The way I'm starting to see Steemit in the greatest community's "buzz" sense of a true Social Network.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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White Papers

Yeah! just click over the image above and don't fail to thoroughly read the comments section.

"From Where I Standing"


This time I do not plan to make this post necessarily too long. There is enough substance behind the images to fill your hungry brain's belly for hours if you are bold enough as to actually click over the images embedded in this article of sorts.
So you have no excuse. This is not one of my usual TL|DR posts. Well, at least not within the body of the wordy content in here. Tsk Tsk. }:)

"The 20/20 Sight of a Community"


¿Are you going to insist in explore your surroundings with that such tiny gadget? C'mon! just jump right on your PC and start reading stuff like God commanded. ¿How else you could aspire to really appreciate entirely the big picture and the marvels of the journey you are going thru.. erm.. daily? Click over the images buddy. ¡Click em all! and enjoy the trip.

«¡What Goes Around... Comes Around!»


Once Upon a Time, when I had a hunch. When I envisioned a new promising land. And I found myself wandering through the Information Superhighway with my pockets full of exotic seeds. There was talk of an extremely fertile land called the blockchain. And finally I arrived at one of those promising plots. There already existed several tribes, with small clans already plowing, working, cultivating and sowing the earth. So I stopped there. And I began to watch them calmly and attentively for a long time from the outskirts of the settlements. There seemed to be an incredible climate. With abundant water and all the natural resources and fertilizers to harvest good fruits with magnificent results. So I decided to join the existing community. Settling there for a while and also trying to sow a few of the exotic seeds I brought with me. The rest is already history!!

And because.. ¡Money Talks!

This thang always had a great weight and something to say in the opinions and decisions that were to be taken collectively in the community. As you and everyone would expect. It is what I have clearly been observing throughout the year that I have been sweating around here. And I suppose, it's time to ask ourselves one more time... the following:

¿Will finally the concept of Community triumph and succeed for the long term? or ¿Will it remain the petty individual interests of the Power of Money which will impose again its desires above the wishes of the majority?

Yeah, just a matter of numbers on reputations.


I suspect that the plot of this Motion Picture. Whether it eventually becomes in a drama, a comedy or merely a cliffhanger parody of the walking life through the closer future. It actually deserves a proper Epic Music background soundtrack that accompany and fits splendidly well along the visual imagery through the months to come.

Since I bet, it must be very exciting to witness in front row, what Thor is gonna do with his almighty little hammer in IMAX or at least in full CinemaScope and 3D Surround Sound.

««¡Abstract Aural Bit!»»

"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cheers!! :)


Well, at least the self-exploration part here is interesting to attempt :)

Definitely mate!! and in this self-exploration voyage. Try to not miss the chance of lifting every single stone through the journey. And snoop under each one of them to see and feel what possibly could be there. Or refuse to take the necessary time to stop for a good while as to fully appreciate & analyze each corner of the vast space of our always unknown own inner Son Doong majestic cave in all its splendor. ;)

I love the metaphors that you use to describe this vast and fertile land amigo!

Thank you mate for your kind and very appreciated words.

That's exactly the beauty and the most satisfying thing to communicate your thoughts through metaphors and parables. Specially knowing, that the core of your mind-hacking message actually resides between lines and which will flood their brains endlessly when they are most out of guard. :)


That was a lot of information to digest, I'm sorry that I didn't find it sooner!

Hahaha thank you for your comment my friend. :)

I guess I just can not help but always offer too much to chew, to have the feeling that I fed all my readers very well. LoL

Cheers!! :)

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

عظيم. شكرا للمشاركة ..

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