The Deadpost Initiative - Week 6 - Share your most undervalued work (SBD prize) + week 5 winners

in #life7 years ago

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlookeed during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last weeks winners

We had fewer post this week but they were all of stellar quality! I love the direction we are going with this. I think the Deadpost Initiative is finally standing in solid ground. Hopefully it will only get better from here.

@pathforger $4 SBD prize

@pathforger delves into a topic which is now finally beginning to make its way to mainstream consciousness, but is still not common knowledge, the divisiveness of the so-called "war on drugs" and how it caused more problems than it actually solved. This post generated a lot of discussion as a Deadpost and I'm glad we could revive it.

How the War on Drugs is Fundamentally Flawed

@cabelindsay $4 SBD prize

@cabelindsay put together a great manual for making your own maracas. This may come in handy for me, as I play music and need some percussion to play along with me sometimes. The manual is well written with nice pictures, I hope someone uses it to make their own instruments.

How To Build A Homemade Maraca

Honorable mentions $1 SBD each

All the posts were great this week. @krazykrista did a write up on Chernobyl and @xyzashu really informed me about the cultural relevance of emojis (I had no idea).

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: sometimes the worst case scenario happens..

🥁 🎺 🎸 🎻 Emojis - The Universal Language of Expression. Let's Celebrate World Emoji Day on Steemit! 🎡🎀 🎊 🎉 👍

Week 6

image link

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!
The best posts will be rewarded with half of the payout from this post (or a minimum of $10 SBD, split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


  • Please only submit 1 post.
  • Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
  • Posts must be at least one month old.
  • I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
  • Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
  • Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
  • There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
  • There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
  • There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.
    -Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)

The prize pool will be half of the post payout or at least $10 SBD
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer some payout on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.-


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thetree - Confessions of the Damaged (my fiction) @ patreon


I have come from the future with a dead post from the past! Thanks for writing another post about this or I would've missed it!

Wow... this was a very long post and goes into so much detail.

You try very hard to immerse your readers into the gravity of the task that you have chosen to take on - and you quite succeed.

This is an excellent deadpost and I'd certainly give it a vote if I had a 5th.

So many great entries this week! ^_^

That was my first 'photo-doc' type post where I really went over the top with pictures. I think I was chasing @curie upvotes at that time, since I had gotten two and wanted more!

My other vote goes to this blog. It deserves to be a winner because I see true people there living a happy life in the farm. The English is good and the photos were great too.

Soar High Be An Inspiration

Thank you so much

You're welcome!

Soar High Be An Inspiration

I got tired just from looking at the photos, anyway you must have enjoyed it despite the hard work.

Ah yes! The farm is fun if you have the right attitude. Having a bad day? Better stay in the office - your more than likely to have an injury with a shovel or machete!

Oh, you're absolutely right!

Somehow I missed this post, wow, what a great blog with a lot of information! 👍


You kicked that trees ass!

This comment makes me so happy!

Yes, we conquered that corm! Thanks for reading - and for necromancing deadposts theough this inititive 😂

That's a transformation! Looks like a different tree.

So great to have you read it! I imagine banana trees are scarce in Norway 😂

Absolutely, they don't grow on trees 😜

This is my entry an old post about if income should be the motivation for steemit

I've spoken extensively on this. I totally agree but this is just a problem with money as a motivating factor, it tends to attract people with less than pure motives and even skews the motives of those who may have otherwise been pure (i for example have compromised my ideals many times in order to remain relevant on steemit and to compensate for the fact that I'm not yet a whale). I didn't want to make this a contest but how many people do you think would participate and read everyone's posts if I didn't?

I won't say "that's just he world we live in" as if there is nothing we can do about it, but sincerity and community are fighting an uphill battle against profit and personal interest. Many of us are under the illusion that steemit is different from what we are used to and it's really not all that different. I'm still going to do whatever I can for community, but regretably it seems I'll be able to make a much greater impact if I get rich first.

Trying to find a balance now, a way to be me and somehow reach people in a language that they speak (money, popularity) even though I find myself a bit outside of my element.

Anyways, you have an ally here.

Actually, your idea of this contest is brilliant. I too have been struggling with my own contest and find it extremely difficult to get people to engage and stay engaged. If I make the contest rules too demanding, everyone flees. If the rules are too lax, it doesn't create good content. The only way to keep people AND create good content is to offer large value prizes. In order to be able to offer large value prizes, one needs to HAVE a good income. Its a vicious circle unless one starts off with a lot of SP or has very influential friends that will help out.

I was thinking that I should start frequenting your contest but I don't have that many old posts of interest. Many of my posts are either my daily game or my weekly contests and I don't think those would be appropriate entries to your contest. I would be thrilled to have another regular participant in my own contest and games. One by one, a community of like-minded folks is formed.

External motives are always going to be problematic owing to human greed. Whether it be money, cryptos, facebook likes or stickers and stamps I give my students as a reward, the point is that they force you into doing something others want for you.

We must understand that steemit should be a place where everyone can leave a mark by their content, not their rep level and digits in their wallets. Surely, we all love the rewards, but we must try and produce worthy content as well. Posts that tell some people things or get ideas further. Growing should not be a term considering only one's account value, but their minds too.

I started out hard charging to try and make friends and either build or join a village, but I found out that doing so was possible but that it was going to take a lot of time and perseverance. I was spending hours each day reading, curating and commenting, with very few fellow Steemians even acknowledging my existence.

What was the biggest problem? It was probably because I didn't have enough voting power to make myself significant. So what I settled for was balancing the work that it takes to meet Steemians that I have enough in common with to become friends, and building up my Steem Power so that I could be more effective and relevant. I decided to make Steem one of my long term investments and really dig into this platform and learn how to use it for both my own benefit and the benefit of others.

I've discovered that it's not just that everyone is trying to kiss ass, we are encouraged to spread ourselves too thin. You might get someone to read and upvote your post by reading and upvoting theirs (about 30-60% of the time) but they're not going to continuously read your posts unless you become best friends on here and we can't do that with everyone. We are all just spread way too thin with way too much going on on our feeds. We need to keep looking for new friends and followers otherwise people stop reading our stuff. The deadpost thing was started cause I believe the palm is oversaturated due to this drive to succeed here. Who posts quality content twice a day out of their own inspiration to do so? its much easier for those who share photographs, not belittling their work, but people don't have time for reading sometimes.

Anyway I stick around because I see a lot of great people still using the platform, but I think it's a bunch of great people working against themselves as the culture of the platform is just more more more faster faster faster bigger bigger bigger

I get you now for sure! I worked for hours with very little experience on Steemit (So I made mistakes) on the blog that I listed here for this contest, and I couldn't handle the fact that it was going to just die after a few days. I found that it was much easier to post photos and short blogs, at least until I could build up a following, than to work for a day or two on one large blog. So that is what I'm doing right now, just short easier blogs and trying to post them consistently every day. With that and reading/curating as many blogs a day as possible I'm finally meeting people and making friends.

You are absolutely right about being spread too thin also. I can no longer handle my feed, so I'm selecting out a few authors at a time to curate and interact with, especially those that reach out to me on my own blog. About once a month I plan to go through and purge my list, removing those names that are already too overwhelmed or not interested in becoming friends. After the purge I will add in a few new names to my list. I'll do this until I reach my own limit and can no longer keep up with my list on a regular basis.
I'm not even looking at wallets for my list, hopefully I'll end up with a mixture of fat wallets and those who are starting small that can grow with me. At least that is my current strategy, but it is subject to change because I am learning new things and methods every day.

I have met a few authors on here that write impressive material and work very hard, but because of extreme ideological differences I feel that it is better not to try and be friends and interact with them on a regular basis. On other forums I have at times entered into huge debates with people holding drastically different philosophies, political views or religious ideologies than myself, but as of right now I'm not looking for that kind of relationship here.

Very nice to read about your strategy!

@ecoinstant You sir are definitely on my list and have been for some time. I have enjoyed the content that you add very much. 🙂

That is much appreciated. I'm still figuring out what I'm doing but meeting people has been the most rewarding part so far.

So true. I just do my thing, and seem to float between writing a few different types of blogs. It seems that sometimes I lose followers, maybe for straying off topic, but I am here for me, and my own learning and writing and documentation. Slowly, overtime, I am recognizing more and more usernames that I am becoming friends with, so much so that I will search them manually if I haven't seen them in my feed for awhile. I try to remember - I have 11 years of facebook - and only 4 months on steemit - patience is a virture (although you bring up some pretty valid vices in your original response).

Income could be a motivator in some cases of steemit, I think that is the purpose as there are many different ways of using steemit for generating an income, one way I will be demonstrating with a new page We will start for a rural community in our area. The word 'money', is maybe a bit misleading, but it can be converted into money, the opportunities steemit and similar networks on the blockchain have brought are endless, and it does make it possible for anyone to start making some money, more with a bit of hard work, just by interacting with the online world...

If we remember- even pennies > facebook

I believe that if people are lured into coming to this platform with dollar signs in their eyes, they will quickly become discouraged and leave. There is NOTHING worse for steem's image than a disgruntled person. They will spread the word about everything they perceive is WRONG with Steem and bad news travels fast. It is far better to encourage people to come for any of the other reasons and then have them be pleasantly surprised at earning a bit of extra income as a bonus! I agree with the OP's ideas and therefore voted for the post.

Unless they already have money to invest into SP ;-P

Nice blog, you make a lot of good points!

Hi, this my post for the contest:

Portugal facing an epidemic of heroin overdose deaths decided to decrimilize all drugs and adopt a new model of prevantion and treatement for addicts helping the lives of thousand of people!

I really wish America would end the war on drugs and adopt this policy

I agree Portugal's policies seem to be doing the job, but as long as governments can make money on the "War on Drugs", whilst in some cases supplying the demand......there will always be a problem..

I'm happy to see this report that confirms what my mother told me when I was a child. These so-called wars on drugs are nothing more than a farce. Human nature is such that anything that is forbidden becomes enticing! As a child, my parents never denied us alcoholic drinks. What they said was that since we were small, we got just a little while the adults got more. They demonstrated appropriate use of alcohol and it was not taboo nor abused. When I was in high school and someone invited me to join them in drinking a bottle of booze, I politely declined because alcohol wasn't a big deal... I had easy access to it any time I wanted some (and that was rare). It was a drink for special occasions. Make something commonplace and the allure for it diminishes.

I've had a similar experience with alcohol and actually I didn't drink at all until I was almost legal because when it wasn't forbidden the only thing to go by was taste and who the hell wants to drink the crap high school kids are drinking?

This is definetly an interesting example and it would be great to see other countries learn from it.

You are correct, with alcohol I believe you can drink it everyday, the problem is if you only drink 1 cup of wine each meal, or 4 ;)

Uhmm, pretty curious to witness that supposedly 'advanced societies' from scandinavian countries are the ones with the highest rate of Drug-induced deaths of people. ¡Go figure! :%

This post is really helpful @carlosdaniel. It is very much needed also - in parts of the World where people falsely believe that the best way to go about this is to clamp down on drug (ab)users and rob them of their time, their freedom and their lives.

If I had a 4th vote. This would definitely take it.

A two months old post with some brushstrokes of clairvoyance about a topic which is now mainstream on the table.

Your writing style is really fun to read, I'll try to keep up with your new posts!

I haven't finished reading everything, but what an awesome post worth way more than the votes that it received. 👍

Thank you very much my steemed @deaconlee. For at least try to finish reading everything Hahahaha. ;)

You are more than welcome to read any of my previous long-ass Deadposts whenever you want mate. By just clicking on the previous green text, you will find most of them already well ordered to pick one you like the most. And by doing that, you prolly will confirm how the awesomeness of my content almost never received the votes they worth. }:)

Thank you very much for your vote of confidence my friend. Your follow and your well appreciated comment. We'll be in touch.

Cheers!! :)

I will definitely have a look and see what treasures I might have missed. We may or may not agree more often than not, but I already know that you think deep thoughts and you make interesting and well articulated points. 😎

I hear you mate. I guarantee you will never regret that deep dive into my brain. }:)

Here is an old post of mine that got some significant discussion, but still never quite reached a $5 pay-out.

I am always on the look out for ways that Steemit can be improved.

As such, while I do not personally subscribe to the notion that the way to do this is to simply equalize the voting power of everybody - I appreciate the effort that you put into this.

I'm seen Steemit from both an optimistic as well as pessimistic viewpoint. Its been a while since I tried to solve this issue - but I absolutely recognize it to be an issue.

Thanks for sharing and please consider this my vote for you. ^_^

Thank-you. I'm fairly new and still have much to learn, so I'm simply throwing ideas out there to be discussed and dissected. I've seen other suggestions for graduated vote power that may work. I think it is important to keep trying to improve upon what we currently have until something is found that makes this platform irresistible. The foundation is already there, so it shouldn't be too hard to tweak it and make it so much better.

I always worry I'm getting in over my head with these things because I don't have a full grasp on the inner workings of steem or economics, but I am quite sure see some things that many with large accounts fail to see or just don't care about because they're set up to win big even if the platform doesn't go in a direction that any of us will be happy with.

I completely agree that upvotes should all be equal. There are problems with this though and I worry I am getting over my head when I debate this with witnesses and large stakeholders, one for example is the ability for people to build multiple accounts and bot armies and the difficulty of regulating this

One commenter was right, that a lot of investment comes from the fact that it buys steem power and therefore voting power. But in the long run a fair platform with this added incentive for investment will become completely unsustainable. The distribution of wealth will be so skewed and eventually the only people able to compete on the platform will be corporations who have the money to buy in, it'll become an SEO haven and many regular users may be completely unaware, just playing the game, hoping to make it big.... kind of a microcosm for society at large with all its same problems intact, perhaps even on steroids.

The thing is, many who stand to gain are too blinded by their own potential benefits or they're pessimistic view of human nature that they think this is bound to happen anyway, they just don't care and they want to be the ones who benefit.

This is why I've switched my focus on steemit from building community that can survive off the platform and begins to converge with others who are not so involved with steemit because we have a ton of amazing people on here at the moment. If I can make some money in the process, great, but as far as I'm concerned, it's the same rigged rat race as everywhere else, we're just here early enough that we may get a little piece of the pie. They're going to have to make some huge changes to get me back to fapping about the platform like I was my first month here before I had a clear idea of what goes on here and I think many of the quality content creators are going to follow suit.

Anyways I don't mean to be a bummer, let's just do what we can do.

Unless you are close to a witness, its kind of difficult to know what is going on with the inner workings because there is hardly any communication from those in the know as to what those inner-workings are. Most of us are simply using the platform the same way we use a computer. We know just enough to make it do what we want it to do, but have no clue how or why it does what it does. I've heard several explanations of what a blockchain is, but I still have a ton of questions about it. For instance: If Steem were to really tank and there was no monetary incentive to run the servers any more, what happens to all that data? Is the Steem blockchain run on completely different servers than all the other crypto's? Does each crypto-currency have its own set of servers? So if all the people running any of the crypto servers decide to pull out, the currency is dead?

Why would a fair platform become unsustainable? I thought it was the other way around.

What I mean is, it won't be sustainable because it's not fair. I'm trying to make a disctinction because steemit could potentially succeed from a money making point of view and still fail most of it's current users by failing as a community, becoming something very different from what most of us would like it to be and very different from what it claims to be. I think this is the most likely scenario, actually.

There is a whole lot of talk about how decentralization is the key to freedom, but if we are still in a currency based system (which for the forseeable future is inevitable), we need to understand that as long as money attracts money, there is no such thing as true decentralization. Some of us will be more free than others, and this is just barely different from what we have in the current financial system.

Actually the idea of smart media tokens COULD provide a way to circumvent this, but its unlikey to as everything is still open to manipulation from those who have the most of whatever currency people want as well as people who understand this stuff better than the rest of us.

Oh yea... you and a bunch more people are figuring it out. I've been harping about the extreme distance between haves and have-nots for quite a while now. It has been a burning question at the back of my mind for several months now: What happens if everyone that is late to the game decides to bail out? Obviously it goes back to where a few get to share the entire reward pool once again. But what is the point of owning a gazillion worthless steem? Who will keep the value propped up? I can't see how simply buying and selling to the same people can increase its value. Somebody must inject and lose something of value in order for others to reap a win. Please correct me if I'm wrong. At this point in time, only another currency can be injected, although there are a very few physical goods that are making their way into the system. If/when lots of physical goods are bought with Steem then those might be able to sustain the currency's value. I believe that is what the developers are banking on.

great contest, and really nice support for the community, here is one of my older ones for the contest.

"Town" haha it looks like a bunch of fields and nature to me, totally stunning, thanks for sharing. If I ever have the chance....

Most of the coastal villages look like that, greener the further north even most town's and suburbs... glad you enjoyed it.

Lovely trip! I needed it to get my mind to rest after a tiring day :)

Glad you liked it, I know those days that you just wish ended early..

Great post, enjoyed those pictures from St John ;)

Thank you, it is a lovely chilled place.

Hello! I'd like to share another short story that went unnoticed:

I hope you like it! :D

I quite enjoyed this story.

The premise as it unfolded - the insinuation hanging in the air - how one needs to read between the lines to extract the greatest meaning...

A very well crafted story and dialogue. You have my vote. :c)

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. I tend to keep a mysterious style, where much is implied in my head, only I don't know if others can tell what I'm thinking and what every word symbolizes.
Thanks for reading it! :)

very nice. I've also been experimenting with fiction from the perspective of animals. :-) great post

Thank you! I'm afraid to write anything longer yet as I fear that it'll turn boring soon. I just hope that I'll get better and better over time :)
That animal point of view sounds interesting...

well that inspiration came to you at an instant, if you stay open, you may find even more inspiration to write :-D .

I only write anything I'm serious about when I feel similarly inspired :-D

You're right! Inspiration comes at its own will, we just need to listen carefully when it's around ;)

I do not normally like to read stories - and particularly those with religious overtures.

That being said, I really found your narration to be compelling and the story and morales solid.

It pulled at the heart strings and is great writing.

This is why I am voting for you. :c)

Thank you for your vote and comment. I understand your feelings about the religious content also and I really can't blame you at all, but we are who we are and we tend to write about the things that we know and understand. I could refrain from including those type things in my writing, but then I would feel like I was betraying who I am and that I was ashamed of my own faith. So I just write what comes to me, sometimes it has a religious aspect and sometimes not. I don't try to add it in on purpose or take it out on purpose, it just shows up because it is part of who I am and my life experiences. But I certainly understand that we all have filters, and I'm thankful that you were able to look past yours to grade the entirety of the work. That shows a lot of character on your part. 🙂

Oh I was simply noting that religious overtures aren't my thing - and that I wanted to underline that I was voting for your content in spite of it. :c)

I am not telling you to change the way that you write. Carry on writing. ^_^

Woo hoo! Thank you @whatamidoing, for continuing to support great dead posts. ^_^ Also for the selection! :cP

As per my tradition I shall be refraining from participating within this installment of the contest following my success in the last one so as to give others more breathing room. ^_^

Upvoted. Resteemed. I have my eyes on the participants. :c)

Thanks for staying involved with this :-D It's great to have you around

Perhaps, in another week you could participate again ^^ because there's plenty "dead" post of yours worth reading and worth more than just cents.

Thank you @macchiata. :c) Its certainly 'on the cards' and I suppose that one advantage of me taking a step back is that I am even less likely to run out of great stuff to (re)share. ^_^

Oh - and don't worry. I'm starting to better understand how things work. Steemit can be downright cruel sometimes but no undervalued post is truly gone. They'll be back. :cP

Incidentally - I also want to encourage others to participate in this contest. As more people participate and show up on our radar, so too will the community be enriched (and maybe the contest will grow). Once again, kudos to @whatamidoing for enabling this to happen! ^_^

What an honorable decision! You do have some great 'dead' posts!

Thank you. :c) As I learnt through reading others' dead posts in past installments - a good mushroom picker will always leave a few mushrooms in every patch - to facilitate regrowth - and to promote the spreading of mushroom spores. ^_^

While I seek to set an example (and I plan on delving into peoples' posts Thursday or Friday to distribute my votes and comments) - I fully understand that mine is just one way of going about things. :c)

Incidentally - I can see that you have some really good content also! ^_^

Thats the goal! My three top goals here is Portfolio Development, Network Buildkng and Leveling up skills

I like this post but I doubt if @whatamidoing will consider this the rule states that the post should be at least 1 month old.

Soar High Be An Inspiration

Not a problem, i am new to Steemit so will have to wait for the next one then :) Happy posting!

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