My Kid Set Fire to His School

in #education7 years ago

A conversation with @binkyprod earlier made me realize just how poor the education system has become.

Children are not taught to think creatively and critically in schools. Sure, when they go on to University they get a crash course on the process, but by then it's a struggle because they have a decade of years under their belt which only served to teach them how to be stellar test takers and sheeple- ahem, followers.

My middle son does not school well. At all. In fact, he tried to burn down his elementary.

When the Fire Chief asked him why he set fire to the school, he replied in all his honest 8 year old glory, "Because the teachers don't care about us here. If the school burned down then everyone would have to go to schools with teachers who want them to do good in life."

My son was not charged. I don't know if it was the honesty or subsequent investigation into the admin and teachers, but I did not ask- I felt it best to just accept this blessing!

This incident was the icing to the cake of my decision to homeschool.


I began homeschooling just this one boy so as not to overwhelm myself, but within a few years all three of my boys were learning at home. I personally learned so much from homeschooling, mostly about the poor quality of the US public school system.

Homeschooling is so much more than sitting at the desk and reading and exams. One thing I implemented was a critical thinking exercise during dinner.

Their favorite was the riddles. I would read a riddle and they would discuss and solve. The boys enjoyed this so much that a couple years ago when life got hectic for a while and we didn't share mealtimes, they adamantly voiced severe displeasure. They truly missed the dinnertime riddles and critical thinking activities, so until we could align our schedules again we found moments to implement exercises throughout the week.

Critical thinking is imperative for neural brain pathway formations; aka critical thinking is necessary for brain growth. Mental deterioration begins to occur when we stop creating new pathways when we stop learning and thinking creatively.

Don't let your son set fire to his school. Activate his brain today.

And don't allow old brain age to creep up on you. Learn something new and create and think critically every day.

Images via Pixabay, Creative Commons, and Animated Images

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Schools today do the most damage to children. Imagine sending your child to learn things that have no impact on todays world and at the same time expecting that very child to excel in the real world after graduation. It's a big sad life we are giving these kids and i believe that is why most self-made millionaires quit school .

The same system has been in place since the 50's. Everything else evolves and changes with the times, why not education? It is truly mind boggling when you think about it...

That's precisely why i would want to train my children personally just as you are doing together with my wife. That way i can get to see what fits and what does not

Exactly! I wish you the best of luck. It will be difficult, yet extremely rewarding :)

yes, and it's true. I think Steve Jobs was a drop out. Bill Gates was a drop out, I think. They went and educated themselves outside of school. Jordan Peterson always says if you want to learn, read. A lot of successful people went out and learnt what they wanted and needed to for the lifestyle and the business they wanted to create for themselves and then they executed and did it. And most of them made it or are making it right now.

Exactly. They focussed all their eneries on the stuff that matter to them and improved upon it. Without some these greats, life would have been boring today.

So true. Reading is key.

You almost have to go out on your own nowadays in order to make something of yourself.

Don't let your son set fire to his school. Activate his brain today.

#Wisdom 😄

This should be used as a Public Service Announcement. And hey, just in time for Back To School! LOL!

Your timing is spot on! Lol!

But please leave your brains at home, we have a strict policy against them...

All offenders will be _____________ 😏

Don't ask questions because we might fail you for it. Just sit quietly and obey all our orders.

Be like Sally. Be exactly like Sally. But don't copy her- we want you to be unique!

haha when I was in theatre school, the teacher directing a play I was in wanted me to act it out like the girl who had the same role. We all shared a role and would alternate during performance. 14 girls, 7 roles. He kept criticising me and berating me that I wasn't like the other girl enough. I got fed up. The night before Opening, during dress rehearsal, I played my way. The chairman of the Theatre program told me that I had never performed that well before and that I had nailed it . Since then, I remember that moment of how being different and unique helped me achieve something, if ever I waver and wonder if I should fold back into the mold of sameness.

Great story.

Keep being you , you are the one who is best at it anyway ;)

Back to school, don't forget the matches!

Can't believe he wasn't charged, sounds dangerous!

Glad his brain is more engaged these days :)

I think it's because there were payoffs or something, I don't think the school wanted attention... I know the admin was funneling money- it was finally released later. I was friends with three of the "good" teachers, and they were trying to start a change, even tho severely outnumbered.

Let's just say the new principal absolutely hated me. I was born without a filter ;)

😁 #nofilter - great to have people like you around, especially when they are on side!

I can't believe how smart your child is already that he realizes that his teachers don't really care about him, and he needs to be proactive about it himself, because no one else seems to do anything. One of the seven habits of highly effective people is they are proactive. Your child's already there. :)

I told him much of the same, not to go around breaking the law and burning buildings, lol, but to use this proactive nature and need to help people to his advantage-AND theirs. He is a pretty interesting thinker, too. He is an "old soul" philosopher ;)

Thanks <3

I love it!! I am noticing a lot of old souls cropping up in the new generation of children. They are so much more advanced than I ever was when I was a child. Nice to know that you're encouraging him, and asking him to redirect his awesome energy. :)

I am noticing a lot of old souls cropping up in the new generation of children.

Nature creates what it's in need of..

You are absolutely right!!! That's spot on. Nature is too smart for us. It does what is necessary in the absolute perfect time.

@arbitrarykitten Very cleverly written account which weaved in principles. I would like like to address the subject of critical thinking. Many folks bandy the term and many more claim to possess this skill. It differs from refined logic.

The skill must have in its foundation the high value of integrity. Without intellectual honesty, there can be no critical thinking. I will share a snippet of a study I did on critical thinking.

"Critical thinking is being able and willing to think for one's self; independently from anyone else's opinions, tenets, and philosophies. Real critical thinkers are willing to make decisions consistently, without fear of making wrong decisions. They are confident that an erroneous decision is often part of the course to the correct one.

Once again, I mention groupthink. Still, one cannot possess the skill of critical thinking and be subject, in any way, to groupthink. Throughout the years, I have tackled projects to understand philosophies, theories, dogmas, and opinions. I focused my mind on emptying itself of anything remotely connected with the assignment at hand."

I am always excited about parents who hometeach their children. Do you know what each one's primary learning modality is? (visual, hearing, or kinesthetic) I'm guessing that you have one each. The kinesthetic children are the easiest to teach and the ones that the warehousing indroctrination centers ship off to Doctor Rent-a-friend so that they can be dosed with Methylphenidate. Be well.

You are absolutely correct in your guess! My oldest is Kinesthetic just like Mom, middle- audio, and the little guy is visual.

I homeschool also, well right now they are unschooling, but, they want to do lessons, so, we do them. I just don't want strangers raising my kids and they were given the choice on whether they were going to go back this year. They chose home.

Oh definitely unschooling must be done first.

Good choice ;)

Nice post. I also would have liked to have home-schooled my children. :)

You can still share your wisdom with them- they will always need you and your teachings, no matter how old they get ;)

I agree. Thank you. :)

This post has received a 0.63 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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