Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E11 "All the Comforts of Home" (My Review)

in #marvel6 years ago (edited)

If you don't want "Spoilers," scroll down to the "Non-Spoilers" section where I give my broad conclusion and overall thoughts

Spoilers (In-Depth Analysis)

  • The comedy
    I was shocked to see a character return but now we see Zeke. Zeke is back!!! For a guy like me that watch plenty of superhero shows, action shows I knew he was going to sacrifice himself since he acted like a douchebag from the start. What I didn't know was that he didn't actually sacrifice himself so it's funny to think I knew what was going to happen to him exactly but I got to give the writers credit for being one step ahead of me. But yes we all know he makes witty sarcasm and it is fun to see his character acts when he FIRST experience the present. If you never had delicious food in your life like burgers and onions rings the first time would definitely be a mouth-gasm. But now it is fun to see how he will play into the later story. Because of him we already know they can definitely change fate the question is exactly how?

  • The highlight
    For me it was when Yo-Yo had both arms chopped up by the circular blades.
    Maybe its just me that considers this a highlight or maybe I am just a messed up person but if that can't grab your attention what can.
    I feel a bit of DC Universe as this series becomes progressively darker.
    I wonder what will happen to her?
    Since we saw her future doppelganger from Past Life is this how it happens?

  • On going mystery
    When they finally reach back to the present a projector immediately plays a video and leads them to a room where they find 3 monoliths!!! Seconds later another Chronicom just like Enoch joins them. I like new surprises but what I like more is when they explain it all like everything makes sense at the end.

  • The beacon.
    This is the first sign to how the world is coming to an end but the tv writers are smart and decided to turn it into a plot twist where it is actually a trap for the agents. Also General Hale is back from the episode Rewind and she anticipated them. We finally get to see her again after 6 episodes. Where the story is going it is really unpredictable and you know that they are not going to screw it up.

  • The ending
    So in the beginning parts is General Hale talking to her daughter Ruby who is a fan of Quake. Then at the end the assassin comes back and later turns out to be Ruby. It is very interesting her character where she is a fan of Quake while going up against the agents. Also as we later watch we realize she is not the only assassin. You got to admit how deep the mystery is as this season progress. Also where General Hale tells the guy that she is "...putting together a team..." you definitely feel the DC Universe vibe where its like Amanda Waller telling Deadshot or some other criminal that she is forming a suicide squad. With so many NEW things going on I have a good feeling that nothing is going to be stretched out for the rest of season 5 and it feels completely opposite of The Walking Dead.

Non-Spoilers (Over-all Thoughts)

If you watched the last episode which I hope you do instead of watching it in random order cause you be confused with the plot then you already know the characters are back in present Earth.
Thank god for a change of scenery cause it was starting to feel like Batman: The Animated Series where every time you watch episodes of that the setting is always dark, gloomy, and not very colorful.
Now that I think of that I now feel that the first part of this season feels a bit too dragged out since the setting feels soooo cramped. Which reminds me to compare this season (once it's complete) to the previous in another post.
Another thing I want to add is that this episode so far in this season has the most humor which is a nice change of tone especially since it fits well into the story and gives an interesting twist.
After watching "All the Comforts of Home," I believe this second half is going to be much better than the first half of this season since we still have more surprises left, gorier moments that makes it hard to forget, and episode coming to a circle.
The reason I say circle because it starts with a scene that looks normal then when it comes close to the end it comes back to that scene except you see it later turn bizarre and interesting.
If you are a fan of superheroes you notice the ending feels like one of the popular stories from DC Universe.

My Grading Rubric:

This picture grade means that it is simply AMAZING. It shows that the replay is high and makes you want to watch it again and again. It also means that the show excel in every bit with drama/story/plot-progression/build-up while leaving you excited for the next episode. The two-thumbs-up ALSO proves that it is highly memorable one.
This picture grade means that its GREAT if not amazing. It means that it while it is not perfect it still has more strengths than weaknesses meaning that some parts are slow/boring while the rest is exciting or it gives plenty of thrills but overall generic. Even though it is not a two-thumbs-up the show can still be very memorable after watching the whole entire season.
This picture grade shows at it is just MEDIOCRE at best. There is plenty of good parts that make this show still enjoyable to watch. Replay is low and after watching it once you don't feel like watching it all over again unless you a HARDCORE fan and/or if you just skim through it to watch a few scenes.

This simply means that it is CRAP. It also means that for an amount of time you spend watching a movie/episode is also the amount of time you are never going to get back. I can simply have another picture that is two-thumbs-down to prove that it is dog shit but this picture grade shows that it is horrible and you want to avoid it at all costs.

My Grade For This Episode:

Check Out My Previous Episode Reviews:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S05E01+S05E02 "Orientation" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E03 "A Life Spent" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E04 "A Life Earned" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E05 "Rewind" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E06 "Fun & Games" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E07 "Together Or Not At All" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E08 "The Last Day" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E09 "Best Laid Plans" (My Review)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.S05E10 "Past Life" (My Review)


Looks interesting. I didnt know about it before but will check it out :)

if you love marvel and their movies then you should definitely check it out!!!

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