Make Use Of All Resources You Can! - D00k13 Digest #77

in #resources6 years ago

What Up my Steemians, Welcome to the D00k13 Digest, today I try relate my battle with mental illness and finding needed resources to the battle new steemians are faced with getting the resources they need for visibility. Trying to get ahead on this platform as a newbie can be a very frustration feat and many of the people I talk to do not even know there are resources out there to be taken advantage of, it is the same situation when you start trying to seek help on a personal level. You need to put in the time and effort not only in your content creation but also in your own outreach and promotion. When searching for resources for mental health I was met with waiting periods from everywhere I talked to, through resilience I was able to find somewhere that would see me immediately by simply just walking in the door rather than phoning around.

Walk into that door, find those resources, arrive at each networks home location and ask for help understanding how to make use of their services best. They are all here to help and many of them can help you find the answers you're looking for if you merely take the moment to reach out!

Favourable Mentions

Minnow Support Project

  • @minnowsupport, #1 for newbies to find networking and support, free upvotes every 48hrs.
  • @minnowbooster, paid upvote service not like the rest.
  • @originalworks, easy use their tag in post tags, body, or comments!
  • @reachout, paid subscription for a months worth of votes, good for extremely active users.
  • @smartsteem, bid-bot or buy upvotes from users, very solid service that gives profits back to delegators and vote sellers.


Commenting Encourages More Activity

  • Reply to Everything, it helps your rep gaining upvotes from comments also followers through visibility
  • Upvote Comments, if someone takes the time to stop in and comment on my post I make certain I reply and upvote their comments at least the top level comment, could be a loyal follower.
  • Acknowledge Curation Efforts, people watching your activity will curious of the curation service and may find your acknowledgments of their efforts something of interest.
  • Make Them Count, do not spam one word comments on everything, leaving something insightful and detailed will be better received.


#OneLoveDTube Is My Community Of Choice

  • Find The Me, of the community that best suits your content and be active in their agendas!
  • I was not noticed till creating the #OneLoveDTube community. Since then the community has helped others get noticed, using my new found ability to reach out for other people is my agenda.
  • Critical Analysis, ask and you shall receive just be careful who your asking. Find the person that will help you evolve your creations through constructive criticisms, people that will educate as a priority are most likely not going to try tear you down but it may take a little effort on your part to get their attention!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!?!?

  • Have you had a situation that could have been better had the parties involved understood common courtesy?
  • What tricks do you use for handling your dog?
  • When/Where/Why do you feel comfortable letting your dog off leash?

That's it @d00k13 Out

Previous Posts:
Critical Analysis Video Response To @JerryBanfield - D00k13 Digest #76
Use Common Courtesy While Handling Dogs / Suggestions - D00k13 Digest #75
First guided meditation using HeadSpace app / Review - D00k13 Digest #74
Synchronicity / Stress Relief / Soaking in Mother Nature - D00k13 Digest #73
Not to late for the @SteemMonster Party / Opening Boosters - D00k13 Digest #72
Gotta Get My Money's Worth, Skrew Brand Names - D00k13 Digest
How My Dad Moulded Me, Happy Father's Day - d00k13 Digest #70
2 Weeks Full Steem Ahead - d00k13 Digest #69
Health Concerns? Don't Procrastinate! - d00k13 Digest #68
Lesson Learned - d00k13 Digest #67

Just Me Vaping

As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad.

Follow @d00k13 if you wish to join my journey!
If you wish too help, Power please! Anything else will be converted.

Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar.

Join the @OneLoveDTube Curation Trail Here

Join Us on Discord Server

Logo Credit @Dnews


▶️ DTube


Wow lots of helpful tips there!!
With comment voting, I was doing that for a while but then someone told me not to waste votes on comments cos my vote if under 0.02 will just be wasted on a vote because it won’t cash out? what do you think of that?

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

you are correct, always try give atleast a penny, when smaller it doesn't really matter a couple small votes add up but once you are at the penny mark thinking about conserving is best.... now when your talking about visibility, let's use onelovedtube trail as an example, we have the main vote with I think .05-.07 then all the following votes 50-70 ish on the regular ending at about .20

Now I think if you want to boost with comments you should use minnowbooster, so no don't waste your vote use the resources available I think you can get upto .10 vote on your comments automatically

Ahh is that why I see your comments always have like 6 votes haha..
That’s also another point you made about using those support things.. I always felt maybe it was cheating haha but everyone does it lol. Maybe I just haven’t understood how it all works

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

It is one of the ways yes ;) I also have a few people that trail me and my comments, never asked for it but it is appreciated nonetheless. I like to use the fact that I get upvotes on comments for visibility but I think after 2 weeks of full steem ahead my minnowbooster balance is nearly empty lol. They claim to be profitable yet I am not certain about that as the rewards depreciate over time before payout and since the calculations are done when the upvote takes place I think its still at a small loss yet horde mentality does make a difference.... When people see a comment with votes they tend to follow the example 😉

In short yes I play with all tools I can, I also try to search out different options trying new services a few times to see the results not only the $ value.... such as using resteem services I have gained a few loyal followers of the higher caliber.... if you want to see a good example of people using these services go check out the wallets of people in trending, can’t really hide this stuff to easily unless you have a inside arrangement kind of like onelove 😆

Thank you @d00k13! you are doing a great job by sharing valuable information about making use of all the resources, I didn't even knew about many of these options/ resources, thanks once again.

No problem friend keep searching to find the answers you are looking for, we will get there together!

@D00k13 once again a great video. They have come a long way since I 1st started watching them. I can say that about many others as well. The more posts you do the more you care about them hence, the better they become. I can say the same for our videos as well. A lot has changed since we started our channel. Speaking about "resources" I knew about some that you spoke of and others I didn't. GOOD TO KNOW! Thanks for that. I personally like to manually curate, comment and upvote (Like I am doing here). The reason for this is that I think people really want people to watch, read, etc. their content. I would think that's the reason why they made it (besides making a few bucks). It is a good feeling knowing that people watch what you create, enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next one. So..... Keep it coming man and yes.... I am waiting for the next one. GREAT JOB my friend.

Always an insightful comment from you, yes I agree these interactions is what it is all about besides getting the $ reward what else are we creating content for? Fun? A message? Well someone needs to look at it for any feedback to happen otherwise your just making things for yourself and why bother to post it!

The ways of gaining interaction all come from our own efforts of interaction, so in your case every comment of yours I see catches my attention... that’s a really good thing and proves your point of manual curation being necessary for real human feedback and interaction.

Your comments are always appreciated, till next time 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

Sweet intro! I really Like how much your editing is coming along man! To touch on the direction of these vlogs, I am the same way. This vlog space is all about whatever you feel like creating, which I love. Nothing about this was "crap." Good stuff!

Thanks man, I try keep it real, what I feel when I feel it!

Glad you approve of my intros and the video, each intro is custom for each vlog... adds a little time but I think I can get a point across with the scenes I choose to add to the message I always seem to try encapsulate lol

Its great, However, let me just say, if you make one or two that you really like, save them and move on. Your time can be spent elsewhere. They are pro already, I really liked this intro in particular.

I will keep that in mind, thanks for the advice.... I think it is all part of my process but I am able to make the intros I have into a saveable template so I just need to update titles that will save me a ton of time... next thing I need to really work on is a overlay for my thumbnails, I think that will cut a fair amount of time as well. Anyways thanks for the words of advice 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

you are doing great you will reach a great height

Thank You @katy24, I hope that you are right!

As u joined the steemit ,be puntcual in your daily work of steemit,make your friend to join steemit and go on,one day u will also become like these big whales,u also some one good mambers who are interested in u r work

I will keep at it daily as my schedule allows, most of the people I meet here are all so wonderful, I have on boarded about 6 people from my real life, I have no dream of being a whale rather I would hope to be able to help newbies starting off get past the initial hurdles, interest in my work usually surrounds the community I have helped to build so my work will surround the community in return.
Thank you for taking the time to comment, it is nice to meet you.

This post received upvote from @tipU :) | Voting service | For investors.

Thank you @tipu, very good service you guys run!

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

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