Hi steemit I am a concept artist, a painter and more. Former Head designer of Fresh Design studios. A pro painter since the age of 16.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Who I am:

I am an artist and everything you will see on my post is own original art-work from my poetry to my sculptures and paintings. Mainly produced during the last 2 weeks. Consider this as a mini bio and a short briefing of what I am contributing daily on steemit. Photogrpher is @avtzis.petros close friend and talanted artist.

You might notice that I sometimes miss a line here or there.

I have already verified my self here. In past posts but what the heck. Here it goes again.

I have created enough original content through my little time here and I would like at this point to properly introduce my self to steemians and claim your follow. Who I am is not that important as to what I do. But let's start of who I am, I am a free lance artist a 37 year old guy Named Angelo Borg Rossidis.
I love dogs by the way...

and I play some games from times to times ( i also do concept arts for textures)

I enjoy photography as well, I have a Nikon d3000 but I am not a professional, by any means.

My ethnicity is multinational, I am coming from UK from my fathers roots and Greece from my mothers all of my grand fathers and mothers where from islands:
UK citizenship from Malta grondmother, Santorini Greece, Syros Greece and Constantinople Prigipo.
I am here to promote my self and my work so let's go to what I do.

What I do.

You can only expect original content and artwork out of me.
I was working as a professional painter since a boy, I was first employed and paid to paint at the age of 16 years old, by the artist Christina Dimitrousi as an painter and then as a Head concept artist of Fresh Design The official site is under reconstruction and it will be up again soon here.

I have quit professional painting to get a second "real" job since austerity crippled Greece, that with my DBI have crippled me for years, I cannot longer do labor jobs. I am trying to find my way through networking and social media though to return back to painting. I have just started promoting my work, I was always against self promoting and I was thought of it as a devious act (how full I was) if you do not appreciate your selves no one will. If I want to achieve my goals I have to become my own manager.

Steemit has changed the way I see the world and my perspective to what is important and what is not. My plans is not just to promote my self but everyone I think is worthy and talented, I have already encounter some very talented individuals here on our community which I am following day and night it is really awsome seeing people evolving their skills live. This is a new era for arts.

As you can tell by now I love arts, my next step will be to create some videos of my work with oil paintings and more to upload them here through my freshly made YouTube channel. The channel will be dedicated to painting, drawing and sketches in general. I am planning to have my first upload at some point in the first 15 days of September, I am giving you the link here for anyone interested to keep an eye on my future work.

Those are unknown waters for me. But one of my greatest skill is my fast adoption to whatever I put my focus on. I hope I can be an inspiration for others on my way to make my dreams of living out of professional painting again a reality.
My specific skills comes out of a well trained brain over the curse of my life, and even though I am not a native English speaker, I believe I am not offending the Language or at least I am trying my best not to.

Recently I have found out of this cute app made from you @nphacker. Which grade me higher Than I was expecting ever to be. Above Leon Tolstoy, if that is even possible I am planning to rise that as well. That is why I have started writing poetry and novels as you will read later on, and I will welcome you to give them a read. I know there will be mistakes. But I aim to get better out of this process, as always I will try my best until I can at least get a step above of where I stand.

I get inspiration out of daily life, and mostly activities with friends. I love extreme sports and I plan to keep you updated with sport activities whenever I have the chance to do so.

Below you will see some of my work on steemit. Starting I will display to you here, a concept art I made this morning for this introduction among some sketches I have already uploaded. (Yeah I do not sleep much, I have Eurika times that i jump of my bed in the middle of the night to take notes.)

15 minutes sketch 40 minutes Photoshop.
I am using a cheap trust digitizer (tb-73000) If you think of buying it, just don't .

proof of concept.

Prototype sketch:

Pointillism ball pen on paper:

The whale-call.

Why I want you to follow me:

I do concept art,

digital art,





ball pens,

I like sand sculpting and sculpting in general

I love traditional painting as much as digital I also play with every style I can get my hands on from surrealism to realism and pop art

go check them out.

I also enjoy writing Poetry and some science fiction novels when I have the inspiration to do so. As I have highest priority to become fluent with my grandmother's language, just to honor her.
If you are a believer in what I do I would appreciate it if you, could
Follow me and support me.
with your likes
your up-votes
and mostly
your constructive criticism.

So click that follow and come with me to my journey,
more to come, soon.

Remember to claim your lives as your own, Do not try to look like someone else. You will never be anyone else.
you owe that to your selves more than anything. That will build your self esteem and will help you get where you want to be.

I am planning to purchase a professional Wacom Cintiq tablet at some point. I will try to achieve my goal through my work and steemit, and most important your help and support. If you think I am half decent to what I do please support me with your votes. If anyone is selling a used one in a working condition here out of my fellow steemers I would love to come to a deal with SD's for it.


My plans is not just to promote my self but everyone I think he is worthy and I have already encounter some very talented individuals here on our community which I am following day and night.

What a great attitude !

PS I am honored to met you on the steemitchat, you are a great asset to steemit and I am sure the community will realize it very soon!

I am honored. You are the most welcomed person I have meat online for quite a while my friend. I do appreciate your hard work and your efforts to spread the word in the Greek community.

I want to help you with all means I posses my cousin Nikoleta Antonopolou World Citizen Arts Award Winner 2014 is going to move in here soon. As well as mr. Charis Tsevis... which I am planning to be the next person to meet and inform him about this platform,we already had a little chat over facebook. he is very polite.
You might know them from their work
I don't think they need introductions.

you're definitely a talented artist, but you should find your own style and stick with it

Thank you for your criticism, I can't decide what to keep or what to throw away. I am going to keep everything until I am mature enough to make a decision that important.
Here are some own works I just can't chose between styles. I love everything on painting.
from comics

abstract impressionism



or just practicing monochromatics


digital arts

The thing is I get bored with ease. When things are repetitive. I will try to find a signature on my way, I am still quite young and I am not in a hurry. But I will get there.
Thanks for your comment.

"Art Reflects the Time Spirit"

You need to understand the spirit of our time, feel the people and express that in your own style

but don't worry about that aspect too much, it's a natural, organic process ... slowly, but surely you'll be developing it, bit by bit each time you try something new

you're definitely talented, you'll get there

this is what I used to do;

haha thanks for that. I am following you.

PS: you're supposed to upvote my comment ;-)

You are very eclectic and this is really a great thing: I think a real artist has many different inspirations and his creativity is able to unfold in many different directions, using different media and techniques.

Personally, I experienced music (playing different kinds of music and different instruments, also singing), photography and abstract artworks, writing, developing software and I don't see any problem about that.

What I mean is that being a complete artist (and human being) means trying to confront with different ideas and ways to communicate and create, even if everyone of us still remains unique and has his own special abilities and limitations.

Following :)

austerity is biting hard for many of us here in the UK I can't imagine how tough it is in greece at the moment, I hope you are soon doing what you so clearly love full time.

I have saved the arranged amount of SD's for that order I have made of you on our chat. whenever you are ready I would love to check it out on one of your future posts.

My friend birthday is in 3-4 months so take your time. Also keep doing those sketches, I love them.

fantastic, I have picked out a lovely soft yarn that is tough enough to be easily washed for it, and will be placing the yarn order over the weekend. With your friend being here I wont post updates as I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for her.
I'm having a pretty hectic day so please send me a message in chat this evening reminding me to send you pictures of the design for approval.

Now I know you from another one side! :)

Last photo, I don't know why but ressemble me the Che Guevara

hey there!! thanks for all the support

A fool despises good counsel, but a wise man takes it to heart.

good to know you even better

I hope you won't be let down... We have a lot of work to do.

thank you for your support my friend.

What makes you laugh the most?

Great work! You invested a lot of time and effort to create for Steemit! Got my vote!

thank you my friend. it is good to get some recognition also its hard. I am happy you can appreciate that.

:) Pleased to have you around.

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