Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E12 "The Real Deal" (My Review)

in #marvel6 years ago

If you don't want "Spoilers," scroll down to the "Non-Spoilers" section where I give my broad conclusion and overall thoughts

Spoilers (In-Depth Analysis)

  • The bottle episode.
    I wanted to know more with happens like what General Hale is going to do next. The team she is going to put up it feels like Suicide Squad. I wanted to see more the assassin Ruby but in this episode we focus more on the team. Pretty much when 3 monoliths blow up they create like a tear in space making people's fears come to life. I guess a better way to explain it is like when there is a tear a monster like Pennywise appears and he manifest the character's fears for example May's fear is Lash and you see Lash appear in front of the agents. This episode is pretty much about the team sealing up the tear in space created by the explosions of 3 monoliths which is an excuse for the writers to make it more a bottle episode. I honestly wanted to see more on how they were going to save the future and fill more gaps in between the present and the future. I was hoping maybe we could see more hints of the Kree coming to Earth but we only got a fake Kree attacking Deke and Daisy.

  • The parts I don't like.
    I thought Daisy was the one who quaked the Earth apart but it turns out the monoliths blowing up could be what caused the destruction. This made the endings of the first two episodes look meaningless. Also Phil Coulson dying turned out it was a deal he made with the ghost rider and I was really bummed about it. The buildup in Past Life where you thought he was dying because he got stabbed was a complete letdown.

  • Peterson
    It is weird seeing how this is Coulson's fear. Of all people why Peterson? It should have been Nick Fury since it feels more believable. With Peterson telling Coulson that all of this is a fake and bringing back to how Loki stabbed him was genius. For the show's 100th episode that was pretty clever to do a recap of everything back to the beginning. Fear is complex for adults. I guess this is why Pennywise prefer kids as their fears are pretty simple to take shape.

  • Extra Notes
    Seeing the wedding was cute. I think it was a great scene to put it into the 100th episode of this series. Also realizing that Deke is actually the grandson of Fitz and Jemma was surprising for me as I am looking forward to see how the couple will react.

Non-Spoilers (Over-all Thoughts)

I was pretty caught up with what is going to happen after that I didn't realize that this was the 100th episode for this series.
Also a part of me is let down after knowing after how did certain events happen as it made a few buildups that happened in the early episodes of season 5 a complete total letdown.
I guess I can be a bit more lenient as this episode is more fan service since it is the 100th episode.
For the 100th episode they got to make it special and I guess this is the best way for the writers as they give powerful emotional moments.
Honestly for me, it felt more like a bottle episode where there is not a lot of advancement to the main plot. (If you read my spoiler-review you know what I mean)
Emotionally and in a Matrix-like way it does tie back the very beginnings of this show and manage to reference everything that has happened.
To make this episode special they have to make it emotional and by that standard they did a good job at it.
To me this felt like a bottle episode and I am not a fan of bottle episodes. If this was an anime it would be called a filler episode.
Also with live tv shows, after I watch plenty of seasons with right now being the fifth season the emotional parts don't really get to me unless it is really good like The Walking Dead S08E10 "The Lost and the Plunderers"
There is one emotional scene that threw me off as a shocker and another part of the episode where I have to give writers credit for doing.

My Grading Rubric:

This picture grade means that it is simply AMAZING. It shows that the replay is high and makes you want to watch it again and again. It also means that the show excel in every bit with drama/story/plot-progression/build-up while leaving you excited for the next episode. The two-thumbs-up ALSO proves that it is highly memorable one.
This picture grade means that its GREAT if not amazing. It means that it while it is not perfect it still has more strengths than weaknesses meaning that some parts are slow/boring while the rest is exciting or it gives plenty of thrills but overall generic. Even though it is not a two-thumbs-up the show can still be very memorable after watching the whole entire season.
This picture grade shows at it is just MEDIOCRE at best. There is plenty of good parts that make this show still enjoyable to watch. Replay is low and after watching it once you don't feel like watching it all over again unless you a HARDCORE fan and/or if you just skim through it to watch a few scenes.

This simply means that it is CRAP. It also means that for an amount of time you spend watching a movie/episode is also the amount of time you are never going to get back. I can simply have another picture that is two-thumbs-down to prove that it is dog shit but this picture grade shows that it is horrible and you want to avoid it at all costs.

My Grade For This Episode:

Check Out My Previous Episode Reviews:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E06 "Fun & Games" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E07 "Together Or Not At All" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E08 "The Last Day" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E09 "Best Laid Plans" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E10 "Past Life" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E11 "All the Comforts of Home" (My Review)

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