Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E10 "Past Life" (My Review)

in #marvel7 years ago (edited)

This is it. I am completely caught up with the episode reviews for this show and the next episode won't come out until MARCH 2 so that gives me a relief.
Can't wait to get back to doing episode reviews of The Walking Dead where the newest one comes out on FEBRUARY 25.
To be honest I enjoy writing episode reviews of The Walking Dead more than this show.

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll down to "Non-Spoilers Review," and after if you don't want any spoilers.

Spoiler Review (In-Depth Analysis)

  • Kasius loses his shit. (Character Development)
    I believe this is character development.
    Character development to me is when we see the many different emotions/characteristics from a character or when a character develops a change through some event that occurs in the story.
    Ex. Kasius was always quiet and calm/composed but now we finally see him lose his shit since the protagonists keep outsmarting him.
    You see him start to go insane when he force the Kree doctor to revive Sinara even though the doctor said it was impossible then kills the doctor for his disobedience.
    I also love the part where he drinks the black liquid and goes up against Mack.
  • Another Yo-Yo.
    I was pretty shocked when I saw this scene and I realize that the ending of the last episode was this.
    I'm just going to call her Dark Yo-Yo to make this simple.
    It raises more questions to what happened but I don't blame the tv if they don't show EVERYTHING that happened.
    Sometimes it's best not to show everything in detail but in a compacted summarized way like Kylo Ren falling to the darkside.
    If they outstretch it or tried to show EVERYTHING than it would be like the Star Wars prequel all over again.
    This Yo-Yo's personality is dark/hopeless as the setting in season 5 of AOS.
    Hearing all the negativity when she speaks does bring plenty of chills to this episode.
  • Enoch & Zeke sacrifice.
    Deep down I knew Zeke was going to sacrifice himself as I have seen it a few times in shows where a character acts like a douche then later give up his life to save the team or to fight for the greater good.
    I did not feel sad for Zeke because I saw it coming.
    I did not know that Enoch was going to sacrifice himself as well but I felt sad because he gives humor into this bleak/dark world.
    You know in a tv show where a character knows he/she is going to die and they show bits of their backstory as like life flashing before your eyes when you go through near-death experience.
    I really wished that this episode did show some backstory to both characters and have a similar connection/theme to each other and maybe to the bigger picture like the Kree species like Kasius' family or the universe since all of this takes place in outer space.
  • Phil Coulson's infection.
    This is another part to look forward into the future episodes.
    Dark Yo-Yo did mention about this and she said to the original Yo-Yo not to save him.
  • Flint's Earthbending
    The "Earthbending" was a reference from Avatar with the earthbenders/waterbenders/firebenders/airbenders.
    I thought he was going to turn himself into a golem or something but that would be pretty cool but seeing him shoot meteors at the Kree was also cool & badass.
    Also seeing him recreate the monolith was another cool scene.
  • Mack vs. Kasius
    I think this is the best wait...the BEST one-liner of the WHOLE series.
    👍 👍 👍 But this is definitely the best quote of this episode. 👍 👍 👍
  • The ending feels rushed.
    Honestly I feel like they could at least show them seeing them on present day Earth with sunlight and everything and all make it look like a happy ending instead of rushing to it.

Non-Spoiler Review (Conclusion/Overall Thoughts)

Maybe I am pretty biased but I love Kasius because he is an amazing villain.
We see so much of his personality and see him go crazy instead of his usual calm self.
A few crazy moments in this episode.
I say it was a bit short. I strongly believe "Past Life" would be a perfect episode if it shows backstories to a few characters and an ending that is not rushed.
I'm going to be lenient because of that one-liner I love soo much.

My Grading Rubric:

This picture grade means that it is simply AMAZING. It shows that the replay is high and makes you want to watch it again and again. It also means that the show has good drama, good story, good plot progression, good plot build up while leaving you excited for the next episode. The two-thumbs-up proves that it is highly memorable one.
This picture grade means that its GREAT if not amazing. It means that it while it is not perfect it still has more strengths than weaknesses meaning that some parts are slow/boring while the rest is exciting or it gives plenty of thrills but overall generic. Even though it is not a two-thumbs-up the show can still be very memorable after watching the whole entire season.
This picture grade shows that it is just MEDIOCRE at best. There is plenty of good parts that make this show still enjoyable to watch. Replay is low and after watching it once you don't feel like watching it all over again unless you a HARDCORE fan and/or if you just skim through it to watch a few scenes.
This simply means that it is CRAP. It also means that for an amount of time you spend watching a movie/episode is also the amount of time you are never going to get back. I can simply have another picture that is two-thumbs-down to prove that it is dog shit but this picture grade shows that it is horrible and you want to avoid it at all costs.

My Grade For This Episode:

Check Out My Previous Episode Reviews:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E06 "Fun & Games" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E07 "Together Or Not At All" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E08 "The Last Day" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E09 "Best Laid Plans" (My Review)

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