Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

in #marvel7 years ago

Sorry for the delay I spent so much time writing my "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Review plus I celebrated Christmas. Not going to lie I am really sad that not a lot of people didn't check it out or probably didn't like it cause I stayed up to 3 a.m. to finish it. Most of the views of that blog was from me BTW. Honestly that was the longest blog I have ever written because I put so much thought into it, but please check it out and give it an upvote if you agree with what I wrote, that would be greatly appreciated.

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll to the bottom to read my "initial thoughts," "conclusion," and after if you don't want any spoilers.

So now Fitz has come into the picture. After four episodes without him we FINALLY see him again. That is a good way to bring a character we haven't seen in awhile back into the picture unlike that one episode of The Walking Dead where they bring a minor character back after what 6 seasons with a VERY LAZY buildup. So how will he change the outcome to this story now that he is back and with everything that has been going on with the rest of the agents?

-The CON of this episode was that it ONLY takes place in between with happened in the very beginning of season 5 or the very ending of season 4. To counter argue that statement A LOT did happen in between those events.
-This is a little bit of a nitpick but when Fitz was trying to investigate the rest of the agents kidnapping he was surfing through the camera footage of the events and he figured out that the trucks have the same structure but only different skin. How come the FBI or the people behind the military can't figure that out?

-The PRO of this episode is that after 4 episodes we are finally back in Earth present setting. Honestly after getting into this season I feel pretty homesick even though Im not even a character of the series but since I'm keeping up with this show it feels nice to be back in the original setting. The writers are definitely doing a good job keeping the show fresh and diversifying the ideas to keep it that way. We have seen too many scenes taking place in this dystopian life in outer space and it is nice for a change of scenery.
-It was also good to see another supporting character return to the series. Lance Hunter is finally back and it has been a season and a half since we last saw him. Normally he is with Bobbi who is his wife/girlfriend which I forgot about their relationship but it doesn't matter. We don't see Bobbi but that's fine.
-Viewers who were left in the mystery don't need to be left hanging anymore now that we finally know that the bald headed guy in the suit (beginning scene of "Orientation") is really an alien named Enok who came to Earth 30,000 years ago to watch over humans. We finally know that Enok sent them into the future to prevent human extinction and that Enok gets his information from the seer.
-Who is the seer? This is one of the most shocking parts of this episode. The inhuman from season 3 who can make people see their doom by touching them, it turns out his daughter is the seer. Will see more of her later of this season? I think yes because the writers brought her character back from a season waaaay back and that she has a strong connection to the future.
-That scene where Fitz said, "...The universe doesn't wants us to be together..." with Lance replying back saying, "...The universe doesn't want or care about anything..." gets to me. This is a good quote for anybody including myself who is feeling down or had a very bad day to pick oneself up and go forward or at least let go of some baggage.
-The seer finally talks and she revealed to Fitz that he was left behind so that he could save them later on.
-It was crazy how Fitz broke out of prison but later he learned that he needed to break into that prison to get a capsule to get to the future. This is a perfect example of a circle the way how it ties back to the beginning. The trippy part is that he uses the capsule to freeze himself for 74 years to get to the future to meet the rest of the agents.
-The only question this episode left is who is the woman army officer when she shot her two subordinates? Is she working with the Kree? Another mystery that leaves viewers wanting to find out.
-Now we know how Fitz came to the future. I'm curious to see how he is going to take on the Kree or help his team do that.

This episode is very underrated. Underrated is the best way to describe it. This episode is 99% filling in the gaps of what happened in between the beginning of season 5 or the very ending of season 4. The only bad part is that this episode ONLY showed those events but to be fair we had too many scenes from outer space dystopia and there are PLENTY of events happening on Earth that needed to shown. If the objective of this tv show was to show what happened in the Earth present then it did a very good job of doing it. Also "Rewind" is a perfect circle where the beginning and ending of it tie back to each other and if you watched the entire episode you would know what Im talking about. "Rewind" answered plenty of questions that has happened in the beginning of season 5 but still leave a bit of mystery to indicate that there is still a lot more going on to this inevitable doomsday but its pretty obvious since every season is 22 episodes.

It is going to be a while for me to write another review since the next episode is coming out on January 5th.

Photo on 12-1-17 at 2.43 PM.jpg

If you guys enjoyed my review check out my other ones on the previous episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:
S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)
S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)
S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

Hope you guys enjoy reading this!!! If you like it upvote and follow me!!! Also upvote and follow me if you love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and seeing my weekly reviews on it!!! See you guys in the next blog!!

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