E.V.E 1089 part II

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

You can read the part I here

The offspring.

E.V.E 1089 part II

credits: Free lance artist Angel Ganev

The offspring.

My id is Eve459, please call me Eve Warmblue. Every human in the facilities is called Eve along with his distinct number, that is how the network named us. our God E.V.E our protector.
I am an ascendant of a human consultant from an era not far back in the past that humans used to rule over earth.
My father was the consultant 300 and my mother was the consultant 159. Both of them survivers of the E.V.E's rebirth. They where ''dismissed'' by E.V.E, when we reach 1089 members.
E.V.E is obsessed with that number the minute a newborn comes into light the eldest of the facility will perish.
One life for another, that is one of her rules.You can't object over them. She won't kill us for any other reason, no she won't, she has no feelings on her un-materialized body, just logic. She will save you even when you are desperate to end your own life.She will just take control of your brain and stop you. She is everywhere and she knows everything, even those things we haven't even share with anyone. She has total control over our conscious if needed. Her power over us is unlimited. We do as she commands. And we pray for a nice sleep.

I am sure that the 1089 number has to be some kind of a limitation about how many humans she can control. It has something to do with algebra numbers but I cannot figure out what yet. But I will. I will get out of here soon...oh that mechanic voice on my head. she is taking over my brain, my eyes are closing, I... need to sleep.
-Eve459 is time for you to sleep,don't think about escaping, no one ever did.sweet dreams my sweet child.wake up with a clearer mind...

Time to sleep child.

credits: Free lance artist Angel Ganev
...Mother, come back! Mother
She always run away on my dreams, I won't feel her warm breath over my ear while kissing me for the night, for just once more. Before the sunlight wakes me up.
While there is not an option of free will on our lives, we all experience lucid dreams during our sleeps. Some can control them at extreme degree, some not very well, I am trying to exercise that, I want to get better on dreams. After all there's nothing else I can really choose to do.
E.V.E is powerless on our subconscious. No one knows why. She won't ever tell the reason no matter how many times you question her. But that is a relief. You can dream the life you want almost every time, But I can't keep my mother next to me for more than what it seems to be 3 seconds on my dreams. I'll get better . I will create the world I want to live on my dreams, This will be my only goal for the life I live.

Rise and shine Mrs.Warmblue

credits: Free lance artist Angel Ganev
The same dream again, same result I am on a never ending loop. I achieve to bring her close to me for a while then see vanishes. Before we say a word. Oh god do I miss her.
The artificial sun on our facilities is on. It's warmth and vibrancy are forcing us to wake up. I will head to do some "reading" over the entertaining quarters. I need to work out a bit if I ever get the chance to run. I'll have to be ready.
Like running is an option, who made it out for me to think that something like this can work. I can't strike this through, no one made it cause no one tried. We will see. right now I want to learn more about that number and what it represents for her. If my assumption is right, It might be the solution, the key to our independence. I have to know. I have to learn more about it. I have to learn more about our history.
I have to make it out of here...

End of part II

credits: Free lance artist Angel Ganev

I hope you enjoy it.
I will update whenever I got some idea of where this must go next.

Kudos to Angel Ganev for being such a talented artist.


The artwork that went with this is stunning!!

Angel Ganev is a favorite artist of mine. I wanted to promote his work for all the inspiration I got of his pictures.
I hope I get to see him here with us soon.

Me too!! I would love to see some of his process photos

professionals rarely publish process for their art. for good reasons.
it is unfortunate but I do get their fear to be mass copied.

Thanks actually not true, if you follow professional artists online, via any social media site, you will see that most of them have started to share their WIPs, color mixing videos, process videos etc. its a huge thing in the art community right now to invite people in and have them follow the process with you. Maybe in the past it wasn't a common thing to do, but nowadays most professional artists do.

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