How to Heal Mind and Body After an Accident & Helpful Advice for Your Loved Ones

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Body is one thing- My x-rays showed my hips were twisted a large degree in opposite directions, and 14 of my neck and lower back vertebrae are twisted and in wrong places. Having the doctor show me how the accident shoved my bones around my body was surreal, but I kindof expected that. You know what's weird? I didn't even have any pain until day 6 after the wreck. Sure I was sore, but nothing like I woke up to day 6. I'm having procedures done every days to put everything back- the Doctor said I will heal. There is no doubt about that. But they want to put everything back in its correct place in my body before it's healed wrong.

Sometimes people will "feel fine" after an accident and never get checked out. Then a year or ten later they have major problems. The body will heal. Just make sure you get checked out so it can heal right to avoid disasters in the future.

I am known as the Word Dominatrix. But since the accident my brain is scrambled. It's the most frustrating thing- thoughts and words will just slip away for a minute or a day. Or I am unable to find a word I know I know- I'll struggle and fight for it but if my brain doesn't want it to come, it just doesn't appear. It's the strangest phenomena, and terribly maddening. But I'm trying to be easy on myself. I know my body went through hell and my mind saw and experienced horrors that have left it shocked, raw and timid.

After an accident, both your body and mind need time to heal. Do not go back to work for a couple days or more depending on the severity of the trauma witnessed and endured. The best thing you can do for yourself is absolutely nothing. Veg out in front of the telly and binge watch that Netflix series you've been meaning to watch. Order takeout.

Even if your accident was minor, if you feel any stiffness or soreness whatsoever take a day or two and just relax and be lazy. Let the laundry pile up. And work will still be there when you come back. They will be understanding.

Do not go to the gym, a little walking or stretching is okay if your body allows- always listen to your body. It will never lie to you. But be gentle.

If you are the loved one of someone who has been in an accident, make them take it easy! If my injuries were less severe I probably would have carried on as usual! But that is stupid, lol! Make your loved one relax and take a few or more personal days and take care of them. If you have a neighbor you don't know well who was in an accident, an extremely helpful thing is food. Make extra dinner for a few nights and bring some over to them, along with paper plates and plastic eating utensils. Cooking and preparing food seems like a small feat, but post accident it is tiring and almost not worth the effort. If my loved ones were not making me eat there are times I would have just went hungry as opposed to shelling out the effort.

Be patient with your post accident loved one. There are horrific and confusing things happening in their brains and they are frightened and irritated, even if they aren't saying anything. They are experiencing a mix of emotions, some of which they are trying not to confront, and many of which are unfamiliar and strange. Just being there for them does a world of good- just knowing you are not alone is important. Keep in mind that it's impossible to understand what someone is going through if you have not experienced the same yourself. A whole lot of messed up things will happen inside that person; some you will see and many will never be shared with you. It's a process and it just has to go it's natural course.

Your compassion and support is the most important thing. Do be sure to make them get checked out, even if they say they are "fine". And always listen to your instincts- if they seem off physically or mentally consult a doctor. It's better to be safe.

It will take time, and you will heal. Be kind and understanding to yourself and loved ones to make the healing swift and easy.

Be safe my friends, and give your loved ones a big hug <3

Part 1-My Near Death Experience
Part 2- the Accident Aftermath
Part 3- Subtract the D from PTSD but Your Brain is Still Scrambled
Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. You have my heart my Steemit tribe. I love you guys. Your support and encouragement is truly healing and comforting, and I am so grateful I have you <3

Images via Pexels and Unsplash

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Wow are you presently in the hospital? I am just hearing the fact that one might not feel pain immidiatly after an accident until after somedays . I was already getting exited in the fact that you had no single issue after the accident. I just hope you get well soon.

Can't wait to have you back 100%

I'm not in the hospital, but I'm visiting my doctor regularly, and a facility every other day to put me back together internally.

The fact that you can write about this experience is hopefully providing its own sense of healing. Traumatic experiences are not easy to cope with, especially their aftermath. The alterations you mentioned regarding not quite knowing what you know, forgetting or just taking a few moments to find the information you normally can access from your mind, these are interesting phenomenon. I go through bouts of this, so I get that aspect. I've had traumatic experiences in the past, but not an accident of this nature. I wish you well in your recovery, and like you say in your article be easy on yourself. Some days are easier than others, and it sounds like you are being looked after well.

I have always been a believer of writing your traumatic events to help heal. So much so that I became a traumatic writing coach for victims of horrible things. I kindof fell into it- I started writing about an event I experienced and people started coming to me, and before I knew it I had organizations asking me for help. This was about ten years ago.

This is all very surreal to me still, even as I write this comment to you right now. It feels dreamlike and not quite real and is a bit frightening because I know what it's supposed to feel like!

And I don't know how much of what I am experiencing is from the Post Traumatic Stress or the mild Concussion... UG!

Thank you so much for your well wishes. I am being looked after, for that I am fortunate. And the support here at Steemit is refreshing and awe inspiring :)

I am wondering- How long is it taking your brain to return to normal? What did you notice as you were healing gradually? I know it's different for everyone but I am curious...

Thanks for sharing about your personal accident. I hope you're feeling better now.

There's a thought that came to mind when I read this section, which I thought I'll share with you.

Sometimes people will "feel fine" after an accident and never get checked out. Then a year or ten later they have major problems. The body will heal. Just make sure you get checked out so it can heal right to avoid disasters in the future.

I realised it's very metaphorical to emotion pain as well. Sometimes when we lose a loved one, or someone dissapointed us greatly,

You bring up a very important point. Emotional pain can leave scars lasting longer than even physical wounds. It's important to address any pain or Trauma so it's healed right and you don't suppress and bury it...

Hi ms. @arbitrarykitten with your past 3 blog about your accident i thought you are physically okay but after reading this ohhh you are really brave after what happen to your hips and other parts of your body... hope you are doing fine and healing, but I know you are cause the with all this blog you're righting it shows you are doing great.
I agree with you when you say that we should have our body checked after accident because that's what happen to my classmate he had a motorcycle accident like 10 years ago and he felt fine he said just a little headache but just last september he was diagnosed of brain tumor it was the small blood clot he gt from an accident now a tumor and then this january he passed away... we really shouldn't ignore little pain.

But what I like most is this

Even if your accident was minor, if you feel any stiffness or soreness whatsoever take a day or two and just relax and be lazy. Let the laundry pile up. And work will still be there when you come back. They will be understanding.

Hahahaa that's very true whenever my back is aching I jist let the laundry pile and my baby toys scattered all over the house as you said, they will be understanding....

Keep healing ms. @arbitrarykitten... you are doing great 😘😘😘

Is your friend alright? Oh my. Yes yes yes, always get checked, any little thing that was not there before...

I hope you will fully recover soon. Wish you best of luck with that :)

Oh my dear friend... Like I said in my last comment... be patient with yourself. Baby yourself. I wish I was there to help. Resteeming.

Thank you hun <3

With my last accident, 2009, if I did not manage to find my slightly buckled but still working phone before passing out, I might have bled to death lying in the dark off the roadside, having been flung off my bike quite a distance on impact by a somewhat inebriated young lady simply driving on, thinking she had struck a buck taking the curve a little wide...came to in the second hospital, woken by the doctors to sign indemnity before being wheeled into theater - wasn't exactly a fun experience. Was on crutches for about 3 years after that and there are chronic pains and sensitivities that I have to use pain medication for when they become too severe to simply ignore.

My philosophy? - whatever fate may bring upon you, pick up the pieces, do what you can to heal, and live to the full to the best of your ability. So I love, live and dance and do what I can to enhance the quality of life for those around me, with no regrets or blame for what happened - just carrying on with life and enjoying it!

I am sending lots of postive healing thoughts your way you have been through quiet an ordeal and it is a miracle you are alive. I would love to chat to you about this sometime I think you have an amazing story.

I am very appreciative <3 Yes, let's talk sometime. Forgive me if I know this, but you're on Discord correct?

Thats right yes I am on discord.... I would love to share your story on my podcast.

I'd like that. Let me know what day and time, and I'll be there :)

Message me on discord and we can have a chat about it :)

Take your time and heal. Everything can wait for you. I understand that for some time you may feel that the world around you is a little off kilter, a little surreal. It will get better.

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