Steemit pass.

in #press8 years ago (edited)

Reporters pass

concept art

Here is the end result as an art concept
template here


This is the file you need to edit your pass
template here


Use a qr generator and paste yours on a layer over the background
Just copy and paste your steemit address as shown on the picture below:
(mine is and below is an example

then press download.

import a photo of yourself on the appropriate field and write down your username on the left.

Congratulations you are now a Free lance Journalist
I hope you will find a use for it.

feel free to download the templates and use it as your own promotional tools.

Best regards
@skapaneas aka Aggelos Rossidis.

mr. @berniesanders I am honored.
you all honor me with your upvotes!

***some people have added me on facebook to make them their personal passes. I do not have the time for that.and I do apologize.If one of you is a programmer here is an idea for a steemit app.
2 entries one for the photo and one for the url which will generate the QR automatic from an open domain site.
press print get it done.
so if you speak a language or two here is some free money you can make.if it works out credit me for my artwork and send me a tip to have a croissant.


You forgot the V.I.P 😄

hehe there won't be any vip's on the future.we all are very important already.

but feel free to update it and make it the 1.1 edition.just remember to credit me if its a plain copy paste.
that would do for me.

take care.


This could be the new introduce yourself verification !

Everyday, there is new on SteemIt. I love this new one. And this will gauranteed verification for their upvotes. Nice

looks cool, i miss the steem logo on the qr code, thanks @skapaneas 8]

I might just use that once I get a few good posts behind me

I'll use it to make my introduction, thanks!

you are welcome

Way cool, love all the new product ideas people put on Steem

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