Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)

in #marvel7 years ago (edited)

Finals are done!!! I wanted to do more episode reviews of The Walking Dead but the mid season finale is past and we have to wait till Feb 2018 for the second half. I guess this show will have to do since I am up to date and I am a BIG FAN of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with this TV show being a part of it!!! Also I will use the term "AOS" short for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I reviewed the first two episodes since this is a two-part of the one-and-a-half-hour episode, "Orientation."

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll to the bottom to read my "initial thoughts", "quick summary", "conclusion" and after if you don't want any spoilers.

Initial Thoughts:
I loved Season 3 more than Season 2 and I loved Season 4 more than Season 3. I'm hoping I love Season 5 more than Season 4. It has been a while since I have watched any OLD episodes of Marvel: AOS. The last time I watched AOS was couple months ago during summer of 2017 on Netflix so bear with me if I can't remember all the details. I guess this is a good thing for me because I can review this from a fresh perspective of not having any type of baggage from the previous seasons.

Quick Summary:
The story picks up right after Season 4 where the agents got arrested because the cyborg/AI named Aida had her agenda by using robot copycat agents(Coulson, Simmons, Mack, May, Daisy, Fitz) to work for her which mislead the REAL authorities into thinking the REAl agents as bad guys and then the story fast forward to the part where they are in space inside a spaceship. This quick summary is all you need to know to understand Season 5.

What I love about it (Spoilers):
The mystery is the strong point in all of this because it goes well with almost everything from the bald headed guy you know that is not human, the monolith taking the agents to space and also to a different timeline, the type of situation they are in, and ESPECIALLY the answer to the questions the agent want so badly, etc.
The 1st part was just filled with suspense and horror like in a outer space horror setting with the guy about to tell the agents what was going on then he got killed by space monsters. I almost thought the 1st part wasn't going to have much other than horror and mystery but when they brought in the Kree that was when I knew shit was going down for real. It also got some humor when the Kree said he hated hearing human language then Mack tried to speak Spanish to see if the Kree hated it less. There was also some good action where Daisy uses her quake powers to fight the Kree again. I believe this was her third time fighting a Kree and she owned him with the ice spear maneuver. There was simply plenty of new elements going on especially with the Kree because they appeared a little bit in season 2 then you see a bit more of them in the last few episodes of season 3 then you really get to see a lot more of them in this season. The Kree is definitely the most interesting to explore in the Marvel Universe. Also I knew and had a feeling the agents were definitely sent to a different time period because I see plenty of futuristic tech/setting. What I didn't know was that when they tried to escape and head back to Earth they realized it was destroyed and humanity is almost extinct. Humanity almost extinct is something the show never showed in all of its previous episodes and this is a great opportunity to dive deep into it. Also that bald guy in the opening scene is what I am most curious since I saw him taking of his skin when he went to go take a shower. This can be forgettable with everything that is happening but I for one see this as underrated and one of the most interesting story plots.
The second part has a high reply value because a lot goes on in it part like how the Kree enslaves the humans. The Kree lady holding two balls in her hands to execute people is another interesting character. I got a good feeling that the agents will fight her and she got other special superpowers we don't know yet. The leader of the Kree is also introduced and I am curious to know what happens to him in the story. Again he is another interesting character. The ending is what shocked me when it was discovered that Daisy caused the Earth to be destroyed. When I saw this ending I realized why "Orientation" is a two part that is an hour and a half long.

Burning Questions (Spoilers):

  • The Second Monolith? Where did it come from? What is it exactly? Will it play into further stories in Season 5? Its been awhile since we saw one like that, the first time was in Season 2 and in Season 3 we know it takes people to a different planet where Hive, the first Inhuman lives with his abilities to manipulate other Inhumans.
  • The bald headed guy in the part 1. Who is he? We know he is not human since he saw him shed his skin.
  • How did Daisy quake the Earth?
  • Who exactly is the narcissistic blue guy talking to Simmons?
  • How does everything that happened to the agents with the blue people tie back to them getting arrested? The story picked up so fast?
  • The first three questions are the most burning questions that I have in mind with the second one being the one Im most curious about.

Conclusion (No Spoilers):
I see plenty of unexplored fresh ideas that makes this show feel new!!! I almost thought I was getting tired of watching AOS but after watching the first Im glad Im not!!!

  • The first part gives a mix of outer space, mystery, and horror!! This type of mix is something that I and the people who watched the series from season 1 have never seen. I will say the horror and the mystery go hand in hand with the first part since it is said that fear comes from something you don't know. The horror outer space suspense is kinda like Aliens (Ridley Scott) then the last third of the first part is where the story really kicks in with some action. The ending of it is like uncovering the truth in the X-Files where the truth hits Mulder in the face like a motherfucker.
  • The second part dwells with a lot of new interesting characters and the world of their situation. The only complaint I have about it is the casting of the supporting characters. You have two fat bald men that look almost alike and there is one part in that makes it confusing cause their objectives are different but you can't tell who is who unless you watch it the second time. Its not a big complaint since it is a very minor flaw to this episode but everything else was new and the ending is also another shocker.

I'm going to describe this two-part/one-and-half-hour long episode in one sentence. The first part has mystery with the horror and suspense while the second part has interesting characters with a new fresh complex world both of them with endings that tie together with each other.

Just based on watching the first two episodes/parts you don't need to know every detail from the previous four seasons just the obvious basic parts like Daisy is Quake and the basic summary of the previous antagonist and the mess she left for the agents leading them to get arrested. Season 5 takes place in outer space which has never been explored from the previous four seasons and this is not a spoiler since we saw this in a cliffhanger at the end of Season 4. Plenty of unexplored ideas and with more interesting new characters I have a feeling that I am going to enjoy almost every episode of season 5.

My grade for this:
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Hope you guys enjoy reading this!!! If you like it upvote and follow me!!! Also upvote and follow me if you love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and seeing my weekly reviews on it!!! See you guys in the next blog!!

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Nice man! I've got to get back into this show... problem is, there is so much good TV out there!

yeah there is i just figured i pick the one that I'm up to date with and still on going haha

Congrats on finishing your finals! Unfortunately, I haven't been watching this show consistently, so I still have some catching up to do. Nice review!

thanks it was nerve wrecking. i got no regrets lol. if you have netflix you can watch all of 4 seasons.

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