Weekend Warrior #ManifestChallenge Day 10

in #manifestchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Ah! The weekend! Happy weekend Steemitzens!

We work hard all week. The weekend is ours to relax and rejuvenate. To spend quality time with loved ones and catch up on chores.

But many times we cram so much into our rest days that come Monday we are dead tired!

Take this weekend to consider your life. Take inventory and make a list.

Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Write Pros on one side and Cons on the other.

Put everything in your life into one of the columns. Work- is it a pro or a con? Sure it's a pro for the sheer fact it pays your rent, but for our purposes we are looking at it on a deeper level.

Is it a pro in your happiness? Does your work make you happy? If so, it belongs in the Pros column.

If not, well you know where it belongs ;) remember, you only have one life, but you can always find a different job...

List everything that takes your time. Family, hobbies, commitments, volunteering, chores.

After you have found a column for everything you give your time to each week, how does it look? Do you have more Pros than Cons?

What are you going to do about this?

PS: In your Pros section, is there something for just you? Something you're passionate about that you give time for yourself each week?

Keep up with the manifest visualizations!

Images via Pixabay

In case you missed a day of the #ManifestChallenge:
Intro or The Beginning
Day 1 Visualize
Day 2 Just Write
Day 3 Create the Life You Want
Day 4 Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Day 5 Spread the Happy
Day 6 Love
Day 7 Affirmations
Day 8 Motivation
Day 9 Shit Happens

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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In case you missed these stellar posts by @ArbitraryKitten :)


animated-arrow-image-0314 Steemit Saved My Life
Words Hurt ~ an Experiment
Happy Steemitversary and 2500 Follower Milestone!
Protect Yourself From Disappearing Posts and Comments!
7 Websites for Free and Legal Images
How to Set Boundaries
Positive Affirmations for Kids
5 Tips to Get Their Attention
What Type of Learner are You? Quiz
And Now That You Know What Type of Learner You Are, Trick Their Minds Into Doing What You Want ;)
Homeless Vets to Have a Safe and Warm Winter
The Weight of a Smile

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Images via Pixabay


Gonna chill and relax over the weekend :)

That sounds like a beautiful plan :)

Wat are your plans for the weekend?

My plans are to finish healing- I was super sick and knocked down in bed all week from the flu, and then finish getting my steemit radio show ready :) Gotta heal first- stupid flu kicked me arse!

Owhhh, get some hot soup and feel comfortable. Flu goes away when you have enough rest. That's why those flu pills makes you sleepy. Cause u need the rest. Oooo, what steemit radio?!

Oh I know :( But I have to work, I can't have one day off or rent doesn't get paid! But I'm trying to rest as much as I can <3

I have a Sunday radio show each week, starting as soon as I feel better!

Ohh wow!!! Let me know if u need a logo or banner for ur Sunday radio show! :)

And plz rest as much as you can.

I actually do need a banner! and a logo... That would be amazing!!!

I am trying

I work from home, well "work" because I do what I want. But Frank works a "regular" job (we'll go with that), so sometimes on weekends, we need to get certain things done together, but then we do some and next thing we know it's Monday again. He took a week off, during Thanksgiving weekend last week and we didn't get as much done as we thought we would. This week we didn't try to finish those things, but we will have to schedule them in on some weekends coming up.

There is always so much to do, but with that being said- there will always be lots to do! What you can't get back is YOU time...

True. We had plenty of that, time to ourselves and time together. It was nice.

That's wonderful <3

Ahh... feels so good to get on the weekend from my first week in my work service job :D I'm planning to take it reeeeally easy. Though I'll still not forget to post something.

Oh yes it must!

You get some good relaxation :)

I'll look for your easy post ;)

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