Tips to help you achieve your new year resolution

in #life7 years ago


After summing up 2017, 2018 has begun. I noticed a lot of my friends around me had made their New Year's resolution. There are big goals; there are also small habits.

Regardless of size, having dreams and goals are a good thing, how to achieve our goals, you may need the following suggestions:

First of all, we need to have self-discipline and understand self-management, which is mainly our time management and health management. We need to have self-discipline so that we have freedom. Learn to take the initiative to arrange a time to master your time, and not arranged by time. Our body is the capital of the revolution.


How you spend your day is how you spend your life. And a lot of times, how you spend your morning is how you spend your day. Therefore, it is important to form the habit of getting up early. Especially if you are an office worker, getting up early can give you plenty of time to plan your life. Not to be hurried through in a hurry.

You can prepare a nutritious breakfast for yourself, and you can choose to have a glass of warm water or a glass of honey lemon, then go to work in no haste. If you choose the bus, you can also get off two stops before the company and walk to the company as exercise. Time is ample and when the body is relaxed, lay a good foundation for a day's work.

Getting up early gives you more choices, allow you to do what you like, meditating, reading or exercising, and then making a list of the day's to-do lists and do important things energetically.

Many successful people or those who have achieved success in their careers have the habit of getting up early. Benjamin Franklin gets up 5 o'clock in the morning every day; Walt Disney wakes up 4:30 in the morning every day, and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and Apple's current CEO, Cook, both are early risers.

Form the habit of getting up early, integrating self-discipline into life, and live a disciplined life; you are halfway closer to your goal.

Second, you need to focus, so that the input can be in-depth. Maybe you make a todo list every day, but do you really do it with your heart, or do you do it just want to finish it? To achieve the desired results, we must focus. Concentration, is the focus of the work, is the best way to handle things and pay attention to every detail. If you are doing two things at once, it is difficult to complete the work on hand.


Russell, a British philosopher, once said, "The secret of success is nothing but the performance of the most demanding self."

Charlie Munger, America's preeminent investment guru, also follows two principles in his life: (1) focusing on what is at hand, and (2) save money and invest in the future.

It can be said that to achieve success, focus is an essential quality.

In addition, if you want to achieve your goals smoothly, you should be persistent and have passion. To do anything, a brief period of enthusiasm is difficult to do one thing well. “Know” and “act” is two different things, this is what we often hear, "Why we know so much but still have a bad life". Because you know a lot, but you don’t really act. Therefore, only with persistence and passion can produce results.

If your goals keep changing, every day have new goals: Today want to learn to write, tomorrow want to learn to paint, the day after want to learn to dance, every few days later interested in singing or want to learn other languages. If you have too many goals and keep changing goals, then you can’t achieve anything.

It's not that you can't learn so much, but you have to do it one by one, finish one goal and then start another. Do a few things at the same time, in the end you might learn nothing. Therefore, start from the things that you are most interested in, perseverance to persevere, is the right way to achieve the New Year's resolution.

Finally, we need to review and examine our goals on a regular basis. You can make a tracking clock to see what you have done every day, and there is a deviation from your goal. You can also write a reflective diary every day, starting from the small in life, check whether what you have done is consistent with the goal. It can also help you to find out which is doing better, which is not enough, and which needs to be improved and adjusted. Always remind yourself to keep your goals in mind and put your actions into everyday life. Believe that dreams will be closer and nearer to you.

These are my tips for those who have made their new year's resolution; I would like to wish everyone dream come true, and able to achieve your goal.


Why isn't anyone looking at your post?
You just have to get over it
How long does it takes for you to be successful?
You only care about money!
Don't choose to run away because of fear
I hope you can face it bravely...


1. Travel Diary #1: An exciting trip to Bangkok
2. Om nom nom #1: Surprise food from 7-Eleven
3. Travel Diary #2: A tour to Wat Pho, Temple of Reclining Buddha
4. Om nom nom #2: Mango Addiction at Make Me Mango
5. Om nom nom #3: Yum Saap the Thai Restaurant
6. Travel Diary #3: Foo Lin Kong temple(福临宫) in Pangkor island
7.Travel Diary #4: Biggest Tua Pek Kong temple in Sitiawan(品仙祠大伯公和观音堂)


I am a late riser. Maybe I should consider changing my sleep habit - sleep earlier and get up early. :-)

I upvoted your post, but my vote has no power. Sorry about that.

Excellent I love this part: How you spend your day is how you spend your life... it is so true... wonderful from the begin until the end...

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