale, which I believe is this plant, and Taraxacum erythrospermum, a fluffier look alike).

Taken @ 105mm, f/22, 1/200s, ISO 720. You can (and should) click for a bigger image!

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That's a weird fruit. Tasty?

I... well.. I've not tried it... technically, from a botanists point of view, that's the fruit of this plant :D

Fun fact though, these are called "Глухарче" ("gluh-har-che") in Bulgarian, which is hard to translate, but basically meaning "Something that will make you deaf". There's an old story that if you get one of these little fellows in your ear, you may go deaf - which I could imagine being true a hundred years ago.

Technically correct, the best kind of correct.

I think it would require more than one to accomplish deafening!

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