Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

in #marvel7 years ago (edited)

After reviewing this I am finally caught up!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll to the bottom to read my "initial thoughts", "quick summary", "conclusion" and after if you don't want any spoilers.

Initial thoughts (No Spoilers):
Can't wait to see more with what happens to Daisy when she gets captured by Kasius. Hopefully we see more plot progression in this episode than the last one. The last one did not have much story progression but it did have a theme connecting everything.

Analyzing this episode (Spoilers):
We have another new interesting character in this season and this guy is an inhuman who can read minds and let others read his minds. I like this character because with his powers we know more of what is going on in the story. I almost thought the mystery of this season was going to drag out to the point where the quality begins to THIN but luckily we know a few character's motivation. We FINALLY know Kasius true nature which is once he doesn't need anything from the space station anymore he plans to destroy everything of it. This information now convinces the guy with the mind abilities to form an alliance with Daisy.

There are FOUR BIG HIGHLIGHTS to this episode; one is the interrogation scene, the other is finding out that the space station is farming babies, the fight between May and Sinara, and the ending. These highlights also serve as a buildup which makes this "A Life Earned" better than "A Life Spent"

  • The interrogation scene was pretty cool where Kasius was interrogating Daisy and Simmons. Kasius was controlling Simmons' hearing which he thought or at least what the viewers thinks that he's thinks that will convince Simmons to tell the truth. It was pretty cool because it involved the guy reading minds to be the witness. He obviously covered for the two cause he wanted to take the chance to read Kasius mind and when he found out he decided to team up with Daisy. This scene definitely shed some light in the dark and doesn't leave me hanging too long with mystery.
  • I also love the part where Coulson finally finds out that Deke betrayed Daisy and we later know his backstory. I was wondering how long until the agents knew about Deke's betrayal.
  • The second highlight is that babies are a rarity which makes life inside the space station more dystopian. This gives more character to Mack as we see him struggling with his humanity as we see him still suffer from the Framework.
  • The fight between May and Sinara is what grabbed my attention the most. I wanted to see how May was going to survive against a Kree who is not only physically stronger but has two golfball-sized balls that she can use as guided missiles. I was so anxious to know what happened after but this episode didn't show any more and it only showed Sinara cleaning the blood off the weapon she holds in her hand which makes me CURIOUS about what happened to May. Honestly I didn't think the fight scene between them would happen but when Sinara stepped in to stop Coulson, May, and Deke that is where my anticipation jumped up again. I thought the three were definitely screwed but it was only May. Also Sinara is very deadly as we see how dangerous she is from the last two episodes. I thought they were going to fight her later in the season but it was sooner than I thought.
  • The ending is pretty big and that is where Fitz come in. I almost forgot about him and I thought the person that looks like Star Lord was someone else but it turned out to be Fitz. Fitz is finally back and after 3 episodes without him we finally see him come back! Now we can explore what has happened to him.

Of all the highlights the fight between May and Sinara is the most memorable to me.

Burning Questions (Spoilers):

  • What happened to Agent May?

Conclusion (No Spoilers):
This was a pretty good episode. "A Life Earned" may be a bit slow because of the second quarter of it but now we uncover more of the truth and we have more plot progression than "A Life Spent". Not only there is more plot progression but the highlights are BIGGER in this episode as well. There is one part that definitely grabbed my attention(besides the ending) and it made me want to know what happens in between and after that. The replay value for "A Life Earned" is pretty high because plenty of things happened and watching it one time is not enough to fully process everything that is going on. Also the ending, there was obviously buildups for this one particular part and with the ending I was surprised to see that the buildup for it actually works. It made me compare to that one episode of The Walking Dead where the buildup was stretched out for too long that people were completely disappointed.

This episode shed plenty of light, had more of what is going on, had a little character moment, and an ending that was pretty big.

My grade for this:
Photo on 12-1-17 at 2.43 PM.jpg

If you guys enjoyed my review check out my other ones on the previous episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:
S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)
S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)

Hope you guys enjoy reading this!!! If you like it upvote and follow me!!! Also upvote and follow me if you love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and seeing my weekly reviews on it!!! See you guys in the next blog!!

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