Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E09 "Best Laid Plans" (My Review)

in #marvel6 years ago

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll down to "Non-Spoilers Review," and after if you don't want any spoilers.

Spoiler Review (In-Depth Analysis)

  • Tess' came back to life.
    This is a minor character for the people who haven't kept up to date with this season.
    This is another one of the surprises coming from this show but to the people who have been watching this series from season 1 it is not a big surprise.
    Think about it. Agent Phil Coulson is one of the main characters and one of the most important character of AOS and he was killed by Loki from the movie The Avengers which took place before this show came on.

    We later knew in season 2 that it was Kree DNA that brought him back to life.
    I should've seen this coming coming from a guy like me who is between a casual and hardcore fan of the MCU.
    This proves that there are possibilities that even more suprises can come who knows the guy who could read minds will PROBABLY come back to life.
    I just hope we see more of him because its interesting to see his superpowers playing into the story.
    Also it makes you wonder if she really did come back to life or possibly brainwashed.
  • Daisy vs. Sinara
    We finally see the conclusion to the battle.
    Honestly I thought her end would be more climatic but I guess being stabbed by a pipe is brutal enough.
    Sorry I play a lot of violent video games like God of War/Devil May Cry and watch too much DragonBall Z.
    The big question I am asking myself is how come she doesn't use those two big moving bullets that often in the fight?
    I mean when the show introduced her, her abilities was what made people fascinated about this character.
    I guess she couldn't control the trejectory in the unconsistent gravity inside the zephyr or the budget of making this episode wasn't high enough for high quality action.
  • Riding out the gravity storm inside the zephyr.
    I know its not really a big highlight but it is another extra thrill with the other climaxes.
    I love the character Enoch because he adds humor into this show kinda like Korg in Thor: Ragnorak.
  • Mack & Yo-Yo VS. Kasius & his bodyguards
    Another highlight of this episode because Kasius is the main antagonist.
    People are wondering how Kasius anticipated Yo-Yo's abilities but they will later find out.
    I love this part cause this is another climax of "Best Laid Plans."
    I'm not going to describe the action because that is too long to write but I will say it ends in a explosion like the explosions in Michael Bay's movie.
  • The last scene which gives us more curiosity for the next episode.

Non-Spoiler Review (Conclusion/Overall Thoughts)

I definitely enjoyed this episode more than the previous which I gave it MEDIOCRE.
We are really getting into the conclusion of this dystopian world and the Kree.
The quality of this episode is more than great but far from amazing.
For almost 9 episodes into this season we are stuck in the same repetitive setting of this dark bleak world.
Thank god episode 5 took a break from all of this. When I think of episode 5 I think of the one mystery where the woman shot two of her army lieutenants/subordinates you know what I mean.
"Best Laid Plans" brings the climax between the agents & the Kree which is one-step-away or one-episode-away from the mid-season finale which serves its purpose.
If "Best Laid Plans" somehow managed to give a bright or colorful type of setting instead of the same dark gritty dystopian world I would enjoy it even more but I still enjoyed it overall.

My Grading Rubric:

This picture grade means that it is simply AMAZING. It shows that the replay is high and makes you want to watch it again and again. It also means that the show has good drama, good story, good plot progression, good plot build up while leaving you excited for the next episode. The two-thumbs-up proves that it is highly memorable one.
This picture grade means that its GREAT if not amazing. It means that it while it is not perfect it still has more strengths than weaknesses meaning that some parts are slow/boring while the rest is exciting or it gives plenty of thrills but overall generic. Even though it is not a two-thumbs-up the show can still be very memorable after watching the whole entire season.
This picture grade shows that it is just MEDIOCRE at best. There is plenty of good parts that make this show still enjoyable to watch. Replay is low and after watching it once you don't feel like watching it all over again unless you a HARDCORE fan and/or if you just skim through it to watch a few scenes.
This simply means that it is CRAP. It also means that for an amount of time you spend watching a movie/episode is also the amount of time you are never going to get back. I can simply have another picture that is two-thumbs-down to prove that it is dog shit but this picture grade shows that it is horrible and you want to avoid it at all costs.

My Grade For This Episode:

Check Out My Previous Episode Reviews:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E06 "Fun & Games" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E07 "Together Or Not At All" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E08 "The Last Day" (My Review)

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Thank for ur review. I love marvel

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