Completed All Four Milestones And My Plan From Here - D00k13 Digest #83

in #life6 years ago

What up my Steemians, welcome to the @d00k13 Digest, I have completed all four of my milestones and I have a plan from here on out, let's just step into it. I am very happy to announce that my final milestone of 60 rep has been achieved, was a long haul to get here and I thank all of you that have supported me along the way. This post is to announce what it is I am planning from here on out and to ask your guys, my followers, what goals I should set for myself from here.

First Milestone

Making it on the DTube hot list, this one was rather easy and happened very shortly after I started posting vlogs.

Second Milestone

Achieving the DTube upvote, this for me is acknowledgement of your work not just because of the dollar value.

Third Milestone

500 STEEM Power active on my account, I have a plan for everything in excess of 500SP to be delegated out but I am still deciding as to whom. Most likely I will divide it between @DTube & @OneLoveDTube so I can give back to the whole community that has helped me achieve all of these goals.

Fourth Milestone

60 Reputation, this was by far the hardest especially after being faced with getting caught in a whale downvote war dropping my reputation from 40ish down to 28 pretty well having to start all over.

My Plan From Here

I have had a plan since the beginning of the #OneLoveDTube community that everything past the point of 500 SP would be delegated out for the benefit of others. Since everything I have achieved is largely thanks to DTube I feel that it is only appropriate the delegation be to help support the platform. I am leaning towards splitting the delegation between our community and DTube thus giving back to everyone and covering as many people as I can. Now if some up and comer catches my attention this may change, imagine what it would have been like to get a 75 SP delegation right off the bat to help boost your beginnings? I know I would have made good use of it as I started with curation of others works before even starting my own.

What's Next For Me?

Now that I have achieved all of my milestones it is time that I start planning my next set of goals so I ask you guys, what should my next set of goals be? What do you see for my future?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!?!?

That's it @d00k13 Out

Previous Posts:
Thoughts Of My Future Ten Years From Now - D00k13 Digest #82
Sometimes I Just Want To Be Left Alone / Back To Work Feelings - D00k13 Digest #81
Two Weeks Full Steem Ahead Recap - D00k13 Digest #80
HF20 Early Curation Penalty Proposal - D00k13 Digest #79
A lot Going On With #OneLoveDTube - D00k13 Digest #78
Make Use Of All Resources You Can! - D00k13 Digest #77
Critical Analysis Video Response To @JerryBanfield - D00k13 Digest #76
Use Common Courtesy While Handling Dogs / Suggestions - D00k13 Digest #75
First guided meditation using HeadSpace app / Review - D00k13 Digest #74
Synchronicity / Stress Relief / Soaking in Mother Nature - D00k13 Digest #73
Not to late for the @SteemMonster Party / Opening Boosters - D00k13 Digest #72

Just Me Vaping

As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad.

Follow @d00k13 if you wish to join my journey!
If you wish too help, Power please! Anything else will be converted.

Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar.

Join the @OneLoveDTube Curation Trail Here

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Logo Credit @Dnews


▶️ DTube


I would delegate to onelovedtube or dtube(which I have to dtube), I'm hoping to send some of my love soon to onelovedtube but I've been having some family and friends join steemit so I have been trying to help them out by delegating to them. I might have missed it but have not seen any chatter about onelovedtube tag trending so high. Doing great things there and you have a big part in it. Congrats.

No worries mate on boarding new users is a big part of building your following, help the ones closest to you first.

Yea we have been trending pretty heavy as of late, I love it! This community has been a great experience, never did I expect things to get so huge but I am fairly humble when it comes to things like that. My favourite part is being able to work from the shadows, I don’t always like to be in the spotlight. Having things the way they are works out that I may wield that spotlight and it has been proving very beneficial especially for newer accounts to gain recognition and be encouraged to keep going through the tough times.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats man! Keep up the good work, one love was the first community I joined so will always be special to me 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Same here 😅 I am glad to have you in our community. Looks like your moving quick to that 60 rep mark to, 55 and up was starting to move fairly slowly. I can only imagine how long 70 rep will take. Should I make that my next milestone do you think?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah it was quick at the start, 400 came quick now it’s kinda slowed. I’m just happy making content and meeting other content creators. Yeah I guess 70 will take a while hey. That’s a tough question, maybe the 70 rep and followers? Or maybe a goal for the community??

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yea maybe a few community goals would be a good idea, break the 5000sp mark would be a good one to start with I think.

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah that sounds like a plan!

If you get any more ideas I would love to hear them 😘

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok cool if I have any I’ll message you straight away

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah it was quick at the start, 400 came quick now it’s kinda slowed. I’m just happy making content and meeting other content creators. Yeah I guess 70 will take a while hey. That’s a tough question, maybe the 70 rep and followers? Or maybe a goal for the community??

Posted using Partiko iOS

you achieved this set of goals in real time which massive........... and I wish to congratulate you for that...............

I wish I had a story as sleek as yours to share

Time and determination, I am the proof that anyone can do it just have to apply yourself. I work with only a smartphone and fairly good but already outdated pc. The only things I have purchased was editing software for easy edits Filmora and a selfie stick. I started writing blogs and I learned a lot about how to structure a post so it has a good flow through subjects. I truly believe you can become a story of success as well so don’t sell yourself short. What you may think is just your life someone will appreciate, the hardest part is getting noticed. I work from a place of spending money makes money or STEEM rather, boosting your posts can be profitable short term but the real gains are long term through reputation comes followers.

Posted using Partiko iOS

fairly good but already outdated pc
Which is what I use as well..........
the hardest part is getting noticed.
that is where I find it problematic the most............and wish to find an answer
but the real gains are long term through reputation comes followers.
I didn't know this at all..... but I see people who joined the ecosystem a little after me with reputation score higher than mine................ why is that?

Well for myself I have to thank DTube with their massive votes and the community trail for my large gains in reputation. Buying votes also is a large contribution to my reputation and has been proving to be a more profitable use of my SBD then the internal or external exchanges. Ultimately getting noticed comes in 3 ways, make it into trending which are all paid for upvote posts, comment like mad on works from people of similar interest, create posts as frequently as you can. My big motivation for creation and also my growth comes from my efforts of giving back with the #onelovedtube community and setting an example of anyone can do it despite lack of skills.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well for myself I have to thank DTube with their massive votes and the community trail for my large gains in reputation.
I barely love videos or know how to use Dtube and thats is where I should birth an improvement................................... thats the more reason I have been strolling sluggishly on #onelovedtube
Buying votes also is a large contribution to my reputation and has been proving to be a more profitable use of my SBD
.This is what I should apply my hands on..........but which service do you use or find beneficial?.
comment like mad on works from people of similar interest
like mad............may be thats where I need an huge input
create posts as frequently as you can.

thats where I should employ the use of my phone which i have decided not to use to steem

I use @smartsteem and @tipu also @minnowbooster is trust worthy ... the earlier on the post you can get the better the profit

Even if you just do simple vlogs you can get decent votes from dtube with some decent edits, learning new skills can only help you grow on this platform... if you prefer just audio you could always try a podcast on @dsound

Simple thing to try is @steepshot on your phone which is like the instragram dapp.

I have been using @partiko for my blog posts from mobile which they have a pretty decent upvote system for using their app. Also been posting portrait pictures. Best part of Partiko is they do not take any % of your post rewards just like Steemit. Only down side of DTube DSound SteepShot Busy is that they do take a percentage of your post rewards so paying for votes on those posts does not profit other then visibility.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will be taking every step you have laid out with a high level of seriousness
Hopefully I might hit a pot of gold with you ideas as you have...........................
thank you
thank you
you are far too kind

I will see you at the top my friend!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @d00k13... great job my friend. Congratulations

Thank you buddy I am very excited about making milestones, what do you think I should set for my next ones?

Posted using Partiko iOS

@d00k13 Grats on making all of your milestones. I am sure you will reach the next set of milestones whatever they turn out to be.

I believe from here on out I will be focussing on milestones of the community since I have hit all my personal goals. When I started I never thought the community would be such a success thus I had never really set any goals but instead was just keeping the door open.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great post Mate, and great having milestones to see how your evolving , I delegate about 40sp to onelovedtube and others, I am now getting delegations back which is great, do you think I should delegate to dtube also? Cheers Tea Man

Yea dtube is a great one to delegate to, check out @dtube.rewards wallet... they pay you for curation on the content prior to delegation and with delegation you get payments from @dtube small but it’s something plus you add to the whole platforms ability to spread love

Thanks for stopping in and for your contributions to our community!

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks mate, stuck 10 sp on dtube for now

Glad to be able to help

Posted using Partiko iOS

The included pictures is exactly what I love about Harvest Forecast. I can very quickly see when something is due, and how many things are due today. I don't really need all the Resource Management features that Forecast provides though, I just want this beautiful display of milestones. Is there a free alternative that does this? Thanks!

I am confused by your comment?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh, that's cool! We definitely love to find great videos on DTube and make as much noise as we can about how great they are. This post struck a chord with us, and our community found it noteworthy. We compile and publish a list of our favorite posts on a regular basis, and just stopped by to make sure you heard the good're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

You can view all of our picks from July 13 here: OneLoveDTube Picks

If you want to know more about how we support and encourage creators on the platform, please join us on the OneLoveDTube discord server and help share the love!

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