Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E06 "Fun & Games" (My Review)

in #marvel6 years ago (edited)

Sorry for being a bit behind but I'm trying to find balance in my life while being dedicated here on Steemit.

For the people who haven't seen it yet just scroll to the bottom to read my "initial thoughts," "conclusion," and after if you don't want any spoilers.

After that last episode we finally get to see them all again in the futuristic dystopian setting. Can't believe I waited two weeks for this but I can finally get back to it again. That last episode kinda similar to that episode in season 3 where Simmons is all alone trapped in a planet trying to get back to Earth just like how Fitz is all alone trying to get to the future to join the rest of the agents.

The characters really deliver and we see so many events going on.
Character's moments

  • Fitz.
    Fitz really does know how to throw a witty conversation with Kasius and the other bidders especially Saul Goodman's enemy the guy who brought snails. We really see his character development when he reconnects with Simmons. Also it's interesting because the Kree doesn't know that he is on their(Agent's) side. Sadly that surprise is out of the bag at the end of this episode it would have been interesting if he continued to be on the Kree's side. Also he helped May survive a bit longer when he cancelled the fight between her and Ben saying he was bored of the match.
  • May vs Ben.
    May can kick ass but Ben can read minds. It's hard to say who can win. When Fitz convinced Kasius to send her to the surface where the roaches are I felt bad for May for how her situation turned ugly again. The fight between her and Sinara was bad enough and now the roaches. We saw how scary the roaches are from the first episode. This is another good build-up where I can't wait to see how she survives in the next episode. This feels like a real life video game "Dead Space" for May.
  • Daisy vs Sinara.
    It was going to happen but to me I didn't think it was going to happen this soon because we have 22 episodes in this season and I thought Sinara would be in the climax. I guess she is not a big threat to the agents as I thought she would. But yeah great fight between the two of them. If I had to wager I bet Daisy would win because she has quake powers which are more useful and more deadlier than Sinara's two orbs that she uses as moving bullets. Honestly it's pretty simple on who would win a fight unless Sinara has other superpowers we don't know about. I mean from what we seen so far Daisy can use her quake powers to bounce the two orbs back to Sinara piercing her instead of Daisy. Fight was entertaining to watch.
  • Yo-Yo
    She was my most favorite of this episode because when she saved that boy, Flint from terragenesis by snatching him away from everyone's sight she made me realize how awesome her superpowers are. She made the people believe that Flint did not survive terragenesis which makes a great build-up/plot-twist. We later see Flint's new superpowers when he killed Grill. Now I want to see more of Flint and see what bigger role he would play.
  • Simmons.
    Yup her moment was when she slit Kasius' throat. That was one of the greatest revenge since he enslaved her for a good 4 episodes. I thought he was dead but when I looked it up the summary of this episode I guess he is not.
  • Death count. (Tess, Ben, Grill)
    It's sad (at least sad for me) that Ben died. Ben was an interesting character since he is an inhuman who could read minds and let other people read his mind. I thought he would play a bigger role as this season goes on but he went out much SOONER than I thought. I also wanted to see more of him but I guess I can look forward to Flint.
    Grill finally dies and I'm finally glad he did. He was an asshole and a dumb character but good thing we don't see him anymore when he got killed. The way he got killed was epic when Flint used geokinesis at him.
    Tess was not really an interesting character since she is a minor/side character. I guess it was good tragedy that she died and maybe we will see Flint development when turning into a hero...or antihero. Her death was necessary since she is hardly an important character and how the writers want to get rid of her.
    I guess you got to throw a few old characters to bring in new ones.
    When Kasius' brother was introduced it made me hope that we see their backstories. That would be great so that we learn more about them and really understand their objective.
    Also I did not forget about Enoch as I saw him disguising as a Kree taking an elevator. Another good buildup for the next episode.

This episode was simply just amazing!!! If you were going to be disappointed or thought two weeks wasn't well worth the wait DON'T BE. There are MANY things happening in this episode, "Fun & Games." When I wrote MANY things I meant plenty of surprises AND plenty of plot progression in this episode. A few things happened in this episode that I thought was going to happen like two or three episodes after this but after watching "Fun & Games" I was amazed with how fast paced it was when I watched it. We still continue seeing a few new characters and a few new buildups. Also you will love Fit's dynamic personality when he interacts with other characters which are the bidders. Fit's not only had his moments but also Daisy, May, Simmons, and Yo-Yo had their moments too. Impressive feat for a series to juggle that many characters. After two weeks of waiting I'd say it was definitely well worth it. 6 episodes in and I am definitely enjoying this season so far with very little complaint. The writers seem to REALLY know what they're doing and carefully planned it out as this series continues to improve while it still keeps going. I have no doubt in my mind that season 5 will be better than season 4. Replay value for this is HIGH because many things that has happened that needs to be processed. Now I'm really PUMPED to see the next one.


+Fast Paced Plot
+Character's Moments/Tragedies
+Interesting buildups
+Fight Scenes

If you guys enjoyed my review check out my other previous episode reviews of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

Hope you guys enjoy reading this!!! If you like it upvote and follow me!!! Also upvote and follow me if you love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and seeing my weekly reviews on it!!! See you guys in the next blog!!

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