What if Time Were Money

in #money6 years ago

What if time were the currency with which you use to buy things you need and want?

What would you do differently?

I watched the film In Time with Justin Timberlake last night. In the film time is literally money. You were paid in hours to extend your life for the work you did, rent was a week off your life, coffee cost three hours.

And when you ran out of "time" your clock stopped and you died instantly.

It got me to thinking how closely this resembles our life now. Sure we are paid in dollars and Euros from our jobs, but essentially we are paid in time for the time we spend at work.

What if the global currency was time? What would you do differently? Would that new car be worth five years off your life? Or could your current one work just fine for another few years? Would you have tried harder with your education to be able to afford more later?

What would you invest in if time were money?

If time were money would you sleep in?

How many things would you consider unimportant and eliminate from your life?

Sure, you can always earn more, but correlate it to the job you currently have- will your boss give you more money per day of work to afford your extravagant wants? Can you easily go out and find a better paying job with your current education and qualifications?

And forget about debt. You cannot give more years than you currently have on hand.

Look around you. Take inventory of the things you have. Would they really be worth time off your life?

What is important to you?

Next time you go to make a purchase, consider it's worth using the time is money model.

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My real life horror- the accident and PTSD

Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Images via Pixabay

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With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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This movie is just a fiction but it somehow openned our eyes on how important time is. If time is money and in every transaction will be deducted in our life then I will surely spend it wisely by being a help to others especially the needy. I will not waste time with anything unproductive.

The movie is so unique and very imaginative. :)

It would definitely change how we do things, wouldn't it!

great thoughts I have seen similar movies ... and well I live the simple life and make the choice to stay out of debt. This gives me more time for other pursuits. It is a tough choice at times since people judge mostly other people by what they own or are paying on.

People do judge, don't they. Very harshly at that. I find the practice needless and too time consuming. The way I look at it is this is my life. The only one I know for sure that I have. And I wish to live it in a way that I enjoy. If Joe next door doesn't like my car but I love it because I feel safe and secure inside it as I hurtling 60 miles an hour down a stretch of asphalt that would hurt if something bad happened, so be it. It is his time he is wasting, not mine. And it is his time he is wasting by spending more than he makes on the same sort of vehicle, almost exactly :)

The things you own end up owning you


"In Time." great move.

So many people dont realize how important time is. Time is the one thing that is give to all people equally. So many people spend all their time making money forgetting that time can never be gotten back but money can always be made some other time

Nobody ever said "I regret not working more and having more money" on their deathbed...

That's true. But there have been some cases where on their death bed, people wished they had spent more time with their families.
Even at the point of death, so many people don't realize how they have wasted their time in life.

One other way to lool at it is that, if you are going to spend your time making money, then you should make as much as you can. Always remind yourself of how valuable you are and how valuable your time is... DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN THE VALUE OF YOUR TIME

Always remind yourself of how valuable you are and how valuable your time is... DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN THE VALUE OF YOUR TIME

Well said.

Looking like so boring movie .
@arbitrarykitten the message is awesome .
Time is money . yep time is money .
We are wasting out time in other activities .
If the life is like that movie so we will do best and eliminate the unimportant things .
Make gold your time now . because tomorrow you will having not a chance to come back and do it again in past .
Very interesting message and thank you for such a good post .

Even now, with time not truly being money, I think eliminating anything that is not important is healthy and satisfying :)

Yep but only the good one

Time actually is money! But the sad fact is most people never truly realize the worth/value of their time and hence spend it unwisely.

I agree. It is a shame how little thought people actually give to this truth...

If time is money, I will do as I usually will not sleep and if the money is already far beyond the sufficiency that I need then I will gladly people who need our helping hand to help him .. that's about friends @arbitrarykitten..

I absolutely agree with helping your friends and those in the community. Your community is only as good as the weakest member.


Yes, Thanks :)

Yea this is a real nice post and i watched That movie in time also like some years ago, it really teaches a great deal of things espcially about time management and money.

Really gets you thinking, huh!

beautiful cat, who owns the owner.?

Oh my cats definitely own me! lol

Your cat is lucky, you like your cat?

Awe <3 Thanks! I actually operate a rescue for severely abused and burned cats and kittens, but I have four resident kitties :) Yeah, I'm kinda fond of them. They purred their little ways into my heart <3

hey friend, have you been successful in the steemit world, my banter?

I have found much success with Steemit. I have met a number of spectacular people, and nurture awesome friendships in real life from the people I've met here :) I am involved in an ever growing number of projects, and bought a new Jeep Cherokee with my crypto earnings in just six months after joining <3

Joining and being on Steemit.com every day is the best decision I have ever made :)

thank you, please send me an address that I need to join.

Watched the film last month and enjoyed every second of it....”buying” time every day, eliminating more and more nonsense

Eliminating more nonsense. Well said!

I would rather be judged how much time I have left to live happiness and joys with my loved ones, than people looking at me what car I drive or what price my handbag has.

Raising my daughter in Bali costed me tons of money for private schools to “buy” a proper and important education. I wish I would get that time back, where I couldn’t spent more valuable moments with her, instead of working to pay for.

Now, I have more time but she needs to work......

Looking back, do you feel she would have done fine had she been in the public school system?

Yes! She would have done even much better!
The school and its “Cambridge curriculum” system “destroyed” her personality, some of her skills were never realized. Some were put under the carpet.
I WISH I could turn back time and do it again....
I would try to educate myself and a group of warm people of MY choice.

Oh man. That is a shame. I feel the same about the American school system. I began homeschooling my children, one at a time for different reasons, beginning with my middle son when he was 10. I do not regret it! You can read a little about how this transpired when my son tried to burn down his school

Really nice to exchange such valid information. I am on my way to a meet up but can’t wait to read this “hot” story. I should have burnt down a few schools hahha!
I was too busy to earn lots of cash to pay them instead. Growing up in Austria, schools were free. I was lucky! I was also taught that schools are important. Otherwise we would not be accepted in this jungle of competition. I wanted to give my girl the best chances....It’s not all “bad” because she did learn lots of basics as well.
Anyways, I would take my children,s education in my own hands.

This is a fascinating concept. Time has always been more valuable to me than money.

I agree so much. You can always earn more money, but you can never get more time.

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