Synchronicity / Stress Relief / Soaking in Mother Nature - D00k13 Digest #73

in #life6 years ago

Taking you on a drive up and over Bear Mountain the new development area just seemed fitting once the song Handyman by AWOLNATION started to play, stopped and said a little prayer at the top while enjoying the view. Coincidentally after I sped up the driving footage the moment I stopped to pray lined up with the part of the song which speaks of praying, synchronicity much? Landed at destination unknown #1, Florence Lake Boardwalk, beautiful area always fairly quiet perfect to just soak in nature! I talk in this video about my stress relief, what I enjoy doing during my time off from work. Finished this video off with a clip of what I am here to enjoy capturing the perfect ending footage of a bird flying out from the weeds on the lake. Watch the video above to see how everything lines up with synchronicity for me on this day!

Perfect Song For Starting My Drive

Jams with Cam that's what I'll call it, let's just roll into it guys!

Stopped For A Prayer

Stopped At The Perfect Time For My Editing

I went past this location down to the roundabout and had that strange feeling drawing me back, so I listened and it ended up being the most synchronistic event of this whole vlog. "I prayed for sleep, when you lift your head" coincidentally I did actually pray for sleep, someone from above is speaking to me today and I think they know i'm finally listening because by that point in my drive there was another song playing but in editing it lined up absolutely perfect, gave me the chills.

Tunes Today

Tunes From My Drive

  • Handyman by AWOLNATION
  • Get Lucky by DaftPunk
  • Don't Wanna Fight by Alabama Shakes
  • Set It Off by AudioSlave

Stress Relief

Drive & Vlog - Stress Relief

  • Drive, I know why driving is relaxing since I like to drive and listen to music it allows me to think of things while still remaining preoccupied with driving. My thoughts are more genuine and less forced, I come up with some amazing and bizarre thoughts while I drive.
  • Vlog, I find vlogging relaxing because it gives me the opportunity to talk through those thoughts I have while driving, it's a perfect combination(drive & vlog) for me to work through what is on my mind. Many of the things I talk about will never make it to an upload but I still feel as if the healing is done without the feedback from anyone on the subject.


Synchronicity Forcing Me To Focus On Myself

Everything in my life right now is pointing to the fact I need to focus on myself, work through the things in life weighing heavy on me. The song lining up perfectly with a moment of prayer combined with the fact I headed out to record a vlog about synchronicity in my life just reinforces the meaning of this video upon myself. It is rare that everything just lines up, this was one of my easiest videos to edit as everything just lined up perfect including the bird taking off in the final moments of soaking in nature. Sitting here writing this I feel the need to speak to the higher powers and thank them for helping me through this day, leading me on my journey and helping me understand that there is more to this world then just matter and empty space.

Soaking in Mother Nature

Just Breathe & Listen - Soaking in Mother Nature

Breathe & Listen, mother nature is calling, do you hear the birds? I sat and enjoyed for almost 10 minutes before deciding to take a quick shot of what I was looking upon to share as an ending clip. It is just so calm and peaceful nothing is better than finding the calm amongst the busy.

Always remember to listen to your inner self or higher self, they are trying to lead you to the correct destination and to me this days events are proof!

That's it @d00k13 Out

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!?!?

Previous Posts:
Not to late for the @SteemMonster Party / Opening Boosters - D00k13 Digest #72
Gotta Get My Money's Worth, Skrew Brand Names - D00k13 Digest
How My Dad Moulded Me, Happy Father's Day - d00k13 Digest #70
2 Weeks Full Steem Ahead - d00k13 Digest #69
Health Concerns? Don't Procrastinate! - d00k13 Digest #68
Lesson Learned - d00k13 Digest #67
What It Means To Own A Rescue Dog - d00k13 Digest #66
Curation Script / Future Node / IPFS Node - d00k13 Digest #65
#OneLoveDTube Community Update ~ June 2, 2018
Are You HANGRY? SkipTheDishes ad my style [ DTube Exclusive Skit ]
Remember But Don't Dwell - d00k13 digest #64 [ the man I am today ]
Graves' disease - d00k13 Digest #63 [ My Despair ]
Positive Outlook Changes Lives - d00k13 Digest Vlog #62


As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad.

Follow @d00k13 if you wish to join my journey!
If you wish too help, Power please! Anything else will be converted.

Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar.

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Logo Credit @Dnews


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Yeah , nature is a great place to gather your thoughts and chill out. I get out to the woods at least once a week. Using vlogging to get stuff out of my head
works for me too, it is a really powerful thing. Nice part of the world you have there Man.

Thanks brother I am very blessed living here! The only downside of nature is nature.... mosquitos are a nucence here especially this year! Good to know someone else uses their vlogging time to clear their mind, thanks for stopping in 🤙

I really enjoyed this man. Great work! Beautiful place you live at. Good walk and talk brotha.

Good to hear it, I am pretty proud of the end scene so freaking difficult to hold the camera steady so that I could give a clear shot of what I was their to enjoy but it came out great and had a perfect capture of the 2 birds flying out from the weeds.

My next video will be my first guided meditation I think(may edit up the redo of my failed dog vlog).... a whole lot less talking but reviewing the footage I can see where some nice titles will make the difference with the presentation, you can actually hear the difference in my voice once I stop lmao interesting to be able to actually watch the effect 3 minutes can have on you that otherwise may not be noticeable.

@D00k13 Cool new format Jams with Cam! Sounds good and is very catchy. Great scenery and I liked the 1st tune the most "Handyman". Chorus was the best part in my opinion. I am glad you are making good use of your time off.

Just trying to make use of my time 😉 always find myself longing to vlog while I drive but windows down the wind is a problem so this will be the format I use for those moments. Realized after I recorded the whole thing I would need a ton of driving footage for more music but I will list everything I listen to while driving anyways.
Always good to hear from you!

Really nice VDO and I feel like I can take a ride with you to all destination 🤗
Thank you thank you and hope you have a wonderful day!!


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